1996 Oct 21 247
Philips Components Product specification
Metallized PPS film capacitors MKPS 390/391/392/393/394
Table 1 URdc = 25 V; URac = 16 V blister tape on reel
Table 2 URdc = 160 V; URac = 100 V blister tape on reel
1. The standard range of PPS capacitors is shown. Other combinations of capacitance, size and voltage rating are
available on request.
2. E24 series available on request.
3. The shading indicates preferred types.
digits 8 to 12 of
catalogue number(3) digits 5 to 7 of catalogue number
390 391 392 393 394
C-tol = ±10% C-tol = ±5% hmax at case size
1206 1210 1812 2220 2824
0.001 28102 29102 1.4 1.7 2.0 −−
0.0015 28152 29152 1.4 1.7 2.0 −−
0.0022 28222 29222 1.4 1.7 2.0 −−
0.0033 28332 29332 1.4 1.7 2.0 −−
0.0047 28472 29472 1.4 1.7 2.0 −−
0.0068 28682 29682 1.4 1.7 2.0 −−
0.01 28103 29103 −1.7 2.0 −−
0.015 28153 29153 −1.9 2.0 −−
0.022 28223 29223 −−2.0 −−
0.033 28333 29333 −−2.1 −−
0.047 28473 29473 −−2.5 2.1 −
0.068 28683 29683 −−−2.1 −
0.1 28104 29104 −−−2.4 −
0.15 28154 29154 −−−3.2 −
0.22 28224 29224 −−−4.0 3.0
0.33 28334 29334 −−−−4.0
0.47 28474 29474 −−−−4.8
digits 8 to 12 of
catalogue number(3) digits 5 to 7 of catalogue number
390 391 392 393 394
C-tol = ±10% C-tol = ±5% hmax at case size
1206 1210 1812 2220 2824
0.00022 48221 49221 1.4 −−−−
0.00033 48331 49331 1.4 −−−−
0.00047 48471 49471 1.4 1.7 −−−
0.00068 48681 49681 −1.7 −−−
0.001 48102 49102 −1.8 −−−
0.0015 48152 49152 −2.0 2.0 −−
0.0022 48222 49222 −−2.0 −−
0.0033 48332 49332 −−2.2 −−
0.0047 48472 49472 −−2.5 2.1 −
0.0068 48682 49682 −−−2.2 −
0.01 48103 49103 −−−2.6 −
0.015 48153 49153 −−−3.3 −
0.022 48223 49223 −−−4.0 3.0
0.033 48333 49333 −−−−4.0
0.047 48473 49473 −−−−4.8