Broadcom’s InsideLine home networking platform is connecting
a billion new de vices and PCs to the Internet by deli v ering silicon
solutions bringing 10 Mbps and faster high-speed networking to
PCs and Internet connected devices using existing phoneline in
the home and small business. Every home and small business is
now pre-wired for high-speed home netw orking using the current
installed base of home or small business phoneline. The
InsideLine system architecture allows networking functions to
coexist on the same wire pair as voice telephone services.
The first product based on InsideLine core technology is the
iLine10 chipset family. The iLine10 chipset moves 10 Mbps
Ethernet over the challenging networking wiring environments
created by existing phonelines found in homes and small
business. The iLine10 de vices are easily designed into PCs (PCI,
USB and cardbus), Modems (Cable, DSL and V.90), set-top
boxes, residential gateways and consumer electronic equipment
for enabling connections to the Internet or any other home
networked device.
The iLine10 device set is a highly integrated chipset for 10 Mbps
home networking over a single wire pair. The iLine10 chipset
features a highly adaptive and integrated MAC/PHY
communications engine to overcome challenging impairments
created by the random topologies and varying noise conditions
found in the home phoneline network environment. The iLine10
product is a two device set: the BCM4210 (10 Mbps InsideLine
Controller) and the BCM4100 (Integrated Analog Front End).
The BCM4210 Controller provides host bus interface functions
along with a complete 10 Mbps InsideLine MAC and iLine10
Digital PHY. Full PC compatibility is assured via PC99
compliance. Sev eral host interface b us options are a v ailable such
as PCI 2.2 and a general purpose controller bus interface for
embedded applications.
The BCM4100 Integrated Analog Front End (IAFE) device
provides the physical layer and transceiver functions required for
a 10 Mbps home network node. The BCM4100 design has been
optimized for lowest total systems cost that requires very few
other external components. The BCM4100 offers a direct digital
interface by sending a digital sampled data stream to and from
the BCM4210.
Together, the BCM4210 and BCM4100 deliver a complete host
bus to phone wire solution for networking everything electronic
in the home, from PCs to digital appliances. Quality of Service
(QoS) facilities provided by the BCM4210 controller enable real
time digital voice, video and audio services in addition to classic
data networking functions.
For more information please contact us at:
Phone: 949-450-8700, FAX: 949-450-8710
Visit our web site at:
4210-PB01-R 11.2.99
Broadcom® and the pulse logo are trademarks of Broadcom Corporation
and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and certain other countries.
InsideLine and iLine10 are trademarks of Broadcom Corporation.
16215 Alton Par kway, P.O. Box 57013
Ir vine, Califor nia 92619-7013