If X-Position, Y-Position, and Pressure-Touch are
measured in the single-ended mode, an external reference
voltage is needed. The TSC2046 must also be powered
from the external reference. Caution should be observed
when using the single-ended mode such that the input
voltage to the ADC does not exceed the internal reference
voltage, especially if the supply voltage is greater than
NOTE: The differential mode can only be used for
X-Position, Y-Position, and Pressure-Touch
measurements. All other measurements require the
single-ended mode.
PD0 and PD1—Table 5 describes the power-down and
the internal reference voltage configurations. The internal
reference voltage can b e turned on or of f independently of
the ADC. This can allow extra time for the internal
reference voltage to settle to the final value prior to making
a conversion. Make sure to also allow this extra wake-up
time if the internal reference is powered down. The ADC
requires no wake-up time and can be instantaneously
used. Also note that the status of the internal reference
power-down is latched into the part (internally) with BUSY
going high. In order to turn the reference off, an additional
write to the TSC2046 is required after the channel has
been converted.
0 0 Enabled Power-Down Between Conversions. When
each conversion is finished, the converter
enters a low-power mode. At the start of the
next conversion, the device instantly powers up
to full power. There is no need for additional
delays to ensure full operation, and the very first
conversion is valid. The Y− switch is on when in
0 1 Disabled Reference is off and ADC is on.
1 0 Enabled Reference is on and ADC is off.
1 1 Disabled Device is always powered. Reference is on and
ADC is on.
Table 5. Power-Down and Internal Reference
The pen-interrupt output function is shown in Figure 10.
While in power-down mode with PD0 = 0, the Y-driver is on
and connects the Y-plane of the touch screen to GND. The
PENIRQ output is connected to the X+ input through two
transmission gates. When the screen is touched, the X+
input is pulled to ground through the touch screen.
In most of the TSC2046 models, the internal pullup resistor
value is nominally 50kΩ, but this may vary between 36kΩ
and 67kΩ given pr ocess and t emperature v ariations. In o r der
to assure a logic low of 0.35 S (+VCC) is presented to the
PENIRQ circuitry, the total resi stance betw een the X+ and
Y− terminals must be less than 21kΩ.
Y+ or X+ drivers on,
measurements activated.
High except
when TEMP0,
TEMP1 activated.
+VCC Level
Figure 10. PENIRQ Functional Block Diagram
The −90 version of the TSC2046 uses a nominal 90kΩ
pullup resistor, which allows the total resistance between
the X+ and Y− terminals to be as high as 30kΩ. Note that
the higher pullup resistance will cause a slower response
time of the PENIRQ to a screen touch, so user software
should take this into account.
The P ENI RQ o utput g oes l ow d ue t o t he c urrent p ath through
the touch s creen to g round, which initiates an interrupt to the
processor. During the measurement cycle for X-, Y-, and
Z-Posi tion, the X+ input is disconnec ted from the PEN IRQ
internal pull-up resistor . T his is d one t o e liminate a ny leakage
current from the internal pull-up resistor through the touch
screen, thus causing no errors.
Furthermore, t he PENIRQ output is disabled and low during
the measurement cycle for X-, Y-, and Z-Position. The
PENIRQ output is disabled and high during the
measurement cycle for battery monitor, auxiliary input, and
chip temperature. If the last control byte written to the
TSC2046 c ontains PD0 = 1 , t he pen-interrupt output function
is disabled and is not able to detect when the screen is
touched. In order to re-enable the pen-interrupt output
function under these circumstances, a control byte needs to
be written to the TS C 2046 with PD0 = 0. If the last control
byte written to the TSC2046 contains PD0 = 0, the
pen-interrupt output function is enabled at the end of the
conversion. The end of the conversion occurs on the fallin g
edge o f DCLK after bit 1 o f the c onverted data i s clocked out
of the TSC2046.
It is recommended that the processor mask the interrupt
PENIRQ is ass ociated with whenev er the processor sends
a control byte t o the TSC2046. This prevents false t r iggering
of interrupts when the PENIRQ output is disabled in the
cases discussed in this section.