4.4.3 Group C inspection, Group C inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the tests and conditions
specified for subgroup testing in table VII of MIL-PRF-19500, and in (JANS) and (JAN, JANTX, and
JANTXV) herein for group C testing. Electrical measurements (end-points) and delta requirements shall be in
accordance with group A, subgroup 2 and table II herein. Group C inspection, table VII (JANS) of MIL-PRF-19500.
Subgroup Method Conditions
C2 2036 Test condition E., not applicable to UB.
C6 1026 VCB = 10 V dc, 1,000 hours; maximum rated power shall be applied and ambient
temperature adjusted to achieve TJ = +150°C minimum. N = 45 devices, c = 0.
For small lots, n = 12 devices, c = 0. Group C inspection, table VII (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MIL-PRF-19500.
Subgroup Method Condition
C2 2036 Test condition E; not applicable for UB devices.
C6 Not applicable. Group C sample selection. Samples for subgroups in group C shall be chosen at random from any
inspection lot containing the intended package type and lead finish procured to the same specification which is
submitted to and passes group A tests for conformance inspection. When the final lead finish is solder or any
plating prone to oxidation at high temperature, the samples for C6 life test may be pulled prior to the application of
final lead finish. Testing of a subgroup using a single device type enclosed in the intended package type shall be
considered as complying with the requirements for that subgroup.
* 4.4.4 Group E inspection. Group E inspection shall be performed for qualification or re-qualification only. In case
qualification was awarded to a prior revision of the associated specification that did not request the performance of
table III herein must be performed to maintain qualification.
4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows.
4.5.1 Input capacitance. This test shall be conducted in accordance with method 3240 of MIL-STD-750 except
that the output capacitor shall be omitted.
4.5.2 Disposition of case lead during electrical measurements. Unless otherwise specified all electrical
measurements and operating life test shall be performed with the case lead connected to the emitter.
4.5.3 Noise figure. The noise figure shall be measured using commercially available test equipment and its
associated standard test procedures (see figure 4).
4.5.4 Collector-base time constant. This parameter may be determined by applying an rf signal voltage of 1.0 volt
(rms) across the collector-base terminals, and measuring the ac voltage drop (Veb) with a high-impedance rf
voltmeter across the emitter-base terminals. With f = 79.8 MHz used for the 1.0 volt signal, the following
computation applies:
rb' Cc: (psec) = 2 x Veb (millivolts)