Choke* Nominal current Inductance Resistance Choke Input/Output Weight
@ 40°C L R configuration connections Type 1 Type 2
[A] [mH/path] [mΩ/path] [Qty] [g] [g]
Choke selection table
RN x02-0.3-02 0.3 12 1275 2 -02 2 3
RN x02-0.6-02 0.6 4.4 385 2 -02 2 3
RN x02-1-02 1 3 205 2 -02 2 3
RN x02-1.5-02 1.5 1.6 100 2 -02 2 3
RN x02-2-02 2 1.1 70 2 -02 2 3
RN x12-0.4-02 0.4 39 1460 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-0.5-02 0.5 27 1250 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-0.6-02 0.6 15 465 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-0.8-02 0.8 10 370 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-1.2-02 1.2 6.8 245 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-1.5-02 1.5 3.3 135 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-2-02 2 1.8 75 2 -02 5 6
RN x12-4-02 4 0.7 27 2 -02 5 6
RN x14-0.3-02 0.3 47 1750 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-0.5-02 0.5 39 810 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-0.8-02 0.8 27 500 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-1-02 1 15 375 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-1.2-02 1.2 10 200 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-1.5-02 1.5 6.8 130 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-2-02 2 4.2 102 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-2.5-02 2.5 3.3 72 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-3-02 3 2 55 2 -02 9 12
RN x14-4-02 4 1.5 35 2 -02 9 12
RN x22-0.6-02 0.6 47 1180 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-0.8-02 0.8 39 1000 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-1-02 1 18 610 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-1.5-02 1.5 10 220 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-2-02 2 6.8 147 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-2.5-02 2.5 5.6 105 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-3-02 3 4.5 80 2 -02 17 21
RN x22-4-02 4 3.3 45 2 -02 17 21
RN x42-0.5-02 0.5 82 2700 2 -02 32 32
RN x42-1-02 1 33 810 2 -02 32 32
RN x42-1.4-02 1.4 27 500 2 -02 32 32
RN x42-2-02 2 6.8 190 2 -02 32 32
RN x42-4-02 4 3.3 66 2 -02 32 32
RN x42-6-02 6 1.8 20 2 -02 32 32
RN 143-0.5-02 0.5 100 2900 2 -02 33
RN 143-1-02 1 47 880 2 -02 33
RN 143-2-02 2 10 230 2 -02 33
RN 143-4-02 4 3.9 58 2 -02 33
RN 143-6-02 6 1.8 20 2 -02 33
RN 152-1-02 1 68 1300 2 -02 54
RN 152-2-02 2 18 350 2 -02 54
RN 152-4-02 4 6.8 87 2 -02 54
RN 152-6-02 6 3.9 41 2 -02 54
RN 152-8-02 8 2.7 22 2 -02 54
RN 152-10-02 10 1.8 14 2 -02 54
* Replace the x by the desired housing style type 1 or 2.
1: Choke horizontal
2: Choke vertical
Test conditions:
Measuring frequency: 10kHz; 5mA < 16µH; 500µA > 16µH < 160µH; 50µA > 160µH < 16mH; 50mV > 16mH < 160mH
Inductance tolerance: +50%, -30%
Resistance tolerance: max. ±15% @ 25°C; ≤ 20mΩ, 1A; > 20mΩ ≤ 200mΩ, 100mA; > 200mΩ ≤ 2Ω, 10mA
Electrical characteristics @ 25°C: ±2°C
> Components > RN series