Features * ATR2732N1 is a Special Version of ATR2732 Recommended for Automotive * * * * * * * * * * * * Applications Highly Integrated DAB Front-end Solution Covering Band III and L-band Reception Convenient Internal Clock Generation, Single Reference Clock Fractional PLL for VHF Fully Integrated VCOs High-precision Digitally Tunable Reference Oscillator Integrated High-performance LNAs Very Flexible Programming of the AGC Automatically Aligned External Filter Tuning Simple Three-wire Digital Control Interface for Easy Handling Single Low Voltage (3.3V) Supply Operation Low Current Consumption Due to Several Power-down Options Small SMD Package (QFN 9 mm x 9 mm) Applications * Commercial DAB Receivers * DAB Receiver Solutions for Car Radio Applications * Portable DAB Solutions Integrated DAB One-chip Front End ATR2732N1 Summary 1. Description The ATR2732N1 is a front-end monolithic integrated circuit, manufactured using Atmel(R)'s silicon-germanium BiCMOS process (SiGMOS). The ATR2732N1 carries out all functions of RF and IF processing, as well as the clock-signal generation for these functions. Therefore, there is an integrated fractional PLL, which, equivalent to most of the other functions, can be controlled via an external digital bus. The RF functions include LNA, down-conversion mixing, amplifying, detection, and gain control. An external SAW filter is required in the signal path after the RF functions. Additional amplifiers with detection and control functions are integrated IF functions. The device offers several tuning support functions, and was created to simplify the design and manufacturing process. To this end, the number of external components are minimal. The part fits perfectly to Atmel's DAB baseband processor ATR2740. NOTE: This is a summary document. The complete document is available under NDA. For more information, please contact your local Atmel sales office. 9130AS-DAB-04/08 Figure 1-1. Block Diagram Gain cntl A D RSSI PWR cntl Vtune gen. Control unit VCO L-band PLL VCO VHF frac. PLL SPI interface 2. Pin Configuration Pinning QFN64 MILINMILIN+ GDMIXL PDFOUTL VDD XTALB XTALA VDI XOUT MISO SCK NSS MOSI SWITCHEN WAGC VA2 Figure 2-1. 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 1 47 2 46 3 45 4 44 5 43 6 42 7 41 8 QFN64 40 9 39 10 38 11 37 12 36 13 35 14 34 15 33 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 IFAGCINIF2OIF2O+ IFAGCIN+ AGCIF IF2INIF2IN+ PDFOUTV TNKREFO TNKREFI VTNKREF VFIL1 VFIL2 VFIL3 GDVCOV TUNVV LNAVO+ LNAVOVABIAS CVREF IF1O+ IF1OVA1 RREFE AGCSAW IF1IN+ IF1INMIXVIN+ MIXVINMIXVO+ MIXVOVAVCOV VAMIXL VAVCOL TUNVL GDVCOL LNAVIN+ LNAVL+ LNAVLLNAVINVALNA LNALO+ LNALOAGCRF GNDLNA LNALIN+ LNALINIPINDIO 2 ATR2732N1 9130AS-DAB-04/08 ATR2732N1 Table 2-1. Pin Description Pin Symbol Function 1 VAMIXL Supply voltage (mixer for L-band) 2 VAVCOL Supply voltage (VCO for L-band) 3 TUNVL 4 GDVCOL Ground (L-band VCO) 5 LNAVIN+ Input for VHF LNVGA (differential with pin 8) 6 LNAVL+ Connection for degeneration coil (inductance) to GNDLNA for VHF LNVGA 7 LNAVL- Connection for degeneration coil (inductance) to GNDLNA for VHF LNVGA 8 LNAVIN- Input for VHF LNVGA (differential with pin 5) 9 VALNA 10 LNALO+ (Differential) output for L-band LNVGA 11 LNALO- (Differential) output for L-band LNVGA Tuning voltage for integrated L-band VCO (connected to PLL loop filter) Supply voltage for LNVGAs 12 AGCRF 13 GNDLNA Ground for LNVGAs Connection for time-constant capacitor of RF AGC (LNVGAs, external PIN diode) 14 LNALIN+ (Differential) input for L-band LNVGA 15 LNALIN- (Differential) input for L-band LNVGA 16 IPINDIO Current output to external PIN diode for additional attenuation of incoming signal (optional) 17 LNAVO+ (Differential) output of VHF LNVGA and/or mixer for L-band 18 LNAVO- (Differential) output of VHF LNVGA and/or mixer for L-band 19 VABIAS Supply voltage for (internal) voltage and current bias reference circuits 20 CVREF Connection for capacitor for filtering internal voltage/current reference circuits (capacitor to VABIAS) 21 IF1O+ (Differential) Output of IFVGA1 22 IF1O- (Differential) Output of IFVGA1 23 VA1 24 RREFE 25 AGCSAW 26 IF1IN+ (Differential) Input of 1st IFVGA 27 IF1IN- (Differential) Input of 1st IFVGA 28 MIXVIN+ (Differential) Input of VHF mixer 29 MIXVIN- (Differential) Input of VHF mixer 30 MIXVO+ (Differential) Output of VHF mixer 31 MIXVO- (Differential) Output of VHF mixer 32 VAVCOV Supply voltage (VHF VCO) 33 TUNVV Tuning voltage for integrated VHF VCO (connected to PLL loop filter) 34 GDVCOV 35 VFIL3 Voltage outputs for frequency tuning of VHF filters: antenna filter, preselection filter 36 VFIL2 Voltage outputs for frequency tuning of VHF filters: antenna filter, preselection filter 37 VFIL1 Voltage outputs for frequency tuning of VHF filters: antenna filter, preselection filter 38 VTNKREF Output voltage for tuning the reference tank (-varactor) 39 TNKREFI Reference-tank connection for to generate the tuning voltages for the external VHF filters (varactors) 40 TNKREFO Reference-tank connection for to generate the tuning voltages for the external VHF filters (varactors) 41 PFDOUTV Output-of-phase comparator for VHF VCO (connected to PLL loop filter) Supply voltage Connection for current reference resistor (resistor to ground) Connection for AGC time-constant capacitor of the VHF mixer Ground (VHF VCO) 3 9130AS-DAB-04/08 Table 2-1. 4 Pin Description (Continued) Pin Symbol Function 42 IF2IN+ (Differential) Input of 2nd IFVGA 43 IF2IN- (Differential) Input of 2nd IFVGA 44 AGCIF Connection for time-constant capacitor of IFVGAs' AGC 45 IFAGCIN+ 46 IF2O+ (Differential) Output of 2nd IFVGA (Differential) Output of 2nd IFVGA Input of IFAGC detector (differential with pin 48) 47 IF2O- 48 IFAGCIN- 49 VA2 50 WAGC Window AGC input: All AGCs frozen and currents to capacitors switched off (necessary during Null Symbol or when unused symbols are left out and the part is powered down using the SWITCHEN input) 51 SWITCHEN Input for selection between the two enable registers, allowing a fast change between reduced, low-current, and normal-reception mode, and offering current-saving capability 52 MOSI Input of SPI bus (data, refer to SPI bus protocol) 53 NSS Input of SPI bus (chip select, refer to SPI bus protocol) 54 SCK Input of SPI bus (clock, refer to SPI bus protocol) 55 MISO Output of SPI bus (data, refer to SPI bus protocol) 56 XOUT Crystal oscillator clock output to baseband If used: AC-couple to baseband (single VCXO concept) If not used: short-circuit to GND 57 VDI 58 XTALA Connection for reference clock crystal 59 XTALB Connection for reference clock crystal Input of IFAGC detector (differential with pin 45) Supply voltage Supply voltage from baseband (1.65V to 3.6V) to adaptation interface to baseband 60 VDD 61 PFDOUTL Supply for digital circuits 62 GDMIXL Ground (L-band mixer) 63 MILIN+ (Differential) Input of L-band mixer 64 MILIN- (Differential) Input of L-band mixer Paddle GND Output of phase comparator for VCO for L-band (connected to PLL loop filter) Ground ATR2732N1 9130AS-DAB-04/08 ATR2732N1 3. Functional Description The ATR2732N1 front-end IC was developed as a tuner IC for DAB reception. It was designed for operation in L-band (1452 MHz to 1492 MHz) and VHF BIII (167 MHz to 240 MHz). The front end contains gain-controlled LNAs, an L-band mixer with a corresponding PLL, and a VHF-band mixer with a fractional PLL. The IF path contains three gain-controlled amplifiers. The front-end IC allows the use of automatic tuning, which contains an adjustable input filter for VHF BIII and an adjustable preselection filter for L-band and VHF reception. The high dynamic range of the RF inputs, the use of gain-controlled amplifiers and gain-controlled mixers in the RF and IF path, and an integrated driver for an external PIN diode attenuator (VHF band) offer the possibility of handling even strong RF input signals. The RF and IF parts include AGC functional blocks, which are needed for proper operation. The thresholds are programmable via a simple serial bus. The SPI bus is used to adjust and control all functional blocks. The following sections briefly describe the major functions and features. 3.1 Main Functions The following description gives a short overview of the general signal flow using the ATR2732N1 front-end IC for reception of DAB signals. Numbers in the text refer to the numbers in Figure 3-1 on page 6. A DAB signal in the L-band frequency range (1452 MHz to 1492 MHz) is received by the L-band antenna; a separate LNA with a separate input is available for the VHF Band III signals. In both cases, the signal is band-pass filtered using a filter with low insertion loss. The internal variable gain LNA (for L-band (1), for Band III (3)) amplifies the signal. For the L-band reception, a second band-pass filter is placed between the LNA output and mixer input at (2). This mixer converts the L-band signal to the VHF BIII frequency range (167 MHz to 240 MHz). The signal leaves the IC at point (4), followed by an external preselection filter. This filter has an automatic tuner adjustment; that is, the tuning-voltage-generation block adjusts the pass band of this filter to the desired frequency. After passing this filter, the RF signal is down-mixed to a fixed IF frequency of 38.912 MHz. The IF signal is amplified and passed to a SAW filter (5). The first IF variable-gain amplifier is followed by an IF filter at position (6). This filter is used as an anti-alias-filter. Finally, the DAB signal is amplified using the 2nd IF amplifier. The signal leaves the front-end IC at (7), giving the signal to the DAB baseband IC. 5 9130AS-DAB-04/08 Figure 3-1. Functional Block Diagram with Labelled Inputs and Outputs 4) 5) 6) 3) 7) Gain cntl 1) 2) A D RSSI PWR cntl Vtune gen. Control unit 3.2 VCO L-band PLL VCO VHF frac. PLL SPI interface AGC in General There are three AGCs in the ATR2732N1, one for the RF signals (around the LNAs) (1) and (3), one for the very beginning of the IF path (mainly VHF mixer), and one for the IF amplifiers (5) down to the output to baseband (7). In these AGCs, the output signals of the relevant blocks are amplified, weakly band-pass filtered, rectified, and, finally, low-pass filtered. The voltage derived in this power-measurement process is compared to a voltage threshold which can be digitally controlled by several bits, independently of each other. The setting is done via the control bus. Depending on the result of this comparison, charge pumps feed a positive or negative current in order to charge or discharge external capacitors. The voltage of these external capacitors is used to control the gains of practically all blocks in the signal path. By means of the control bus, the current of the AGC charge pump can be selected as specified in the following table: Table 3-1. Selection of Time Constant Factor MSB LSB Time Constant Factor 0 0 0 Infinite 0 0 1 32 0 1 0 16 0 1 1 8 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.2 The input pin WAGC, set to logical 1, always sets all AGCs to time constant Infinite (meaning there is practically no current to the AGC capacitors), regardless of the actual status of the bus settings. 6 ATR2732N1 9130AS-DAB-04/08 ATR2732N1 3.3 Device Support Functions The ATR2732N1 has incorporated some very useful additional functions for handling the device and optimizing the performance. First of all, a very precise clocking engine is incorporated. To optimize the performance of this front end, a tuning support for alignment of the filters is featured by this part too, similar to Atmel's other radio front ends. 3.4 Tuning Support Functions The ATR2732N1 includes three operational amplifiers, and three programmable digital-analog converters (DACs). These outputs are used for automatic filter alignment of the tunable VHF antenna filter and the preselection filter. DACs are incorporated in the ATR2732N1 for this tuning-support function. For more details about the usage of the filter-tuning function contact your local Atmel sales office and ask for the application note covering this feature. 3.5 DAC Usage There are two DAC modes: pure DAC and Loop/Offset mode. In the pure DAC mode the DAC sets a definite value. In the Loop/Offset mode the filter tuning voltage is derived from a reference tank circuit (inductor plus varicap). An offset value can be added to this voltage. This Loop/Offset mode is the most useful mode and recommended for most applications. Temperature compensation is also included in this mode. 3.6 RSSI Measurement The ATR2732N1 offers the option of getting information about the field strength. This is not an absolute real-field-strength value, but an indication of in which range the field strength is available. This information can be obtained from the 8 low bits of the status register. 3.7 Clocking Engine in General The ATR2732N1 incorporates a convenient and flexible clocking engine. This includes VCOs and PLLs for both bands, as well as a reference oscillator which can be precisely tuned using the SPI interface. Together, this results in low external component count, but offers high flexibility and convenience. 3.8 PLL Part The two PLL parts, the L-band PLL and the Band III PLL, perform phase lock of the LO signal to an on-chip crystal reference oscillator. The Band III PLL incorporates a fractional part. This technique allows operation with an increased bandwidth of the PLL, which results in improved phase noise. 7 9130AS-DAB-04/08 3.9 Fast Fractional PLL The frequency of the VHF VCO is locked to a reference frequency by an on-chip fractional-N PLL circuit which guarantees superior phase-noise performance. The reference frequencies for the two PLL blocks are generated by an on-chip oscillator. The VCOs are fully integrated, which simplifies the design of the device and reduces the bill of materials of the application. The LO signal for the first L-band mixer is derived from a PLL-controlled on-chip VCO. The down-converting to an IF frequency of 38.912 MHz for VHF or converted L-band signal is done by an additional on-chip VCO using an internal fractional-N PLL. Due to the digital tuning option of the reference frequency, the ATR2732N1 is able to support the single reference clock design if the baseband can support such a feature (as the ATR2740 does). 3.10 Reference Oscillator An on-chip crystal oscillator generates the reference signal which is fed to the reference divider. By applying a crystal to the pins XTALA and XTALB, this oscillator generates a highly stable reference signal. Furthermore, the frequency of this reference oscillator can be digitally tuned via the SPI bus bits XOTi (i = 11, ..., 0) with a 12-bit step size. 3.11 Reference Divider Starting from a minimum value, the scaling factor of the 6-bit reference divider is arbitrarily programmable by means of the SPI bus bits Ri (i = 5, ..., 0). The output of this first programmable divider typically provides a 2.048 MHz reference frequency for the L-band PLL. A second programmable divider (dividing by 8 to 128) then outputs 64 kHz, which is a useful reference frequency for the VHF PLL. Together with the fractional-N PLL, a step size of 16 kHz for the frequency setting of the VHF LO is ensured. 3.12 Main Divider The main divider consists of a fully programmable 13-bit divider which defines a division ratio N. The applied division ratio is either N or N + 1, as specified by a special control unit. On average, the scaling factors SF = N + k / 4 can be selected where k = 0, 1, 2, or 3. 3.13 Phase Comparator and Charge Pump The tri-state phase detectors cause the charge pumps to source or sink currents at the output pins PFDOUTV (for VHF) and PFDOUTL (for L-band) depending on the phase relation of its input signals, which are provided by the reference and the main dividers, respectively. 8 ATR2732N1 9130AS-DAB-04/08 ATR2732N1 3.14 SPI Bus The bus interface can be adapted to the signal voltage as a result of the supply voltage of the external baseband processing unit connected to the bus. This is done with the help of a sensing pin, VDI, which checks the supply voltage of the processor. The interface adapts itself to any voltage between 1.65V and 3.5V. 3.14.1 Programming via SPI Some things need to be taken into account when programming the ATR2732N1 via the SPI interface: the data packet needs to be properly configured to write into the 14 different registers. There are 16 registers. Fourteen of them are used to control the ATR2732N1. The two others, registers 15 and 16, are Test Mode Registers. All these registers need to be reset by writing "0" to every bit of each register one time, before starting the configuration of the ATR2732N1. There are 4 address bits (bit 12 is address bit 0; bit 15 is address bit 3) which are used to select the correct register. These are followed by 12 data bits (LSB is bit 0; MSB is bit 11). There is a definite transmit order which needs to be considered: the MSB must be transmitted first (bit 15, address bit 3), and LSB (data bit 0) last. Unused and test mode register bits may not be documented in the datasheet and have to be set to "0" in customer applications. Information about the status of the device is available by reading one word (16 bits) out of the part. Figure 3-2. Timing Diagram of the SPI Interface (16 Bits per Transfer) SCK NSS MOSI MSB LSB MISO MSB LSB A3 A2 A1 A0 D11 D10 D9 Adress D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 * D0 Data t per tsud t hda t ch t cl t cet tcet: Clock enable time tsud: Data setup time thda: Hold time of MOSI tper: Clock period tch: Clock high time Clock low time tcl: SCK NSS MOSI Note: It is absolutely necessary to set the NSS signal back to high after every SPI access. 9 9130AS-DAB-04/08 L 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Parameters Symbol Value Unit VCC 4.0 V Operating case temperature Tc -40 to +100 C Storage temperature Tstg -40 to +150 C Supply voltage Maximum RF input power VHF 25 dBm Maximum RF input power L-band 20 dBm Symbol Value Unit RthJC 15 K/W Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage VCC 3.0 to 3.5 V Ambient temperature Tamb -40 to +90 C Notes: 1. The part may not survive all maximums applied simultaneously! 5. Thermal Resistance Parameters Junction, case 6. Operating Range Parameters 10 ATR2732N1 9130AS-DAB-04/08 ATR2732N1 7. Electrical Characteristics Test conditions (if not otherwise specified): VCC = +3.3V, Tamb = +25C, 50 input match No. 1 Parameters Test Conditions Pin Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Type* Power Supply 1.1 Supply voltage of front end ATR2732N1 VCC 3.0 3.5 V A 1.2 Supply voltage of baseband processor VDi 1.65 VCC V A 1.3 Leakage current, all off I leak 25 A A 2 3 Power Control 2.1 Power on/off delay 1 s C 2.2 Power off/on delay 5 ms C 2.3 Supply current L-band off 150 mA A 2.4 Supply current L-band 185 mA A 2.5 Power-off tuning voltage generation 140 mA B 2.6 Average current consumption 80 mA B 3 SPI Bus Interface Reception only VHF Tuning generation not active 3.1 BUS voltage high VBUSH VDi - 0.36 VDi + 0.3 V A 3.2 BUS voltage low VBUSL -0.3 0.25 V A 3.3 Clock frequency 1 / tper 2 MHz A 3.4 Clock high time (SCK) 3.5 3.6 tch 0.4 x tper Clock low time (SCK) tcl 0.4 x tper Clock enable time tcet 5 3.7 Data set-up time tsud 0.4 x tper 3.8 Hold time MOSI thda 0.4 x tper 4 s Reference Crystal Oscillator 4.1 Operating frequency 16 24.576 4.2 Tuning range 120 4.3 Reference clock output Sine wave output voltage 5 MHz C 210 ppm A 0.5 Vpp A VHF Fractional PLL 5.1 LO frequency 6 L-band PLL 6.1 LO frequency 7 32 200 290 MHz A 1.26 1.27 GHz A 38.91 50 MHz D 56 100 D IF Interface 7.1 IF frequency range 7.2 Output impedance (differential) 30 46, 47 *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 11 9130AS-DAB-04/08 7. Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Test conditions (if not otherwise specified): VCC = +3.3V, Tamb = +25C, 50 input match No. Parameters Test Conditions 7.3 Driving capability/ max. load capacitance (differential) IFAGCIN+, IFAGCIN- (pins 45, 48) directly connected to IF20+, IF20- 8 VHF Band Operation 8.1 Frequency range 8.4 Sensitivity 8.5 Maximum input power level 9 Pin Symbol 46, 47 fRfin Min. Typ. 5.5 7 Unit Type* pF D MHz C -98 dBm C -5 dBm C MHz C -96 dBm C -15 dBm C 167 8 dB SNR at IF output to baseband, measured with sample application Max. 240 L-band Operation 9.1 Frequency range 9.4 Sensitivity 9.5 Maximum input power level fRfin 8 dB SNR at IF output to baseband, measured with sample application 1452 1492 *) Type means: A = 100% tested, B = 100% correlation tested, C = Characterized on samples, D = Design parameter 12 ATR2732N1 9130AS-DAB-04/08 ATR2732N1 8. Ordering Information Extended Type Number Package Remarks ATR2732N1-PBQW QFN64 9 mm x 9 mm, 0.5 mm pitch, lead-free ATR2732N1-PBPW QFN64 9 mm x 9 mm, 0.5 mm pitch, lead-free 9. Package Information Package: VQFN_ 9 x 9_64L Exposed pad 5.8 x 5.8 Dimensions in mm Bottom Not indicated tolerances 0.05 64 5.80.15 Top 49 64 1 48 1 16 33 16 Pin 1 identification Z 9 32 17 0.5 nom. 0.2 7.5 Z 10:1 0.40.1 0.90.1 technical drawings according to DIN specifications Drawing-No.: 6.543-5119.01-4 0.230.07 Issue: 1; 31.05.05 13 9130AS-DAB-04/08 Headquarters International Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Technical Support broadcast@atmel.com Sales Contact www.atmel.com/contacts Product Contact Web Site www.atmel.com Literature Requests www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL'S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel's products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. (c) 2008 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel (R), logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. 9130AS-DAB-04/08