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Surface Mount Wideband RF Transformers
Document 117-1
Document 117E-1 Revised 07/21/17
• Provides wide band pass performance in a small SMT package.
• 1812 size ferrite body with a ceramic base.
• 50 V isolation, 1/4 Watt RF input power
1:1 Transformers
Part Inductance2 Test frequency Imp. ratio DCR max IDC Isolation Insertion Bandwidth Color
number1 (µH) (MHz) pri : sec (Ohms) (mA) (Vrms) loss (dB) (MHz) dot
1812WBT-1L_ 14 10 1 : 1 4.8 200 50 <1 0.340
22 Yellow
1812WBT-2L_ 5.3 10 1 : 1 1.8 400 50 <1 0.800
60 Green
1812WBT-3L_ 1.25 50 1 : 1 0.7 500 50 <1 4
200 White
1812WBT-4L_ 0.220 50 1 : 1 0.3 700 50 <1 11
480 Orange
1812WBT-5L_ 0.090 50 1 : 1 0.15 700 50 <1.5 48
645 Red
1.5:1 Transformers
Part Inductance (µH)2 Test freq. Imp. ratio DCR max () IDC Isolation Insertion Bandwidth Color
number1 pri sec (MHz) pri : sec pri sec (mA) (Vrms) loss (dB) (MHz) dot
1812WBT1.5-1L_ 5.0 3.3 10 1.5 : 1 1.05 0.87 400 50 <0.5 1.3
100 Red
1812WBT1.5-2L_ 2.5 1.6 10 1.5 : 1 0.74 0.58 500 50 <0.5 2.75
135 Orange
1812WBT1.5-3L_ 1.0 0.60 10 1.5 : 1 0.43 0.34 500 50 <0.75 7.2
200 Yellow
1812WBT1.5-4L_ 0.144 0.090 10 1.5 : 1 0.18 0.14 700 50 <2.25 38
535 Green
2:1 Transformers
Part Inductance (µH)2 Test freq. Imp. ratio DCR max () IDC Isolation Insertion Bandwidth Color
number1 pri sec (MHz) pri : sec pri sec (mA) (Vrms) loss (dB) (MHz) dot
1812WBT2-1L_ 13.80 6.90 10 2 : 1 4.6 3.2 200 50 <1.5 0.800
23 Brown
1812WBT2-2L_ 5.850 2.925 10 2 : 1 1.25 0.95 400 50 <1.5 2.2
65 Red
1812WBT2-3L_ 2.60 1.30 10 2 : 1 0.52 0.42 600 50 <1.5 4
105 Orange
1812WBT2-4L_ 0.910 0.455 50 2 : 1 0.27 0.23 700 50 <1.5 11
200 Yellow
1. When ordering, please specify termination and packaging codes:
Termination: L = RoHS compliant gold over nickel over moly-manganese
Special order: T = RoHS tin-silver-copper (95.5/4/0.5) or S = non-RoHS tin-lead (63/37).
Packaging: C = 7″ machine-ready reel. EIA-481 embossed plastic tape (600 parts per full reel).
B = Less than full reel. In tape, but not machine ready. To have a leader and trailer added ($25 charge), use code letter C instead.
D = 13″ machine-ready reel. EIA-481 embossed plastic tape. Factory order only, not stocked (2200 parts per full reel).
2. Inductance is per winding
3. Electrical specifications at 25°C. Measurements are referenced to 50 Ohms.
Refer to Doc 362 “Soldering Surface Mount Components” before soldering.
Core material Ferrite
Terminations RoHS compliant gold over nickel over moly-manganese.
Other terminations available at additional cost.
Weight 131 – 152 mg
Ambient temperature –40°C to +85°C with Irms current
Storage temperature Component: –40°C to +85°C.
Tape and reel packaging: –40°C to +80°C
Resistance to soldering heat Max three 40 second reflows at
+260°C, parts cooled to room temperature between cycles
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 1 (unlimited floor life at <30°C /
85% relative humidity)
Failures in Time (FIT) / Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
One per billion hours / one billion hours, calculated per Telcordia SR-332
Packaging 600/7″ reel; 2200/13″ reel Plastic tape: 12 mm wide,
0.3 mm thick, 8 mm pocket spacing, 3.7 mm pocket depth
PCB washing Tested to MIL-STD-202 Method 215 plus an additional
aqueous wash. See Doc787_PCBt_Washing.pdf.