KR Model
KR Electronics
91 Avenel Street
Avenel, NJ 07001
Ph one: (732) 636-1900
Fax: (732) 636-1982
10 dB/DIV
KR Part Number 2355-120
Filter Type 120 Hz Notch Filter
Max 3 dB Bandwidth 14 Hz
Attenuation at 60 Hz > 40 dB ( 50 to 70 dB Typ)
Gain 0 dB ± 0.2 dB
Input / Output Impedance > 50 K / < 2 @ DC
Max Input Voltage ± 12 V
DC Offset < 5 mV (1 mV Typ)
Supply Voltage ± 15 V
Supply Current 9 mA max (5 mV Typ)
Operating Temperature 0° C to 50° C
Epoxy Package
All Dimens ions in inc hes
Connect GND to both
signal ground and common
of voltage supply
Power supply internally
decoupled with 0.1 uF
ceramic capacitors
DC 240 Hz