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Form 0773-180418
Four channels per module
4,000-volt transient isolation
Convenient pluggable wiring terminals
Channel-specific LEDs
UL and CE approved
Accepts 22 to 14 AWG wire
Factory Mutual approved (part numbers ending in FM)
This data sheet covers SNAP digital input modules with four
channels. For modules with 16 or 32 channels, see form 1556, the
SNAP High-Density Digital Modules Data Sheet.
Opto 22 SNAP I/O 4-channel digital input modules are part of the
SNAP PAC System. Optical isolation on these modules provides
4,000 volts of transient (4000 V for 1 ms) protection for sensitive
control electronics from industrial field signals. Digital input
modules can sense either AC or DC signals.
All SNAP 4-channel digital modules have removable top-mounted
connectors to provide easy access for field wiring, and all operate
on 5 VDC control logic. Each digital module features integral
channel-specific LEDs for convenient troubleshooting and
maintenance. Each module is factory tested twice and is UL and CE
approved. In addition, part numbers ending in FM are Factory
Mutual approved.
SNAP input modules are used to sense the on or off status for AC or
DC voltages from such sources as proximity switches, push
buttons, or auxiliary contacts. The SNAP-IDC5G is ideal for
detecting 48 VDC in telecom applications. The SNAP-IDC5-HT is
designed for sensors that have a high leakage current.
The SNAP-IDC5-SW and SNAP-IDC5-SW-NC modules supply power
to an external dry contact switch and sense switch closure
(SNAP-IDC5-SW) or opening (SNAP-IDC5-SW-NC).
SNAP-IAC5MA and SNAP-IDC5MA feature manual-on/manual-off/
automatic switches, ideal for testing control applications. The
switches override input from field devices, so you can determine
whether a problem lies in the application or in the device.
SNAP racks use a retention rail locking system. Use two 4-40 by
½-inch standard machine screws to hold each module in position
on the SNAP rack.
SNAP Digital Input Modules
Part Numbers
Part Description
SNAP-IAC5 SNAP 4-channel 90–140 VAC input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-IAC5A SNAP 4-channel 180–280 VAC input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-IAC5MA SNAP 4-channel isolated 90–140 VAC/VDC input,
5 VDC logic, with manual/auto switches
SNAP-IAC5FM SNAP 4-channel 90–140 VAC/VDC input, 5 VDC
logic, Factory Mutual approved
SNAP-IAC5AFM SNAP 4-channel 180–280 VAC input, 5 VDC logic,
Factory Mutual approved
SNAP-IDC5 SNAP 4-channel 10–32 VDC input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-IDC5D SNAP 4-channel 2.5–28 VDC input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-IDC5-FAST SNAP 4-channel high-speed 2.5–16 VDC input,
5 VDC logic
SNAP-IDC5-FAST-A SNAP 4-channel high-speed 18–32 VDC input,
5 VDC logic
SNAP-IDC5G SNAP 4-channel 35–75 VAC/DC input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-IDC5-HT SNAP 4-channel 15–32 VDC leakage-tolerant
input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-IDC5MA SNAP 4-channel isolated 10–32 VAC/VDC input,
5 VDC logic, with manual/auto switches
SNAP-IDC5-SW SNAP 4-channel switch status input, normally open
SNAP-IDC5-SW-NC SNAP 4-channel switch status input, normally
SNAP-IDC5FM SNAP 4-channel 10–32 VDC input, 5 VDC logic,
Factory Mutual approved
SNAP-IDC5DFM SNAP 4-channel 2.5–28 VDC input, 5 VDC logic
SNAP-RETN4 SNAP 4-module retention rail (OEM)
SNAP-RETN4B SNAP 4-module retention rail, 25-pack (OEM)
SNAP-RETN6 SNAP 6-module retention rail (OEM)
SNAP-RETN6B SNAP 6-module retention rail, 25-pack (OEM)
SNAP-FUSE4AB SNAP 4-amp fuse, 25-pack