269-Type 14xx nm Pump Laser Module
with Fiber Grating
Data Sheet
June 2001
Offering superior wavelength stability, the 269-type pump
laser module with fiber grating is designed as a continuous-
wave (CW) optical pump source for erbium-doped fiber ampli-
fiers and Raman pump modules.
■High-coupled rated output power up to 280 mW,
■Available with fiber grating for wavelength stability
(1420 nm—1510 nm)
■Wide environmental range
■Field-proven packaging technology
■InGaAsP/InP high-power, strained multiple quan-
tum-well (MQW) chip design
■Internal thermoelectric cooler (TEC)
■InGaAs PIN photodetector back-facet monitor
■Single-mode and polarization-maintaining fiber pig-
■Compact, 14-pin butterfly package
■Industry compatible package and pinout
■Raman pump modules (RPM)
■Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA)
The 269-type pump laser module with fiber grating
represents a family of thermoelectrically cooled,
high-power lasers. These modules utilize a fiber
Bragg grating to achieve stable wavelength perfor-
mance within the 1420 nm to 1510 nm range, over
the full operating temperature range. They are
designed as continuous-wave (CW) optical pump
sources for dense wavelength-division multiplexing
(DWDM) EDFA and Raman applications operating in
the C- and L-bands. The 269-type laser modules with
polarization-maintaining fiber are particularly suitable
for use in RPM designs requiring the high-power
combinations of multiple pumps.
The laser optical spectrum is locked by the fiber grat-
ing over a wide optical power range. The optical
spectrum is v ery narrow and the peak wavelength is
nearly insensitive to temperature v ariations and back
The laser modules incorporate a high-power, quan-
tum-well laser chip that achieves grating-stabilized
fiber powers ranging to 280 mW.
An integral thermoelectric cooler (TEC) stabilizes the
laser at room temperature and, combined with a her-
metic environment, allows the device to achieve
high-power operation ov er the e xtended temperature
range of 0 °C to 75 °C. An internal InGaAs PIN pho-
todiode, mounted behind the laser diode, functions
as the laser detector and monitors light emissions
from the rear facet of the laser.
The 269-type module is off ered in a 14-pin, hermetic
b utterfly package.