71M6xxx Data Sheet
The 71M6xxx isolated sensors provide a continuous data stream of ADC data plus an independent data
stream that contains auxiliary information as requested by the 71M654x. The ADC data is processed by
CE code in the 71M654x and stored in CE RAM. Auxiliary information is processed by the MPU of the
71M654x using I/O RAM registers.
Basic settings and functions of the 71M6xxx can be controlled by various I/O RAM registers in the
71M654x. T he comm and sent towards the 71M6xxx is placed in the RCMD[4:2] register of the 71M654x,
with further specification contained in the TMUXRn[2:0] register. Refer to the 71M654x data sheets for
Table 1 shows the allowable com binations of values in RCMD[4:2] and TMUXRn[2:0] , and the achieved
operation along with the type and format of data sent back by the 71M6xxx isolated sensors.
Table 1: Remote Interface Commands
RCMD[4:2] TMUXRn[2:0]
R6K_RD [15:0]
temperature data
TRIMT (see note), use bits [8:1]
TRIMBGC (see note), use bits [15:6]
TRIMBGA (see note), use bits [15:8]
001 11X
TRIMBGB bits [15:8], TRIMBGD bits [7:0]
(see note)
Output of the temperature sensor, bits [10:0]
Supply voltage measurement , bits [7:0]
Chip version code, use bits [15:8]
Note: TRIMBGA to TRIMBGD and TRIMT are values used for characterizing the individual 71M6xxx over temperature. Avail abi lity
of TRIMBGA to TRIMBGD and TRIMT depends on the part number (see Table 10 for details).
The rem ote interfac e comm ands listed in Tabl e 1 enabl e the 71M654x to gather the following inf orm ation
from the 71M6xxx:
• Output of the temperature sensor
• Information on how the device is characterized over temperature
• Suppl y voltage
• Chip version code
The control commands listed in Table 1 enable the 71M654x to initiate the following actions in the
• Read the 71M6xxx temperature sensor
• Read the 71M6xx x VCC sensor
• Hardware reset
W ith hard ware and temperature characterization inf ormation on eac h connected 71M6xxx isolated sensor
available to the 71M654x host MPU, temperature compensation of the energy measurement can be
implemented based on the individual temperature characteristics of the 71M6xxx isolated sensors. For
example, when the 71M6xxx are used in a polyphase meter containing three shunt resistors, the
temperature increase in each 71M6xxx can be monitored and used to compensate for the temperature
coefficient of the 71M6xxx VREF and the corresponding shunt resistor.
3.1 Product Selection
A low-no ise diff erential-inp ut pream plifier app lies gain to the si gnal from the curr ent sensor to the opt imal
input ran ge of the A DC . T he c urr ent s ens or is conn ec t ed to the in puts of th e pr e a mplif ier through INP an d
INN. The output of the preamplif ier connects directl y to the input of the ADC. See 5 O rdering Inform ation
for available part types. Shunt resistances from 736µΩ to as low as 50µΩ can be accommodated,
depending on desired current range and part type.