alalOg |sufsta Issued 4-00 AMP RF Coax Connectors Series 1.6/5.6 mS (75 ) (Cont nucd) oR Bulkhead jack with angle cable connection 138 oe Suitable for cable * Coupling @ max. cable type Part. No. max, 2,0 Montagep atte type mm Mounting parel A.B. F 38 2YCCY 1,0/6,5 1393682-8 a8 2YC(mS)CY 1,0/6,5 LA = = [| LAT oo pacing unit = 109 fo -i--.- fe +3) 91s 9 awe 1 8,2:0 eo "4 ECNoges-U A _ 212.8 be 27,2 Suitable for cable 4126 Coupling Dim.a @ max. cable type Part. No. - type mm max. 2,0 Mounting pane! A,B, F 13 3,6 O2v(SICY 045/20 _4-1393682-9 A, B, F 13 48 2YCCY 0,4/2,5 4-1393682-6 | 80 2YCiMS)NCY 0,4/2,5 r ey} 27 co A, B, F 15,8 6, 1 2yCyY 07/44 4-1393662-8 poe Sfp SSE. od g o 6,25 AG 59 . _ 6,2 2C(mS)CY 0,5/3,0 LAN | sla (mS) i packing unit = 1G0 * | I ECNO967-a I Ppctaotly 6 10.8 27.2 Suitable for cable 12,6 Coupling Dim.a & max. cable type Part. No. 2 type mm max. 2.0 Mounting panel AB.F 150 267 AG 178 3-1393680-0 A, BF 15,0 4,8 2YCCY G,4/2,5 3-1493680-2 5.0 2C(mS)CY 0.4/2.5 ! a A, 8, F 15,0 4,0 dO27t2YC(mS)C6Y 0,45/2,0 3-1393680-5 OTN ~ A, BF 15,0 3,3 OBYCC(SHGY 0,4/1 6 4-1393682-3 nN oe ABLF 16.0 3.6 O2Y(StHCY 0.45/2,0 3-1393680-7 ECND9G9-s packing unit = 100 Crimp connection 27.2 12.6 Suitable for cable Coupling max, cable type Part. No. max. Ql Mounting panal type mm : A,B, F 3.6 O2Y(SHCY 0,45/2,5 1-1393757-6 oa iat o packing unit = 100 ao) @! So a = Q ECN1614-Y $e == IDC connection 140 Addendum AMP Technical Support Center/AMP FAX Service Dimensions are in Specifications 1-800-522-6752 717-GB6-7777 millimeters over [inches] subject 1o change.