Legal Disclaimer Notice
This legal disclaimer applies to purchasers and users of Bourns® products manufactured by or on behalf of Bourns, Inc. and
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Unless otherwise expressly indicated in writing, Bourns® products and data sheets relating thereto are subject to change
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and complete before placing orders for Bourns® products.
The characteristics and parameters of a Bourns® product set forth in its data sheet are based on laboratory conditions, and
statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Bourns’ knowledge of typical
requirements in generic applications. The characteristics and parameters of a Bourns®/1.#4"3(- 42$1 //+(" 3(.-, 85 18
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of Bourns® products are responsible for ensuring compliance with safety-related requirements and standards applicable to
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the user’s sole risk.
'$42$ -#+$5$+.%3$23(-& //+(" !+$3..41-2® custom products shall be negotiated on a case-by-case basis by Bourns
and the user for which such Bourns®"423.,/1.#4"32 1$2/$"( ++8#$2(&-$#!2$-3 61(33$- &1$$,$-3!$36$$-.41-2
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also apply to such Bourns® custom products.
Users shall not sell, transfer, export or re-export any Bourns®/1.#4"32.13$"'-.+.&8%.142$(- "3(5(3($26'("'(-5.+5$3'$
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1$&4+ 3(.-2413'$1.41-2® products and Bourns technology and technical data may not under any circumstance be
exported or re-exported to countries subject to international sanctions or embargoes. Bourns® products may not, without
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bilingual versions are available at:
Web Page:
PDF: http://www.bourns.com/docs/Legal/disclaimer.pdf