260Pin DDR4 2400 Industrial ECC SO-DIMM 8GB Based on 1Gx8 Pin Identification in FBGA package and a 4K-bit serial EEPROM on a Symbol A0-A16 BA0, BA1 BG0, BG1 RAS_n CAS_n WE_n CS0_n, CS1_n CKE0, CKE1 260-pin printed circuit board. DDR4 Industrial ECC ODT0, ODT1 TS8D42AR00SNSI Description DDR4 Industrial ECC SO-DIMMs are high-speed low power memory modules that use 1Gx8bits DDR4 SDRAM SO-DIMMs are dual In-Line memory modules and are ACT_n DQ0-DQ63 CB0-CB7 intended for mounting into 260-pin edge connector sockets. The synchronous design allows precise cycle control with DM_n/DBI_n/ the use of system clock. Data I/O transactions are possible on both edges of DQS. The large range of DQS0_t-DQS8_t operation frequencies and programmable latencies allow DQS0_c-DQS8_c the same device to be useful for a variety of high bandwidth and high performance memory system CK0_t, CK1_t applications. CK0_c, CK1_c Features PARITY VDD Operating Temperature : -40C to +85C RoHS compliant JEDEC standard 1.2V 0.06V power supply VDDQ=1.2V 0.06V Clock Freq: 1200MHZ for 2400Mb/s/Pin. Programmable CAS Latency: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 Programmable Additive Latency (Posted /CAS): 0,CL-2 or CL-1 clock Programmable CAS Write Latency (CWL) = 12, 16(DDR4-2400) 8 bit pre-fetch Burst Length: 8, 4 with tCCD = 4 which does not allow seamless read or write Bi-directional Differential Data-Strobe On Die Termination with ODT pin Serial presence detect with EEPROM On DIMM Thermal Sensor Asynchronous reset VREFCA VSS VDDSPD SCL SDA SA0-SA2 ALERT_n VPP RESET_n EVENT_n VTT RFU NC 1 Function SDRAM address bus SDRAM bank select SDRAM bank group select SDRAM row address strobe SDRAM column address strobe SDRAM write enable DIMM Rank Select Lines SDRAM clock enable lines SDRAM on-die termination control lines SDRAM activate DIMM memory data bus DIMM ECC check bits Input data mask and data bus inversion SDRAM data strobes (positive line of differential pair) SDRAM data strobes (negative line of differential pair) SDRAM clocks (positive line of differential pair) SDRAM clocks (negative line of differential pair) SDRAM parity input SDRAM I/O and core power supply SDRAM command/address reference supply Power supply return (ground) Serial SPD EEPROM positive power supply 2 I C serial bus clock for EEPROM 2 I C serial bus data line for EEPROM 2 I C slave address select for EEPROM SDRAM ALERT_n SDRAM Supply Set DRAMs to a Known State SPD signals a thermal event has occurred SDRAM I/O termination supply Reserved for future use No Connection NF No function Dimensions (Unit: millimeter) Note: 1. Tolerances on all dimensions +/-0.15mm unless otherwise specified. 2 Pin Assignments Pin No Pin Name Pin No Pin Name Pin No Pin Name Pin No Pin Name Pin No Pin Name Pin No 01 VSS 89 VSS 177 DQS4_c 02 VSS 90 VSS 178 03 05 DQ5 VSS 91 93 CB1/NC VSS 179 181 DQS4_t VSS 04 06 DQ4 VSS 92 94 180 182 07 DQ1 95 DQS8_c 183 DQ38 08 DQ0 96 09 VSS 97 DQS8_t 185 VSS 10 98 11 DQS0_c 99 VSS 187 DQ34 12 100 CB6/NC 188 VSS 13 15 17 19 21 DQS0_t VSS DQ7 VSS DQ3 101 103 105 107 109 CB2/NC VSS CB3/NC VSS CKE0 189 191 193 195 197 14 16 18 20 22 102 104 106 108 110 VSS CB7/NC VSS RESET_n CKE1 190 192 194 196 198 DQ45 VSS DQ41 VSS DQS5_c 23 VSS 111 VDD 199 24 DQ12 112 VDD 200 DQS5_t 25 27 29 31 113 115 117 119 BG1 BG0 VDD A12 201 203 205 207 26 28 30 32 VSS DQ8 VSS DQS1_c 114 116 118 120 ACT_n ALERT_n VDD A11 202 204 206 208 VSS DQ47 VSS DQ43 121 A9 209 VSS 34 DQS1_t 122 A7 210 VSS 35 37 39 41 DQ13 VSS DQ9 VSS DM1_n/ DBI1_n VSS DQ15 VSS DQ10 VSS DQ44 VSS DQ40 VSS DM5_n/ DBI5_n VSS DQ46 VSS DQ42 VSS DM0_n/ DBI0_n VSS DQ6 VSS DQ2 VSS CB0/NC VSS DM8_n/ DBI_n/NC VSS 123 125 127 129 VDD A8 A6 VDD 211 213 215 217 DQ52 VSS DQ49 VSS 36 38 40 42 VSS DQ14 VSS DQ11 124 126 128 130 VDD A5 A4 VDD 212 214 216 218 43 VSS 131 A3 219 DQS6_c 44 VSS 132 A2 220 DQ53 VSS DQ48 VSS DM6_n/ DBI6_n 33 45 DQ21 133 A1 221 DQS6_t 46 DQ20 134 47 49 51 VSS DQ17 VSS 135 137 139 VDD CK0_t CK0_c 223 225 227 VSS DQ55 VSS 48 50 52 136 138 140 53 DQS2_c 141 VDD 229 DQ51 54 142 55 57 59 61 DQS2_t VSS DQ23 VSS 143 145 147 149 231 233 235 237 VSS DQ61 VSS DQ56 56 58 60 62 144 146 148 150 63 DQ19 151 PARITY BA1 VDD CS0_n WE_n/ A14 VSS DQ16 VSS DM2_n/ DBI2_n VSS DQ22 VSS DQ18 EVENT_n, NF VDD CK1_t CK1_c 239 VSS 64 VSS 152 66 DQ28 154 Pin Name DM4_n/ DBI4_n VSS DQ39 184 VSS 186 DQ35 222 VSS 224 226 228 DQ54 VSS DQ50 VDD 230 VSS A0 A10/AP VDD BA0 RAS_n/ A16 232 234 236 238 DQ60 VSS DQ57 VSS 240 DQS7_c VDD 242 DQS7_t 244 VSS 246 248 DQ63 VSS 250 DQ59 65 VSS 153 VDD 241 DM7_n/ DBI7_n 67 DQ29 155 ODT0 243 VSS 68 VSS 156 69 71 VSS DQ25 157 159 CS1_n VDD 245 247 DQ62 VSS 70 72 DQ24 VSS 158 160 73 VSS 161 ODT1 249 DQ58 74 DQS3_c 162 75 DM3_n/ DBI3_n 163 VDD 251 VSS 76 DQS3_t 164 VREFCA 252 VSS 77 VSS 165 253 SCL 78 VSS 166 SA2 254 SDA 79 81 83 85 87 DQ30 VSS DQ26 VSS CB5/NC 167 169 171 173 175 255 257 259 - VDDSPD VPP VPP - 80 82 84 86 88 DQ31 VSS DQ27 VSS CB4/NC 168 170 172 174 176 VSS DQ36 VSS DQ32 VSS 256 258 260 - SA0 VTT SA1 - C1, CS3_n, NC VSS DQ37 VSS DQ33 VSS Note: 1. NC for Non ECC SO-DIMM. 3 CAS_n/ A15 A13 VDD C0/ CS2_n/NC Block Diagram 8GB, 1Gx72 Module(1 Rank x8) This technical information is based on industry standard data and tests believed to be reliable. However, Transcend makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy and assume no liability in connection with the use of this product. Transcend reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time without prior notice. 4 16GB, 2Gx72 Module(2 Rank x8) This technical information is based on industry standard data and tests believed to be reliable. However, Transcend makes no warranties, either 5 expressed or implied, as to its accuracy and assume no liability in connection with the use of this product. Transcend reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time without prior notice. Operating Temperature Condition Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Note Operating Temperature TOPER -40 to 85 C 1,2 Note: 1) Operating Temperature is the ambient temperature. 2) At -40 - 85C, operation temperature range is the temperature which all DRAM specification will be supported. Absolute Maximum DC Ratings Parameter Symbol Value Unit Note Voltage on VDD relative to Vss VDD -0.3 ~ 1.5 V 1 Voltage on VDDQ pin relative to Vss VDDQ -0.3 ~ 1.5 V 1 Voltage on VPP pin relative to Vss VPP -0.3 ~ 3.0 V 3 Voltage on any pin relative to Vss VIN, VOUT -0.3 ~ 1.5 V 1 Storage temperature TSTG -55~+100 C 1,2 Stress greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the Note: device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Storage Temperature is the ambient temperature. VPP must be equal or greater than VDD/VDDQ at all times. AC & DC Operating Conditions Recommended DC operating conditions (SSTL -1.5) Rating Parameter Symbol Min Typ. Unit Note s V V V 1,2,3 1,2,3 3 Max Supply voltage VDD 1.14 1.2 1.26 Supply voltage for Output VDDQ 1.14 1.2 1.26 Wordline supply voltage VPP 2.375 2.5 2.75 Note: 1) Under all conditions VDDQ must be less than or equal to VDD. 2) VDDQ tracks with VDD, AC parameters are measured with VDD and VDDQ tied together. 3) DC bandwidth is limited to 20MHz Single-ended AC & DC input levels for Command and Address DDR4-1600/1866/2133/2400 Parameter Symbol Unit Note Min Max I/O Reference Voltage (CMD/ADD) VREFCA(DC) 0.49*VDD 0.51*VDD V 1,2 DC Input Logic High VIH.CA(DC) VREFCA+0.075 VDD V DC Input Logic Low VIL.CA(DC) VSS VREFCA-0.075 V AC Input Logic High VIH.CA(AC) VREF+0.1 Note 1 V AC Input Logic Low VIL.CA(AC) Note 1 VREF-0.1 V Note: 1) The AC peak noise on VREFCA may not allow VREFCA to deviate from VREFCA(DC) by more than 1% VDD (for reference : approx. 12mV) 2) For reference : approx. VDD/2 12mV 6 Differential AC and DC Input Levels DDR4-1600/1866/2133 Parameter differential input high DC differential input low DC VIHdiff(DC) VILdiff(DC) differential input high AC VIHdiff(AC) differential input low AC VILdiff(AC) Note: DDR4-2400 Symbol Unit Note Min Max Min Max +0.150 NOTE 3 2 x (VIH(AC) VREF) NOTE 3 -0.150 TBD NOTE 3 2 x (VIH(AC) VREF) NOTE 3 TBD V V 1 1 NOTE 3 V 2 2 x (VIL(AC) -VREF) V 2 NOTE 3 NOTE 3 2 x (VIL(AC) -VREF) NOTE 3 Used to define a differential signal slew-rate. For CK_t - CK_c use VIH.CA/VIL.CA(AC) of ADD/CMD and VREFCA; These values are not defined; however, the differential signals CK_t - CK_c, need to be within the respective limits (VIH.CA(DC) max, VIL.CA(DC)min) for single-ended signals as well as the limitations for overshoot and undershoot. Single-ended AC & DC output levels Parameter Symbol DDR4-1600/1866/2133/2400 Unit Note DC output high measurement level VOH(DC) 1.1 x VDDQ V DC output mid measurement level VOM(DC) 0.8 x VDDQ V DC output low measurement level VOL(DC) 0.5 x VDDQ V AC output high measurement level VOH(AC) (0.7 + 0.15) x VDDQ V 1 AC output low measurement level VOL(AC) (0.7 - 0.15) x VDDQ V 1 Note: The swing of 0.15 x VDDQ is based on approximately 50% of the static single-ended output peak-to-peak swing with a driver impedance of RZQ/7 and an effective test load of 50 to VTT = VDDQ. Differential AC & DC output levels Parameter Symbol DDR4-1600/1866/2133/2400 Unit Note AC differential output high VOHdiff(AC) +0.3 x VDDQ V 1 measurement level AC differential output low VOLdiff(AC) -0.3 x VDDQ V 1 measurement level Note: The swing of 0.3 x VDDQ is based on approximately 50% of the static differential output peak-to-peak swing with a driver impedance of RZQ/7 and an effective test load of 50 to VTT = VDDQ at each of the differential outputs. Temperature Sensor With SPD EEPROM Operating Conditions Parameter/Condition Symbol Supply voltage Input low voltage: logic 0; all inputs Input high voltage: logic 1; all inputs Output low voltage: 3mA sink current VDDSPD > 2V Input leakage current: (SCL, SDA) VIN = VDDSPD or VSSSPD Output leakage current: VOUT = VDDSPD or VSSSPD, SDA in High-Z 7 VDDSPD VIL VIH VOL ILI ILO Min Nom Max Units VDDSPD x 0.3 VDDSPD + 0.5 0.4 5 5 V V V V uA uA 2.5 -0.5 VDDSPD x 0.7 IDD/IPP Specification parameters Definition (IDD and IPP values are for full operating range of Voltage and Temperature) 8GB, 1Gx72 Module(1 Rank x8) Parameter Symbol DDR4 2400 CL17 IDD Max. IPP Max. Unit Operating One bank Active-Precharge current; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRC = IDD0 / IPP0 540 63 mA IDD1 / IPP1 684 63 mA IDD2P / IPP2P 288 54 mA IDD2Q / IPP2Q 378 54 mA /CS is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING IDD2N / IPP2N 414 54 mA Active power - down current; All banks open; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is IDD3P / IPP3P 396 54 mA IDD3N / IPP3N 648 54 mA IDD4R / IPP4R 1224 54 mA IDD4W / IPP4W 1017 54 mA tRFC(IDD) interval; CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING IDD5B / IPP5B 2205 189 mA Self refresh current; CK and /CK at 0V; CKE 0.2V; Other control and IDD6N / IPP6N 414 72 mA IDD7 / IPP7 1764 103.5 mA tRC(IDD), tRAS = tRASmin(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands;Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING Operating One bank Active-read-Precharge current; IOUT = 0mA; BL = 8, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRC = tRC (IDD), tRAS = tRASmin(IDD), tRCD = tRCD(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data pattern is same as IDD4W Precharge power-down current; All banks idle; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is LOW; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATING Precharge quiet standby current; All banks idle; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATING Precharge standby current; All banks idle; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, LOW; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATING Active standby current; All banks open; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRAS = tRASmax(IDD), tRP = tRP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING Operating burst read current; All banks open, Continuous burst reads, IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRAS = tRASmax(IDD), tRP = tRP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data pattern is same as IDD4W Operating burst write current; All banks open, Continuous burst writes; BL = 8, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRAS = tRASmax(IDD), tRP = tRP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING IDD4R Burst refresh current; tCK = tCK(IDD); Refresh command at every address bus inputs are FLOATING; Data bus inputs are FLOATING Operating bank interleave read current; All bank interleaving reads, IOUT = 0mA; BL = 8, CL = CL(IDD), AL = tRCD(IDD)-1*tCK(IDD); tCK = tCK(IDD), Trc = tRC(IDD), tRRD = tRRD(IDD), tRCD = 1*tCK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands;Address bus inputs are STABLE during DESELECTs; Data pattern is same as IDD4R; Note: Module IDD can be differently measured according to DQ loading capacitor. 8 Timing Parameters & Specifications Speed Parameter Symbol Average Clock Period tCK CK high-level width tCH CK low-level width tCL DQS_t,DQS_c to DQ skew, per group, per tDQSQ(total) access DQS_t,DQS_c to DQ Skew deterministic, per tDQSQ(dj) group, per access DDR4 2400 Unit Min 0.838 0.48 0.48 Max <0.938 0.52 0.52 ns tCK tCK - 0.16 tCK/2 - TBD tCK/2 tQH(total) 0.76 - tCK/2 tQH(dj) TBD - tCK/2 - TBD tCK/2 TBD - tCK/2 tRPRE 0.9 - tCK DQS_t, DQS_c differential READ Postamble tRPST 0.33 TBD tCK DQS_t, DQS_c differential WRITE Preamble tWPRE 0.9 - tCK DQS_t, DQS_c differential WRITE Postamble DQS_t and DQS_c low-impedance time (Referenced from RL-1) DQS_t and DQS_c high-impedance time (Referenced from RL+BL/2) DQS_t, DQS_c differential input low pulse width DQS_t, DQS_c differential input high pulse width DQS_t, DQS_c rising edge to CK_t, CK_c rising edge (1 clock preamble) DQS_t, DQS_c falling edge setup time to CK_t, CK_c rising edge DQS_t, DQS_c falling edge hold time from CK_t, CK_c rising edge Delay from start of internal write trans-action to internal read command for different bank group Delay from start of internal write trans-action to internal read command for same bank group WRITE recovery time tWPST 0.33 TBD tCK tLZ(DQS) -300 150 ps tHZ(DQS) - 150 ps tDQSL 0.46 0.54 tCK tDQSH 0.46 0.54 tCK tDQSS -0.27 0.27 tCK tDSS 0.18 - tCK tDSH 0.18 - tCK tWTR_S Max(2nCK, 2.5ns) - tWTR_L Max(4nCK,7.5ns) - tWR 15 - ns tMRD 8 - nCK DQ output hold time from DQS_t,DQS_c DQ output hold time deterministic from DQS_t, DQS_c DQS_t,DQS_c to DQ Skew total, per group, per access; DBI enabled DQ output hold time total from DQS_t, DQS_c; DBI enabled DQS_t, DQS_c differential READ Pre-amble (2 clock preamble) Mode Register Set command cycle time tDQSQ(total_ dbi _on) tQH(total_dbi _on) 9 CAS_n to CAS_n command delay for same bank group Speed Parameter CAS_n to CAS_n command delay for different bank group Auto precharge write recovery + precharge time ACTIVATE to ACTIVATE Command delay to different bank group for 2KB page size ACTIVATE to ACTIVATE Command delay to different bank group for 1KB page size ACTIVATE to ACTIVATE Command delay to different bank group for 1/ 2KB page size ACTIVATE to ACTIVATE Command delay to same bank group for 2KB page size ACTIVATE to ACTIVATE Command delay to same bank group for 1KB page size ACTIVATE to ACTIVATE Command delay to same bank group for 1/2KB page size tCCD_L 6 DDR4 2400 Unit Symbol Min Max tCCD_S 4 - tDAL nCK Programmed WR + roundup ( tRP / tCK(avg)) nCK nCK tRRD_S(2K) Max(4nCK,5.3ns) - nCK tRRD_S(1K) Max(4nCK,3.3ns) - nCK tRRD_S (1/ 2K) Max(4nCK,3.3ns) - nCK tRRD_L(2K) Max(4nCK,6.4ns) - nCK tRRD_L(1K) Max(4nCK,4.9ns) - nCK tRRD_L (1/ 2K) Max(4nCK,4.9ns) - nCK Four activate window for 2KB page size tFAW_2K Max(28nCK, 30ns) - ns Four activate window for 1KB page size tFAW_1K Max(20nCK, 21ns) - ns tFAW_1/2K Max(16nCK, 13ns) - ns Power-up and RESET calibration time tZQinit 1024 - nCK Normal operation Full calibration time tZQoper 512 - nCK tZQCS 128 - nCK tXS tRFC(min)+ 10ns - tXSDLL tDLLK(min) - tRTP Max(4nCK,7.5ns) - tCKESR tCKE(min)+1nCK - tXP Max (4nCK,6ns) - tCKE Max (3nCK,5ns) - tAONAS 1.0 9.0 ns tAOFAS 1.0 9.0 ns tADC 0.3 0.7 tCK tIS(base) 62 - ps tIS(Vref) 162 - ps Four activate window for 1/2KB page size Normal operation short calibration time Exit Self Refresh to commands not re-quiring a locked DLL Exit Self Refresh to commands requir-ing a locked DLL Internal READ Command to PRE-CHARGE Command delay Minimum CKE low width for Self re-fresh entry to exit timing Exit Power Down with DLL on to any valid command;Exit Precharge Power Down with DLL frozen to commands not requiring a locked DLL CKE minimum pulse width Asynchronous RTT turn-on delay (Power-Down with DLL frozen) Asynchronous RTT turn-off delay (Power-Down with DLL frozen) RTT dynamic change skew Command and Address setup time to CK_t, CK_c referenced to Vih(ac) / Vil(ac) levels Command and Address setup time to CK_t, 10 CK_c referenced to Vref levels Command and Address hold time to CK_t, CK_c referenced to Vih(dc) / Vil(dc) levels Command and Address hold time to CK_t, CK_c referenced to Vref levels tIH(base) 87 - ps tIH(Vref) 162 - ps 11 SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT SPECIFICATION Serial Presence Detect Byte No. 0 Function Described Number of Bytes Used / Number of Bytes in SPD Device / CRC Coverage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 17 18 19 SPD Revision Key Byte / DRAM Device Type Key Byte / Module Type SDRAM Density and Banks SDRAM Addressing SDRAM Package Type SDRAM Optional Features SDRAM Thermal and Refresh Options Other SDRAM Optional Features Secondary SDRAM Package Type Module Nominal Voltage, VDD Module Organization Module Memory Bus Width Module Thermal Sensor Reserved Timebases SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmin) SDRAM Maximum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmax) 20-23 CAS Latencies Supported 24 25 26 27 28 29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38 39 40 41 Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin) Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time (tRCDmin) Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin) Upper Nibbles for tRASmin and tRCmin Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin), Least Significant Byte Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin), Least Significant Byte Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1min) Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2min) Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC4min) Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time (tFAWmin) Minimum Activate to Activate Delay Time (tRRD_Smin), different bank group Minimum Activate to Activate Delay Time (tRRD_Lmin), same bank group Minimum CAS to CAS Delay Time (tCCD_Lmin), same bank group tWRmin Upper Nibbles 12 Standard Specification CRC:0-255Byte SPD Byte use: 512Byte SPD Byte total: 512Byte Ver 1.1 DDR4 SDRAM ECC SO-DIMM 8Gb, 16banks ROW:16, Column:10 Monolithinc Device Unlimited MAC Reserved PPR not supported Monolithic, Single die 1.2V 1Rank, 8bits ECC, 72bits Support Reserved MTB 125ps, FTB 1ps 0.833ns 1.6ns 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 13.75ns 13.75ns 13.75ns tRAS=32ns, tRC=45.75ns Vendor Part 24 11 0C 09 85 21 00 08 00 00 00 03 01 0B 80 00 00 07 0D F8, 0F, 00, 00 6E 6E 6E 11 32ns 00 45.75ns 6E 350ns 260ns 160ns F0,0A 20,08 00,05 21ns 00,A8 3.3ns 1B 4.9ns 28 5ns 28 15ns 00 42 43 44 45 46-59 60-77 78-116 15ns 2.5ns/7.5ns 2.5ns 7.5ns Reserved Reserved 78 00 14 3C 00 00 5ns 00 4.9ns 9C 3.3ns B5 45.75ns 00 13.75ns 00 122 tWRmin tWTRmin Upper Nibbles tWTR_Smin tWTR_Lmin Reserved Connector to SDRAM Bit Mapping Reserved Fine Offset for Minimum CAS to CAS Delay Time (tCCD_Lmin), same bank group Fine Offset for Minimum Activate to Activate Delay Time (tRRD_Lmin), same bank group Fine Offset for Minimum Activate to Activate Delay Time (tRRD_Smin), different bank group Fine Offset for Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin) Fine Offset for Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin) Fine Offset for Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time (tRCDmin) 13.75ns 00 123 Fine Offset for Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin) 13.75ns 00 Variable E7 0.833ns D6 Check Sum 30mm Planar Double Sides Revision 1, Raw card D Standard Reserved Check Sum Reserved Transcend Taipei Variable Variable FB, 87 0F 11 23 00 00 BE, A2 00 01,4F 54 Variable Variable 53 31 47 37 32 56 2D 49 20 20 20 20 00 Variable FF Variable 00 - 117 118 119 120 121 124 125 126-127 128 129 130 131 132-253 254-255 256-319 320-321 322 323-324 325-328 Fine Offset for SDRAM Maximum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmax) Fine Offset for SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKAVGmin) Cyclical Redundancy Code Raw Card Extension, Module Nominal Height Module Maximum Thickness Reference Raw Card Used Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM Reserved Cyclical Redundancy Code (CRC) Reserved Module Manufacturer ID Code Module Manufacturing Location Module Manufacturing Date Module Serial Number 54 48 42 20 329-348 Module Part Number 349 350-351 352 353-381 382-383 384-511 Module Revision Code DRAM Manufacturer ID Code DRAM Stepping Manufacturer Specific Data Reserved End User Programmable By Manufacturer By Manufacturer Reserved - 13 53 34 20 20 14