CG =i d Olin >, SN 2 Oo c = a 9 @) Q oO O 2) 2 N _ wa p O 2 co s M4 Fi Lu sic a6 2 =, iw 8S i ONSma << rs a a go = & a) =| = ) a LL s NS = 4 a. . |S oa) = e 6S r 8 FS ao > a o 2k ye 4 Sy a. <i 8 4 Qo Be a ZS BAS 2 wi 313 Bien mm ae 2| S85 oOo; ai5ls 'PHT''0g ABojouyoas eopsag apq9e/9 J[ng Jo JUaSUOO Ud}444 Sserdsa aly }NOYyIM Based und Guynpoegnuew ayy 39] pesn Jou Aed pay Aue jo asn aug soy tanaosyeurm Aga Aue ul pasoposip 10 quel paides paonpoidasseiyjeau eq (eus ASU) Py] on ABopourse) aopaq anyoapy ing jo Ajadord ayy sf ureiey uoOreWtoju! ay} pue pelayew sig) H04-004-07byok ve Z Checked | Checked | Approved / ifn, Hf WatGaker b Uc Ti H04-004-03a MS6M 01047 ONDMG Revised Records oc = _ Q a ou 2 o Q a eel 3 a a w a 0 _ 3D << cc wo = t c Qo Oo 3 = wo oon whe 5 Uy a os & % o Ww at) 2 = B * oO g Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. pFT 99 ABofouyos, so1Aag 914999079 [ing JO JuaSUOS WORM Ssoidxa a4] jnOUyM Sasedind Bulinjoesnuew oyj 404 pasn Jou Aved piu] Aue jo asn au} 10) Jaavos}eyas Ae Ate uj pasojsstp 10 quay'paldos paonposdassenqeu og jjeys Aeuy py on ABojauyoa! aaiaegq ol9B7g [Ing so Aedod ey] 3] Ujasey VoRetJoyLy ey} pue eayeW sity)Davice Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall ba neither raproduced, copied,tent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party ner used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of This material and tha information herein is the proparty of Fujl Elactric Fujl Electric Davica Technology Co. Ltd. 1. Package Outline Drawings Package type P610 109 +i 95 +03 13, 9204 67.4 3.2208 , 10.16802 10. 1640-2 10, 160.2 45. pgtl. ps 4-0 5.5 | 6. 0880-15 5 ppt0.15 5 ogt0. 1 F 2, 5401 _ = ai: oe 7 i WH me chy ao | [| a {| 1 8 [ ri seoo di ( (2) ap fd r 7 10 16 Saeeen He) | B . _ ~ ~ S/=| tec} |] P = . , ~ Ley || N ee = en fe) wry om, om, tem, Jo 3 fe} G) m) i) (2) 0.5 24 26 26 16-50, 64 2-62.5 6-M5 my " a LE I | or a al isle) =F | =z) feTl 2 fe] FO GMBP25RUZA120 25A 1200 JAPAN 0 Lot No, Indication of Lot No. oooog Er {dered No. in monthly Hanufaetured month (an, ~Sep, :1~9, Oct. 20, Nov. :N Bec. 70) Last digit of manufactured year $.22203 2, 5440.1 2.54201 22 2 3 #2.5 / Pn - meh Cy ees f oie eo be ee er =p] f (ha. 5) ~ | clo, 64 Tt xt || a o met tg j | { Dimensions in mm Details of control terminals 3 Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. MS6M 01047 99 DWG.NO. H04-004-03aThis matertal and the information heraln Is the proparty of Fuji Elactric Davice Technology Co.,Ltd. Thay shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fujl Etectric Daviea Technology Ga. Ltd. 2. Pin Descriptions 2.1 Main circuit Symbo! Description U Output (U). V Quiput (V). W Output (VV). N Negative input supply voltage. P Positive input supply voltage. B no contact. 2.2 Conirol circuit Neg | Symbol Description QD GNDU High side ground (U). | @) VinU Logic input for IGBT gate drive (U). @ | VeccU {High side supply voltage (U). @ | GNDV |High side ground (V)}. VinV [Logic input for |GBT gate drive (V). | | VecV {High side supply voltage (V). @ | GNDW |High side ground (W). | VinW |Logic input for IGBT gate drive (W). @ | VecW |High side supply voltage (VV). @ | GND |Low side ground. | Vcc |Low side supply voltage. VinDB |ne coniact. | VinX | Logic input for IGBT gate drive (X). VinY |Logic input for IGBT gate drive (Y). a) VinZ |Logic input for IGBT gate drive (Z). ALM |Low side alarm signal output. Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. 4. MS6M 01047 DWGNO. 29 HO4-004-03aThis material and the information herein is the property of Fuji Elaciric Davice Technology Go, Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, of disclosed in any way whatsoavar for the usa of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Device Tachnology Co. itd, 3. Block Diagram ovecU ) Py ovinU . _ Pre-Driver > Vz O AGNDU [7 | | | | U. ovecv. ) | ovinv e k | jeNDV I 4 | i 44 v ovecW 1 ovinw . ] SGNDW i | t | | Ww, ove | ovink i a ey GND [to] Viny ! 1! f- aan o__>}| 4 Vind o i c 3 to - > | o 2 Qo Pre-drivers include follawing functions RALM 1. Amplifier for driver oALM AAA, Te Over Heating 2. Short circuit protection 1.5k Protection Circuit 3. Under voltage lockout circuit 4, Over current protection 5. IGBT chip over heating protection 5" Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. MS6M 01047 DWG.NO, 99 T H04-004-03aor disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third parly nor used This material and tha information herein is the property of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lant, far the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Deviea Technology Co.,Ltd, 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Tc=25C unless otherwise specified. ltems symbol Min. Max. Units Bus Voltage BC Voc 0 900 Vv (between terminal P and N) Surge Voctsurge) 0 4000 V Short operating Vise 400 800 V |Collector-Emitter Voltage * Voces 0 1200 Vv . DC Ic - 25 A Coliector Current Ims Icp - 50 A = Duty=100% *2 -lc - 25 A ~ Collector Power Dissipation One transistor *3 Pe - 172 W Collector Current DC ic - - A 2 ims Icp - - A om | Forward Current of Diode iF - - A Collector Power Dissipation One transistor *3 Po - - W Supply Voltage of Pre-Driver *4 Vec -0,5 20 V Input Signal Voltage *5 Vin -0,5 Vec+0.5 Vv Input Signal Current lin - | 3 mA Aijarm Signal Voltage *6 VALM -0.5 Vcc Vv Alarm Signal Current *7 IALM - 20 mA Junction Temperature Ti -20 150 C Operating Case Temperature Topr -20 100 C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 125 C Isolating Voltage *B Viso - AC2500 | Vrms Screw Torque Terminal (M5) ; _ Nm Mounting (M5) Notes *1: Vces shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal P-U(V, WW) or U(V, W, B)-N. *2: Duty=125C/Rth(j-c)D/(Iex VF Max.) x 100 *3: Po=125C/Rth(j-c)Q= 172W (Inverter) *4: Vcc shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal No.3 and 1, & and 4, 9 and 7, 11 and 10. *5: Vin shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal No.2 and 71, 5 and 4, 8 and 7, 12~15 and 10. *6: VALM shall be applied to the voltage between terminal No.16 and 10. *7: [ALM shall be applied to the input current to terminal No.16. *8: Terminal to base, 50/60Hz sine wave 1min. =] 6. Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. S MS6M 01047 | 59 ao H04-004-03a5. Electrical Characteristics Tj=25C, Vec=15V unless otherwise specified. 5.1 Main circuit This material and the information herain is the property of Fuji Elactric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, capied,lent, or disclosed in any way whatsaever for the use of any third party nor usad for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Devica Technology Ga. Lid. item Symbol | Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Collector Current logs | {Vce=1200V at off signal input {Vin terminal open, : : "0 mA | |Collector-Emitter Voeteay [le#25A | Terminal - 19 | 22 V z saturation voltage Fig.4 Chip - 1.8 - V Forward voltage ofFWD | VF /-lc=25A [Terminal | - 21 | 24 Vv Fig.5 Chip . 2.0 - V Collector Current : logs |Vcoe=t200V ; ; ; mA at off signal input Vin terminal open. & /Collector-Emitter Veeisan [lc=-A Terminal - - V 5 saturation voltage Fig.4 IChip - - - V Forward voltage of FWD VF -le=-A | Terminal - - - V Fig.5 Chip - - Vv Turn-on time ton |vDC=600v, Ti=125c | 1.2 1.8 . Us Turn-off time toff |ice25A Fig.1,6 - 2.6 3.6 Hs Reverse recovery time fr WD E=800V - - 0.3 Us [F=25A - Fig.1,6 5.2 Control circuit / item Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Supply current of P-side Iecp [Switching Frequency ; ; 18 mA pre-driver (per one unit) = 0-15kKHz Supply current of N-side Iccn = |Te=-20~ 100C pre-driver Fig.7 ; ; 4 mA input signal threshold voltage _|Vinth(on)|Vin-GND on] 1.00 | 135 | 1.70 | v Vinth (off) OFF] 1.25 1.60 1.95 Vv Input Zener Voltage Vz |Rin=20k0 - 8.0 . Vv ALM-GND [Tc=-20C] 1.1 - ~ ms Alarm Signal Hold Time tALM Te=25C - 2.0 - ms Fig.2 Tomizsc] - | - | 4.0 ms Resistor for current limit RALM 1425 1500 1575 Q 3 Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. S MS6M 01047 el 59 5S H04-004-03aThis material and tha information herein ts the property of Fuji Elactric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied,lent, or disclosed in any way whatsaever for the use of any third partly nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Device Technology Ca. ,Ltd_ 5.3 Protection Circuit (Vec=15V} ltem Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max, Units Over Current Inverter loc Ti=125C 38 75 - A Protection Level Brake Fig.3 - - - A Over Current Protection Delay time tdoc |Tj=125C - 5 - HS SC Protection Delay time tse |Tj=125C Fig.8 - - 8 Hs iGBT Chips Over Heating TiOH Surface of | 150 - - C Protection Temperature Level IGBT Chips Over Heating Protection Hysteresis TjH - 20 - C Case Over Heating TcOH IVDC=OV, Ic=0A 110 - 125 c Protection Temperature Level Case Temperature | Over Heating Protection Hysteresis TcH - a - | 20 - C Under Valtage Protection Level VUV 11.0 - 12.5 Under Valtage Protection Hysteresis - VH 0.2 0.5 ~ . Thermal Characteristics (Te = 25C) Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Junction to Case Inverter IGBT Rth(j-c}Q - - 0.73 CAN Thermal Resistance FWD Rth(j-c}D - - 2.05 CAN *9 Brake | IGBT Rth(j-c}Q - - - | "COW FWD Rth(j-c}D - - - "CAN Case to Fin Thermal Resistance with Compound Rth(c-f) - 0.05 - CAN | OL *9: For idevice , Case is under the device . Noise Immunity (Vde=300V, Vec=15V, Test Circuit Fig 9.} Item Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Common made Pulse width 1us, polarity +,10 minuets 2.0 - - kV rectangular noise Judge:no over-current, no miss operating Common mode Rise time 1,2us,Fall time 5Qusinterval 205,10 times| +5.0 - - kV lightning surge Judge: no over-current, no miss operating . Recommended Operating Conditions Item Symbol Min. | TYp. Max. Units DC Bus Voltage VDC - - 800 Vv Power Supply Voltage of Pre-Driver Vec 13.5 15.0 16.5 V Screw Torque (M5) - 2.5 - 3.0 Nm . Weight ltem Symbol Min. | Typ. Max. | Units Weight Wt - 440 - g Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. 3) MS6M 01047 859 | = : T HO4~004-03aThis material and the information heraln is the preperly of Fuji Elactric Device Technology Co.,Lid. They shall be neither reproduced, capied,lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fujl Efactric Devices Technology Co.,Ltd. Vinthon) Vinthioff) off Input signal Collector current Figure1. Switching Time Waveform Difinitions. off Vin (lowside input) Lio f | | \ Vge ; of _\ (inside 1PM) [ \_gateor [| PM) fF \ Enorma {inside IPM) ! normal /ALM {alarm output) aterm FP 1 1 i] i E <i it tALM>max. (1) tALM>max, (2) tALM=2msttyp.) @) fault: Over-current, Under-voltage or Over-heat Figure2. Input/Output Timing Diagram. Necessary conditions for alarm reset (refer to @) to @ in figure2.) @) This represents the case when a failure-causing Fault lasts for a period more than tALM. The alarm resets when the input Vin is OFF and the Fault has disappeared. @ > This represents the case when the ON condition of the input Vin lasts for a period more than tALM. The alarm resets when the Vin turns OFF under no Fault conditions. @ This represents the case when the Fault disappears and the Vin turns OFF within tALM. The alarm resets after lasting for a period of the specified time tALM. off input signal {on j \ foc ---- Collector current l 1 1 l | 1 i ( t i ' t 1 fF t E Alarm output pt aol St < toe idoc Figure3. Over-current Protection Timing Diagram. Period @: When a collector current over the OC level flows and the OFF command is input within a period less than the trip delay time tdoc, the current is hard-interrupted and no alarm is output. Period @): When a collector current over the OC level flows for a period more than the trip delay time tdac, the current is soft-interrupted., If this is detected at the lower arm IGBTs, an alarm is output, Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. MS6M 01047 99 DWG.NO. HO4-004-03aThis material and tha information herein is the property of Fujt Electric Davice Technology Co.,Ltd. They shail be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co, Ltd, Close Open Figured. Vce(sat) Test Circuit (Terminal) Figure5. VF Test Circuit (Terminal) ice Figure6. Switching Characteristics Test Circuit Figure?. icc Test Circuit tsc Figure8. Difinition of tsc VecUf JP rc, e , 15V 1 10 20k Wo je 7 = ms Vin, LY Sw GNDU a 3 V Vee] IPM oO un A 10k 5 | + Vinx WW = aa = 0 4700p Noi ALM ose SWe2 ALM simulator s GNDU} N Earth rn Cooling Fin Figure9. Noise Test Circuit Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. DWG.NO. 10. MS6M 01047 059 H04-004-03a10. Truth table 10.1 IGBT Control The following table shows the IGBT ON/OFF status with respect to the input signal The IGBT turn-on when Vin is at Low level under no alarm condition. This material and tha information herein is the proparty of Fuji Elactric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall ba neither reproduced, copied,Jent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purpeses without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Device Tachnology Ca, Ltd. 10.2 (1) (2) AFHESViniIIet TS SIGBTOON/ OFFIRBES FRICHLET,. PSLARC, Vinat "L" UAIL GE IGBTIEONLET, Input signal Alarm output Output (IGBT) Low High | On Low Low Off High - Off Fault Detection When a fault is detected at the high side, only the detected arm stops its output. At that time the IPM dosen't any alarm. L7-SCBRRERHLE COPS. IPMPSTS-ARHALETLA, BR LAP-LOAWASEILLET. When a fault is detected at the low side, all the lower arms stop their outputs and the [PM outputs an alarm of the low side. P-L. 7TV-TRE HOLMLIT-AMHELESB. FP-hETOHAEEILL, IPMADTI-LEMALET. Operation of IGBT case of High side Low side Output U-phase | V-phase | VW/-phase High side oc OFF * * * High U-phase UV OFF * * * High TjOH | OFF ' * * High High side oc * OFF * * High V-phase UV * OFF * * High T]OH * OFF * * High High side | OC. * * | OFF * High W-phase UV * * OFF * High TJOH * * OFF * High oc * * * OFF Low Low side UV * * * OFF Low TJ]OH + * * OFF Low TCcOH * * * OFF Low *: Depend on input logic. Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. DWGNO. MS6M 01047 11 - ~ 22 HO4-004-03aThis material and the information herein ls the property of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Lid. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoaver for the usa of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Device Technatogy Co. Ltd. 11. Cautions for design and application (1) Trace routing layout should be designed with particular attention to least stray capacity between the primary and secondary sides of optical isolators by minimizing the wiring length between the optical isolators and the IPM input terminals as possible. DALAFSEIPMO A J) tit F Fel D BC SH aC L IehAFIORAEH~ RN O GIRS Be PeCLANG-LL4IP9HILT Fal. (2) Mount a capacitor between Vcc and GND of each high-speed optical isolator as close to as possible. Mig t hI SOVcc-GNDBIL, AY Fre SEITE TRY It T FEL, (3) For the high-speed optical isolator, use high-CMR type one with tpHL, tpLH S 0.8us. okt bAT Sd, tpHL, tpLHS0.8us, BCMRE( SA CMACESL, (4) For the alarm output circuit, use low-speed type optical isolators with CTR = 100%. PSLHABBIS, (EIRIFHATSCTRE100%O 27 7ETERCESL. (5) For the control power Vcc, use four power supplies isolated each. And they should be designed to reduce the voltage variations. fl@ BiVecls, PRSNh4BReEAL CES, Hk, BEEMSMALRHCLTPSL, (6) Suppress surge voltages as possible by reducing the inductance between the DC bus P and N, and connecting some capacitors between the P and N terminals. P-NEO BREIL RSEWIE TUS OaVAieL, P-Nigf Hla FUP eins SRELTYY EESELT Fat. (7) To prevent noise intrusion from the AC lines, connect a capacitor of some 4700pF between the three-phase lines each and the ground. ACIIY DEO /IABASMECEOIL, SHER -F ARIL4 700pPHOIY TU CEEELT FAL. (8) At the extemal circuit, never connect the control terminal GNDU to the main terminal U-phase, GNDV to V-phase, GNDW to W-phase, and GND to N-phase. Otherwise, malfunctions may be caused. al fm GNDULS te TU48 , fll FGNDVE FE wef V 48. Hl le GNDWe Etna, il a -FGN DEE dhF NEF AES CHEMLEL SPSL, RE FORAICGUET. (9) Take note that an optical isolators response to the primary input signal becomes slow if a capacitor is connected between the input terminal and GND. AAtiF-GNDEITAY FV eee SL. DahATS RAMEN T Slt Sa RCQVYET ON CCERCESL, Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. 12 MS6M 01047 DWG.NO. ~ 22 H04-004-03aThis material and the information herain {s the proparty of Fujl Electric Devices Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither raproduced, capied, lent, fer the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of or disclosed in any way whaisoaver for the usa of any third party nor used Fuji Electric Devica Technology Co.,Ltd. (10) Taking the used isolators CTR into account, design with a sufficient allowance to decide the primary forward current of the optical isolator. PabATIO-RABRL, SEOVFFAPFIOCTRESMLEDIORBEDLOCRAI-LT Fels, (11) !n case of mounting this product on cooling fin, use thermal compound to secure thermal conductivity. 1f the thermal compound amount was not enough or its applying method was not suitable, its spreading will not be enough, then, thermal! conductivity will be worse and thermal run away destruction may occur. Confirm spreading state of the thermal compound when its applying to this product. (Spreading state of the thermal compound can be confirmed by removing this product after mounting. } ETE AMI (VIC SRI. RBA SONAL AGUE SEC BACKS, RM. SHRP RLY, SHAAAPBEOLYUT SL, IVANIUEAT HIRE SAIC EOF, MRL koRREMRICRMSRMAVET. AV NIUFESAT SRcis, SS MICA AUF AB Ais CUSBEREL CCEA, (SELL EBILRTERY LT TEQVAVUFORBDVYRSERATSBAMRET. ) (12) Use this product with keeping the cooling fin's flatness between screw holes within 10Gum at 100mm and the roughness within 10um. Also keep the tightening torque within the limits of this specification. Too large convex of cooling fin may cause isolation breakdown and this may lead to a critical accident. On the other hand, too large concave of cooling fin makes gap between this product and the fin bigger, then, thermal conductivity will be worse and over heat destruction may occur. SHI 7V ERENT CEES 100mm C100umit F, RO MAS 10umE FILL Fats. BARU RYU MHS SCRA RAB MRE COL, BKERICRETSRAMHVET. ik. BAGH RY POMASMHSE, ARRE PHI OMIM EC CRM CEY MIRACLE BVET (13) This product is designed on the assumption that it applies to an inverter use. Sufficient examination is required when applying to a converter use. Please contact Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd if you would like to applying to converier use. AG GL. fs\FRROMRSREICRTeN CHET. INS ehnowele. tHEBHUGECT, tl, avsi\~S- BASH SiS [PACE SL, (14) Please see the [IGBT-IPM APPLICATION MANUAL] and [iIGBT MODULES APPLICATION MANUAL. NGBT-PM PRUSLay eos. LIRUIGRTEVaIL PFU PavviaPriel AHS, Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. MS6M 01047 3. - 22 DWG.NO, T H04-004-03aThis material and the information herain is the proparty of Fujl Electric Device Technology Ca.,Lid. They shall ba neither reproduced, copied, lent, for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nar used Fujl Electric Device Fachnology Co. ,Ltd. 12. Example of appiied circuit vcat Pg wo ona we Buje Pye | int Feut ward [pee to He __ au 8 TRAE Gm : t Vox vy fFH : at i tee 0 i ee ak whe Poems a HE wey B ; vets Bake mister i at ufo : tee t Oa ly etre: i vial Po re ifs : ar i Max ; ota 5 tev | 0), 1 T Fz rT T ee i vig Pomme Le GO FE tulam PM iz = se Minny vy ' feenree ET ovo ad rie tT} vez a [po + LES i otal 20 | [est : viedo of A ewer an ej Alor culeut 7 ae rc be +| ; Au 7 TP 13. Package and Marking Please see the packing specification of IPM (Technical Rep. No. : MT6M04140). IPM HA tee MTOM04 1408 eS BRC PESLY, 14. Cautions for storage and transportation * Store the modules at the normal temperature and humidity (5 to 35C, 45 to 75%). BiB ew m(5~35C, 45~75%) CRELT FEL, : Avoid a sudden change in ambient temperature to prevent condensation on the module surfaces. 41 LORD ABLE EI, SACRE SILEHITT PSL, Avoid places where corrosive gas generates or much dust exists. BAHEAAD REA. HHO BS MeAIB TC PSL, - Store the module terminals under unprocessed conditions EV 1 ILO MF ILRI OAK CREST SIL. . - Avoid physical shock or falls during the transportation. ETB SAU PECL YC PSL), 15. Scope of application This specification is applied to the IGBT-IPM (type: 7MBP25RU2A120). AMEE BIL. IGBTAPM (21st : MBP25RU2A120 IETS. 16. Based safety standards UL1557 14 va Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. MS6M 01047 DWG.NO, ~ 22 H04-004-03aThis matarial and the information herain is the property of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co, Lid, They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lant, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used fer the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Davice Technology Ca. Ltd. 17. Characteristics 17.1 Control] Circuit Characteristics (Representative) Power supply current vs. Switching frequency input signal threshold vol tage Ts26c Tj=25 (typ. ) vs, Power supply voltage(typ,} _- Tj=125C 50 p+ ' Oa etenerirernrerer 3 prea ery oar | o 2.8 2 Yocsl | 2. | = Voo=1b 4 BD freer brreter tee dente eeentedbecsce ee ter nades car cnccnne fesceeennny | ag oa Wooe TSW, ae onthe : | Zs ; i) inth (of?) | 5 Pana nnd Onn De a | ae 1.5 f ) Vinth(on} = 4 as ft 1 a | Ss +t | 3 | PE] eeeneseenceeefereececcnerder see seesarsedraeenaeeatacthereuesneueenstbentecassoen - 3 4 > [ ] 3 ; 2. F 1 veces t1 77] E i Voc=15 | 0.5 F 1 | .ezk Weer13 | 3 : ! a a =_ 2 : 3 4 r : i : 4 og ee peat a gp beeeed si i ii i 0 5 10 15 20 25 12 13 14 16 16 7 44 Switching frequency -fsw [kHz] Powar supply voltage : Yoo (} Under voltage vs. Junction temperature (typ. ) Under voltage hysterisis vs. Junction temperature (typ. ) T 7 1 | = 0.8 s 4 = e - ae = 2 > oe a 2 04 r a ef 8 x & = 2 L d . 1 B04 a L d = 4 4 Pav ateersaeseatbanseteusone =] L 4 3 L of 5 02 20 40 60 40 100 120 140 20 40 60 a0 100 320 140 Junction temperatura : Tj (C} Junction temperature : Tj (C) Alarm hold time vs. Power supply voltage (typ. ) Over heating characteristics 3 ' ' . oases TcOH, TjGH, ToH, TjH vs. Veo (typ.} t : : t 4 200 r Es ; t r TT T Tr ee 3 B /01 a +f esonee | 5. a : : i Te=100 } =B 160 fF ! ee 71 ee s b Te=28C) 4 hme 7 "t 1 5a 1.5 f i " a. 160 b . = f 1 2a 2 r - a5 L. ce } L et & 1 =2 | =< 7 Sz BO Re- +--+ ee! OB freeeeecereedieeree tr etrees i. : 4 = F 1 S cH, TH : 0 Rta dt ti Q beet be 12 13 14 16 16 7 18 2 13 14 15 1 W +8 a Powar supply vaitaga Yee (V) Powar supply veltage Veo (V} = 15 Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. 3) MS6M 01047 59 ro] H04-004-03a17.2 Main Circuit Characteristics (Representative) Collector current vs. Gollector-Emitter voltage (typ. } This material and tha information harain is the property of Fuji Etactric Davice Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied lent, or disciosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party mor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Devica Technology Co. Ltd. i Moc=17 | | t ? Veor1S 7 a0 F aderceanes J eee tay 1 =z | 2 E J 30 ii ee caneeeebaceen canes _ 5 L 4 5 r 4 & 20 2 - 4 a U& ] a 10 a 0.5 1 15 2 2.5 3 3.5 50 T4=25C (Chip) Coflactor current vs, Gollector-Emitter valtage (typ. } Callector-Emitter valtaga :Vau [] TJ=#25C (Chip) ic[A] Coliector current Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ. } Tj=25c (Terminal) 80 pee anaes olan i i P Voc=17 i : i Vee=16 AO Peers prmnrnr prer PUTT Veet i Ah i if) i BO fone Lf 20 : 10 are a arene anes ee o o8 1 ES 2 2B BG Gollector-Emitter veltage -ce [V] Collector current vs. Callector-Emitter vojtage (typ. } Tj#125C (Terminal) $0 peepee rr 80 peepee moot poor F West 1 : Co=lo 40 F if Vea=i1av 7) MOF @ E 3 : 4 gz 5 2 fF j 2 i BID paencnnecaea fennnccencnnshcenceneneeafecncenenncefenapidnadnncoee seenanendentae cated 4 a 5 F 5 zg OF ] sf 5 20 5 ab 3 of ] =f fF os (Ud&t J =o & ao E J ca E 10 sf i 10 Lf | Lf ob deri, 1] ob ebb th, 0 0.5 1 5 2 25 a 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 a6 Gallactor-Emittar voltage Vea [} Calfeotar-Emitter valtaga Voe [VF Forward current vs. Forward voltage(typ. } Forward current vs.Forward voltage (typ. ) 5 (hip) Cerminal) a0 oe 1 80 f pormeerereprer perry ] a0 Lone 1 ao be 2... CTE | = =] J a | a | 4 cs OO Ree ad os dO pee. ad 3 hm ef 1 q F : : : : 3 7 : a b ~ a = = 4 2 1 & | 1} 4 10 |- + ol ve g bees Cette bebe icaceal a 05 I 15 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 05 1 15 2 2.5 3 35 Forward valtage :f [] Forward voltage :f [V} S : Fuji Electric Device Technology Co,Ltd. |%) msem 01047 16 39 roan) HO4-004-03aThis material and tha information herein is the proparty of Fuji Elactric ylent, , capi Davice Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Device Tachnolagy Co, Ltd. :Eon, Eaff, Err find/eyele} Switching loss le [A] Gollector current Callector Power Dissipation :Po [] 100 56 25 200 oa a a a an a Switching Loss vs.Coellector Current (typ. } Ede=660V, Vee=15Y, Tj=25c T PTT ey entree aey eb bed ed bette beet en ded ed id 20 30 40 Gallacter currant :lo [A Reversed biased safe operating area Veo=15V,7jS125C (min) 50 TE a ABSOA : (Repetitive pulse) Ieee hebecdedrednherterterteit tt a 300 oo0 $00 1200 Coilector-Emitter vaitaga Veo [V] Power derating for IGBT man. } {per device) 1500 q 50 100 Gase Temperatura :Ta [G? Eon, Eoff, Err [ed/cyc!a] Switching loss Thormal resistance :Ath<j-c) [C/W] Switching Less vs. Collector Current (typ. } Ede=600V, Voo=15, T j=] 75C Ta oe oa TF i ff Coileetor current lc {A] Transient therma t _ | resistance (max. ) wed ~ bed T T 0.7 oc iil 0. 00% 6.0% 0.1 1 Pulse width Pw [sac] Power derating for FYD (max. } 100 (per device) Collactor Powar Dissipation Pe [#] ~ on ft) o nm on T T T 7 7 t t t T T T T T Gase Tanperature Te [C] Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. DWG.NO. Wo MS6M 01047 509 F04-004-034This material and the information herain Is the property of Fuji Electric Davice Technology Co.,Lid. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party ner used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Elactric Device Technology Go. Ltd. Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Ede=600V, Voo=15V, Tj=25C nad : Qo pee oo ron ann ao 46 - 2 k 3 i 4 - if j a oaF 4 | " a : E : BS fF : 4 = 1 = : J 2 4 & if i oO dbo ns Benes sds snnd i Dedede beret Deel ee beech ene ed 0 10 20 40 40 50 Collector current Ie [A] Reverse recavery characteristics (typ. ) trr, irr vs. TODO pyr serpent mapa pin peopingeny pengeemen pen Reverse racovery current : ler fA] Reverse racovery tima :trr [nsec ltt Ts26C irr Tj=i25c i} 10 20 30 40 50 Forward current lf [A] Switching time ton, toff [usec] Switching time vs. Callector current (typ.} Edc=600V, Voc=15V, F j=125C or 5 T eneete cher truer rurthorrfeheeheer eet 0 10 20 Kd) a0 50 toflector currant la [A] Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. NO. DWG 18 x MS6M 01047 99 H04-004-03aThis material and tha information herein is the property of Fujl Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of _ Fujl Electric Gevica Technology Co.,Ltd. 18. Reliability Test Test conditions and results _ Test Reference norms| Number|Accept- | Number cate- | No. Test items Test methods and conditions ElAJ of ance of gories ED-4701 sample |number| fallure 1 | Terminal strength 7Pull force : 40 N (main terminal) Test Method 404 5 (1:0) G 10 N (control terminal} Mathod f (Pull test) Test time : 1041 sec. 2 |Mounting Strength Screw torque :25~35N-m (M5) Test Method 402 5 (1:0) G Test time : 1041 sec. method HT 3 [Vibration Range of frequency : 10~500 Hz Test Method 403 5 (1:6) G Sweeping time : 15 min. Condition code B Acceleration > 100 mis" Sweeping direction : Each X,,Z axis 4 Test time > hr. (2hr./direction) 2 4 |Shock Maximum acceleratic : 5000 m/s? Test Method 404 5 (1:9) 0 2B Puise width 1.0 ms Condition code B = Direction : Each X,,Z axis 5 Test time : 3 times/direction = | 5 [Solderabitity /Sotder temp. : 23545 C Test Methed 303 [(1:0)| 0 Immersion duration : 5.0 20.5 sec, Condition code A Test time : 1 time Each terminal should be immersed in solder within i-1.5mm from the body. 6 |Resistance to Solder temp. : 260 +5 C Test Method 302 5 (1:9) G soldering heat Immersion time : 1041sec. Condition code A Test time : 1 time Each terminal should be Immersed in solder within 1~1.5mm from the body. 1 |High temperature | Storage temp. 1125 +5 C Test Method 201 5 (1:0) 0 storage Test duration + 1000 hr. 2 |Low temperature |Storage temp. : -40 45 C Test Method 202 5 (1:0) 0 storage Test duration : 1000 hr, 3 |Temperature Storage temp. 1 85 22C Test Method 103 5 |(1:0)) 9 humidity storage | Relative humidity > 65 45% Test code C Test duration > 1000hr. 4 |Unsaturated Test temp. : 120 %2C Test Method 103 5 (1:0) 0 pressure cooker |Atmospheric pressur : 1,7x10Pa Test code E | 2 Test humidity : BS 5% 2 Test duration 296 hr. = | 5 |Temperature Test temp. : Minimum storage temp. -40 5C | Test Method 105 5 (1:0) 0 = cycle Maximum storage temp. 125 5C 5 Normal temp. 5~ 35% 2 Dweil time : Tmin ~ Tw ~ Tmax ~ TN Ww thr. O.5hr. thr. O.5hr. Nuriber of cycles : 100 cycles 6 | Thermal shock +0 Test Method 307 5 (1:0); @ |Test temp. : High temp. side 100 C method | +5 Condition code A Lowtemp. side o7'C Fluid used : Pure water (running water) Dipping time : 5 min. par each temp. Transfer time : 10 sec. Number of cycles 110 cycles Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. | MS6M 01047 19 = 22 H04~004-03aThis material and the information herain is the proparty of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, tent, or disclosed in any way whatsoaver for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuli Electric Davice Technology Co.,Ltd. Test Reference nonns| Number! Accept-| Number cate- | No. Test items Test methods and conditions EIAJ of jance of gories ED-4704 sample number} failure 1 |High temperature |Test temp. : Ta =125 45C Test Method 101 5 (1:0) 0 reverse bias (Tj = 150 c) tn Bias Voltage > VG = 0.8xVCES a Bias Method : Applied DC voltage to C-E C Veo = 15V e Test duration : 1000 hr. = | 2 |Intermitted ON time : 2 sec. Test Mathod 106 5 |(1:0)) 9 z operating life OFF time : 18sec. m (Power cycle) Test temp. > AT)=100 t5deg Tj S150 C, Ta=25 45C Numberofcycles _: 15000 cycles Failure Criteria Item Characteristic Symbol Failure criteria Unit Lower limit| Upper limit _ Electrical Leakage current ICES - USL*2.0 [| mA characteristic |Saturation voltage VCE(sat) - USL*1.2 V Forward voltage VE ~ USL*1.2 V Thermal IGBT Rth{j-c)Q - USLx1.2 C/W resistance [FWD Rth(j-c)D - USLx4.2 C/W Over Current Protection loc LSLx0.8 | USL*4.2 A Alarm signal hold time tALM (SL*x0.8 | USLx1.2 ms Over heating Protection TcOH LSLx0.8 | USL*1.2 C Isolation voliage Viso Broken insulation - Visual Visual inspection inspection Peeling - The visual sample - Plating and the others _ LSL : Lower specified limit. USL : Upper specified limit. Note : Each parameter measurement read-outs shall be made after stabilizing the components at room ambient for 2 hours minimum, 24 hours maximum after removal from the tests. And in case of the weiting tests, for example, moisture resistance tests, each component shall be made wipe or dry completely before the measurement. Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. DWG.NO. MS6M 01047 20 ~ 22 H04-004-03aThis material and the information herain Is the proparty of Fuji Elactric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, fer the manufacturing purpeses without the express written consent of or disclosed in any way whatsoaver for the use of any third party nor used Fuji Electric Davica Technology Co.,Ltd. Warnings . This product shall be used within its absolute maximum rating (voltage, current, and temperature). This product may be broken in case of using beyond the ratings. PRORMBALH (BE, Sit. RES) OGAANTHEA PSL. fa RATBSHA CHAT Oc, REMBIAT SBAMHVET, . Connect adequaie fuse or protector of circuit between three-phase line and this product to prevent the equipment from causing secondary destruction. A-OFROSRCHTARELLBACSRL. BA RRCAR ROMEO RROcCAZz MAL AEB ET YT 222 ARR ALY OCERL. . When studying the device at a normal tum-off action, make sure that working paths of the turn-off voltage and current are within the RBSOA specification. HEOSVAPHEICBIT ORF RRORNO MIRE, 4VA7 BE: BHO BRA PARBSOALHRAICHSCLAREBLT Fal), . Use this product after realizing enough working on enviranment and considering of product's reliability life. This product may be broken before target life of the system in case of using beyond the product's reliability life. MORRELL, RRORBEA GA aE CLSODRAOL. AAG ALT FAL, Rin its pea CRALLBS. REO BRS HLVMIATOWRT SRSMHVET, . if the product had been used in the environment with acid, organic matter, and corrosive gas (For example : hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid gas), the product's performance and appearance can not be ensured easily. Be AH BREA A (ULAR, BIAS SHIRT CASH. SdH REO RELL RL AE. . Use this product within the power cycle curve (Technical Rep.No. : MT5F12959). Power cycle capability is classified to delta-Tj mode which is stated as above and delta-Tc mode. Delta-Tc mode is due to rise and down of case temperature (Tc), and depends on cooling design of equipment which use this product. In application which has such frequent rise and down of Tec, weil consideration of product life time is necessary. AG MIL, NSIT 4 ILS ATU FE CER PAL Be TE No: MT5F 12959), ANTE 4D IVIBITIS IO ATIC ESHA OMI. ATHACKSBSMHVET, CAE TATOO EA FIC KSMALLACHY, RH RECAST SROMMBHIRELET. JAREO LA PEAR IME COBSIL, RRS RII+PRRLOCER Pet. . Never add mechanical stress to deform the main or control terminal. The deformed terminal may cause poor contact problem. on UO al tI eS CRBS PSL HiT ORBIIEY, HAP RECA SRCTRAMHVET, 21 22 Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. MS6M 01047 DWG.NO, H04-004-03qThis material and the information herein is the preparty of Fuji Elactrie Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed In any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Davice Tachnology Co. ,Ltd. 8. According to the outline drawing, select proper length of screw for main terminal. Longer screws may break the case. ARR MIAT OE AOSVORSIS, SHRINE ELGEE Fal, BVBRWETADBET SSM AYET. 9. lf excessive static electricity is applied to the control terminals, the devices can be broken. Implement some countermeasures against static electricity. Hem AS AA MSR S, STARATSBAMRVET, FRUGAL Le RE SML OC PSL), Caution 1. Fuji Electric Deveice Technology is constantly making every endeavor to improve the product quality and reliability. However, semiconductor products may rarely happen to fail or malfunction. To prevent accidents causing injury or death, damage to property like by fire, and other social damage resulted from a failure or malfunction of the Fuji Electric semiconductor products, take some measures to keep safety such as redundant design, spread-fire-preventive design, and malfunction-protective design. SLB \ 1279/07 (ita T SRO RSC BEOR LICBH CHET, LAL, FAR DILRIMABELEY, SET CHE MHVET. BLE BAR ROBES, MRELTAS HA AMSICLSMBIC wy O18 BS Pi SMG SSR CARU ESOT RH - Leet ML RHGERSRROLDOOFRE aUT PAL, 2. The application examples described in this specification only explain typical ones that used the Fuji Electric Deveice Technology products. This specification never ensure to enforce the industrial property and other rights, nor license the enforcement rights. ARI CHOSE AGE. Bt BAT 1479/0) Be GALERIE BERRI S40 CH, ARB ko CLAM AE. TOME O Riot TS RE THEO HBS TILO CHVELA, 3. The product described in this specification is not designed nor made for being applied to the equipment or systems used under life-threatening situations. When you consider applying the product of this specification to particular used, such as vehicle-mounted units, shipboard equipment, aerospace equipment, medical devices, atomic control systems and submarine relaying equipment or systems, please apply after confirmation of this product to be satisfied about system construction and required reliability. AHH CRAMER RIL, Am DSLIA F CAEN SREHSUMLVAT ICAL OHSCLE BMEL Carat SisenietO CiLHvetA. AARBOR RESTA. HA MESH. SRS. APA lil, BE PRR HSL MEAT OCE. RAO LARECRHORIL. DAFLARRUERASIC METS CCeCRROL. CMA FSA, If there is any unclear matter in this specification, please contact Fuji Electric Deveice Technology Co., Lid. AHREII CO THO RS HVELEOS. BEST 1A79/0Y -ILBHSt Fae, Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. DWG.NO, 2 MS6M 01047 59 HO4-004-03a