Data Sheet
2 Mbit / 4 Mbit Small-Sector Flash
SST29SF020 / SST29SF040
SST29VF020 / SST29VF040
©2009 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71160-15-000 2/09
Device Operation
Commands are used to initiate the memory operation func-
tions of the device. Commands are written to the device
using standard microprocessor write sequences. A com-
mand is written by asserting WE# low while keeping CE#
low. The address bus is latched on the falling edge of WE#
or CE#, whichever occurs last. The data bus is latched on
the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first.
The Read operation of the SST29SF020/040 and
SST29VF020/040 devices are controlled by CE# and
OE#, both have to be low for the system to obtain data from
the outputs. CE# is used for device selection. When CE# is
high, the chip is deselected and only standby power is con-
sumed. OE# is the output control and is used to gate data
from the output pins. The data bus is in high impedance
state when either CE# or OE# is high. Refer to the Read
cycle timing diagram in Figure 4 for further details.
Byte-Program Operation
The SST29SF020/040 and SST29VF020/040 devices
are programmed on a byte-by-byte basis. Before program-
ming, the sector where the byte exists must be fully erased.
The Program operation is accomplished in three steps. The
first step is the three-byte load sequence for Software Data
Protection. The second step is to load byte address and
byte data. During the Byte-Program operation, the
addresses are latched on the falling edge of either CE# or
WE#, whichever occurs last. The data is latched on the ris-
ing edge of either CE# or WE#, whichever occurs first. The
third step is the internal Program operation which is initi-
ated after the rising edge of the fourth WE# or CE#, which-
ever occurs first. The Program operation, once initiated, will
be completed, within 20 µs. See Figures 5 and 6 for WE#
and CE# controlled Program operation timing diagrams
and Figure 16 for flowcharts. During the Program opera-
tion, the only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit.
During the internal Program operation, the host is free to
perform additional tasks. Any commands written during the
internal Program operation will be ignored.
Sector-Erase Operation
The Sector-Erase operation allows the system to erase the
device on a sector-by-sector basis. The SST29SF020/
040 and SST29VF020/040 offer Sector-Erase mode. The
sector architecture is based on uniform sector size of 128
Bytes. The Sector-Erase operation is initiated by executing
a six-byte command sequence with Sector-Erase com-
mand (20H) and sector address (SA) in the last bus cycle.
The sector address is latched on the falling edge of the
sixth WE# pulse, while the command (20H) is latched on
the rising edge of the sixth WE# pulse. The internal Erase
operation begins after the sixth WE# pulse. The End-of-
Erase operation can be determined using either Data#
Polling or Toggle Bit methods. For timing waveforms, see
Figure 9. Any commands issued during the Sector-Erase
operation are ignored.
Chip-Erase Operation
The SST29SF020/040 and SST29VF020/040 devices
provide a Chip-Erase operation, which allows the user to
erase the entire memory array to the “1s” state. This is use-
ful when the entire device must be quickly erased.
The Chip-Erase operation is initiated by executing a six-
byte Software Data Protection command sequence with
Chip-Erase command (10H) with address 555H in the last
byte sequence. The internal Erase operation begins with
the rising edge of the sixth WE# or CE#, whichever occurs
first. During the internal Erase operation, the only valid read
is Toggle Bit or Data# Polling. See Table 4 for the command
sequence, Figure 10 for the timing diagram, and Figure 19
for the flowchart. Any commands written during the Chip-
Erase operation will be ignored.
Write Operation Status Detection
The SST29SF020/040 and SST29VF020/040 devices
provide two software means to detect the completion of a
Write (Program or Erase) cycle, in order to optimize the
system Write cycle time. The software detection includes
two status bits: Data# Polling (DQ7) and Toggle Bit (DQ6).
The End-of-Write detection mode is enabled after the ris-
ing edge of WE# which initiates the internal Program or
Erase operation.
The actual completion of the nonvolatile write is asyn-
chronous with the system; therefore, either a Data# Poll-
ing or Toggle Bit read may be simultaneous with the
completion of the Write cycle. If this occurs, the system
may possibly get an erroneous result, i.e., valid data may
appear to conflict with either DQ7 or DQ6. In order to pre-
vent spurious rejection, if an erroneous result occurs, the
software routine should include a loop to read the
accessed location an additional two (2) times. If both
reads are valid, then the device has completed the Write
cycle, otherwise the rejection is valid.