Refer to List of Certified Models for a list of models that are certified for safety standards and the Electrical Appliances
and Material Safety Act.
Endurance Under Real Loads (Reference Only)
Classification 1 pole Double-, 3-, and 4-pole models Bifurcated contacts
Item Load Resistive load Inductive load
(cos φ = 0.4, L/R = 7 ms) Resistive load Inductive load
(cos φ = 0.4, L/R = 7 ms) Resistive load Inductive load
(cos φ = 0.4, L/R = 7 ms)
Contact type Single Bifurcated
Contact materials Ag alloy Ag
Rated load
15 A at 110 VAC
15 A at 24 VDC 10 A at 110 VAC
7 A at 24 VDC 10 A at 110 VAC
10 A at 24 VDC 7.5 A at 110 VAC
5 A at 24 VDC 5 A at 110 VAC
5 A at 24 VDC 4 A at 110 VAC
4 A at 24 VDC
Rated carry current 15 A 10 A 7 A
Maximum contact voltage 250 VAC
125 VDC 250 VAC
125 VDC 250 VAC
125 VDC
Maximum contact curren t 15 A 15 A 10 A 10 A 7 A 7 A
Type Single-pole and double-pole models
(standard models and bifurcated contact
Single-pole, double-pole models
(models with built-in operation indicators, models
with built-in diodes, and models with built-in CR
3-pole and 4-pole models
Note: 1.
Some models in the LY1 and LY2 Series have an upper
temperature limit of +40°C. This limitation is due to the
diode junction temperature and the elements used.
Refer to the ambient temperature and contact car ry
current characteristics data on page 5 to 7 for
information on operation in temperature conditions that
are not described here.
When you apply a minimum of 10 A of current to an LY1
when it is used in combination with a PTF08A, PTF08A-
E, or PT08, connect ea ch of the following terminal pairs:
(1) to (2), (3) to (4), and (5) to (6).
If the carry current is 4 A or less , the usable ambient temperature
range is
25 to 70° C.
If the flowing current is 4 A or less, the usable ambient
temperature range is -25 to 55° C.
Ambient operating
temperature −25 to 55°C
(with no icing or condensation)*1 −25 to +40°C
(with no icin g or conden sation)*2
Ambient operating
humidity 5% to 85%
Item Type
Standard models, mode ls with built-in operation
indicators, models with built-in CR circuits, and
models with bu ilt-in diodes
Bifurcated contacts
Contact resistance
50 mΩ max. Note: The values at the left are initial values.
*1. Measurement cond itions : 1 A at 5 VDC usi ng the vol tage
drop method
*2. Measurement conditions: With rated operating power
applied, not including contact bounce.
Ambient temperature condition: 23° C
*3. Measurement conditions: For 500 VDC applied to the
same location as for dielectric strength measurement.
*4. Ambient temperature condition: 23° C
*5. This value was mea sured at a switching fr equency of 120
operations per minute.
Operating time
25 ms max.
Release time
25 ms max.
Mechanical 18,000 operations/h
Rated load 1,800 operations/h
Insulation resistance
100 MΩ min.
Between coil and contacts
2,000 VAC at 50/60 Hz for 1 min.
Between contacts of
different polarity
Between contacts of the
same polarity 1,000 VAC at 50/60 Hz for 1 min.
resistance Destruction
10 to 55 to 10 Hz, 0.5-mm single amplitude (1.0-mm double am plitude)
10 to 55 to 10 Hz, 0.5-mm single amplitude (1.0-mm double am plitude)
resistance Destruction 1,000 m/ s 2
Malfunction 200 m/s2
AC: 50,000,000 operations min.
DC: 100,000,000 operations min.
(switching frequency: 18,000
1-, 3-, 4-pol e: 200,000 operations min.
2-pole: 500,000 operations min.
(rated load, operating frequency: 1,800
2-pole: 500,0 00 operations min.
(rated load, operating frequency: 1,800
Failure rate P value (reference value)
100 mA at 5 VD C 10mA at 5 VDC
Weight 1-pole and 2-pole: 40 g, 3-pole: Approx. 50 g, 4-pole: Approx. 70 g
Item LY1, 100 VAC LY2, 100 VAC LY4, 100 VAC
Conditions Operating
Electrical life
operations min.) Conditions Operating
Electrical life
operations min.) Conditions Operating
Electrical life
operations min.)
AC motor
400 W, 100 VA C single-
phase with 35-A inrush
current, 7-A current
ON for 10 s,
OFF for 50 s
200 W, 100 VA C single-
phase w ith 25-A inru sh
current, 5-A current
ON for 10 s,
OFF for 50 s 20
200 W, 200 VAC three-
phase with 5-A inrush
current, 1-A current
ON for 10 s,
OFF for 50 s
750 W, 200 VAC three-
phase with 18-A inrush
current, 3.5-A current
flow 7
AC lamp
300 W, 100 VAC with
51-A in ru sh c u rr en t , 3-
A current flow
ON for 5 s,
OFF for 55 s
10 300 W, 100 VAC with
51-A inrush current, 3-
A current flow
ON for 5 s,
OFF for 55 s 8300 W, 100 VAC with
51-A inrush current, 3-
A current flow
ON for 5 s,
OFF for 55 s
500 W, 100 VAC with
78-A in ru sh c u rr en t , 5-
A current flow 2.5
(2,000 µF)
24 VDC with 50-A
inrush current, 1-A
curr e nt flow
ON for 1 s,
OFF for 6 s
24 VDC with 50-A
inrush current, 1-A
current flow ON for 1 s,
OFF for 15 s
124 VDC with 50-A
inrush curren t, 1-A
curr e nt flow
ON for 1 s,
OFF for 15 s
24 VDC with 20-A
inrush current, 1-A
current flow 15 24 VDC with 20-A
inrush curren t, 1-A
curr e nt flow
ON for 1 s,
OFF for 2 s
AC solenoid
50 VA with 2.5-A inrush
current, 0.25-A current
ON for 1 s,
OFF for 2 s
150 50 VA with 2.5-A inrush
current, 0.25-A current
flow ON for 1 s,
OFF for 2 s
100 50 VA with 2.5-A inrush
current, 0.25-A current
ON for 1 s,
OFF for 2 s
100 VA with 5-A inrush
current, 0.5-A current
flow 80 100 VA with 5-A inrush
current, 0.5-A current
flow 50 100 VA with 5-A inrush
current, 0.5-A current
flow 50