44 Agere Systems Inc.
Advance Information
May 2002
Product Description
TSI-8 Time-Slot Interchanger
Switch Fabric
The switch fabric performs the nonblocking switching
function. It can switch any of the 8,192 possible incom-
ing time slots to any of the 8,192 possible outgoing
time slots. It uses the classic configuration of two mem-
ories, one co ntaini ng the traffic data and the seco nd
containing the switching configuration. The switch fab-
ric performs this switching function without regard to
the physical link from which the time slot was taken;
hence, the TSI-8 TSI is a time-space switch. T ime slots
are rearranged in order within a frame (time) and
among physi c al por ts (space).
Time-slot data from the input TDM highways is con-
verted to a common-rate parallel format by the CHI
blocks. These data are written into the data store
sequentially. The write address for the address for the
data store is generated from the system clock (CHI-
CLK) and frame synchronization (FSYNC) pulse; the
clock is multiplied up to 164 MHz by a PLL in the clock
generator block so that all 8,192 input time slots can be
written into the data store during a 125 µs frame. The
entire switching operation from the input to output CHIs
is synchronous to the CHICLK and frame locked to
Connections are established by programming the con-
nection store. Each time slot on the output highways
has an associated address in the connection store;
each of those locations may be programmed with the
input highway and time slot to which a connection is
required. The connection store is also used to program
all other per-time-slot options, such as frame integrity,
translation table look-up, and test pattern insertion.
The switch fabric has the ability to select one of the fol-
lowing two latency modes for each connection:
■Frame integrity. Frame integrity mode ensures
proper operation with wideband data by getting all of
the time slots in an output frame from the same input
■Low latency. Low latency mode minimizes delay for
voice applications.
The time-slot interchanger core is a memory-based
implementation consisting of a data store and a
connection store. The data store provides temporary
storage for each of the 8,192 input TDM time slots.
Received serial data is converted to parallel format,
stored sequentially in the data store, and read to output
time slots under control of data in the connection store.
The connection store contains setup information for
each of the 8,192 output time slots.
To interconnect more DS0 traffic than the 8,192 input
and 8,192 output time slots, which a single TSI-8
allows, a geometric expansion of TSIs will be needed.
The best alternative would be to use the TSI-16 or
STSI-144 device, which allows a linear growth in 16k
increments by adding a single device at each growth
stage up to a maximum of 144k time slots with as few
as nine devices. See the TSI-16 and/or STSI-144 doc-
umentation for more details.
Microprocessor Interface
The TSI-8 has a versatile 16-bit microprocessor
interface that provides access to its registers and
connection store. It is designed to connect directly to
the address and data buses of a synchronous general-
purpose microprocessor and is compatible with
Motorola ®, Intel ®, and other nonmultiplexed bus
structures. The required microprocessor signals are as
■16-bit data bus (DATA[15:00]).
■16-bit address bus (ADDR[15:00]).
■Four control lines (chip select (CS), address strobe
(AS), read/write (R/W), and data transfer
acknowledge (DT)).
■A proces sor clock (MPUCLK).
■Interrupt output (INT).
The connection store and device configuration
registers are directly addressed.
The TSI-8 generates interrupts on certain error condi-
tions—illegal address, CHI timings errors, for example.
These may all be masked individually.
Concentration Highway Interface (CHI)
The TSI-8 transmits and receives time-slot data via
32 transmit CHIs and 32 receive CHIs, which are
single-ended serial TDM links. A programmable clock
signal and a glob al fra me sy nc hroni z ati on puls e si gna l
provide the required timing references to the CHI
interface. The TSI-8 supports CHIs with unaligned
framing; that is, each CHI's offset from the frame
synchronization signal is independently programmable.
Although the frame offsets can be different, they must
be locked to a common frame reference. The transmit
CHIs may be placed into the high-impedance (Hi-Z)
state to allow busing of multiple drivers. Each CHI may
be independently configured for direct connection to a
variety of serial TDM interfaces operating at a