Pressure Range Specifications
±160 Pa to ±1 MPa
Table 9. Pressure Range Specifications for ±160 Pa to ±1 MPa
Figure 4)
Unit Working
Total Error
Total Error
Band after
1000 hr, 25 °C
100K A 0100 kPa -200 400 - ±1% -±0.25%
160K A 0160 kPa - 400 800 -±1% -±0.25%
250KA 0250 kPa -600 800 -±1% -±0.25%
400KA 0 400 kPa -800 1600 -±1% -±0.25%
600KA 0600 kPa -170 0 170 0 -±1% -±0.25%
001GA 0 1 MPa -1700 1700 -±1% -±0.25%
160LD -160 160 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±2.5% ±1.75% ±0.5%
250LD -250 250 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±2% ±1.25% ±0.35%
400LD -400 400 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±1.5% ±0.75% ±0.35%
600LD -600 600 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±1% ±0.75% ±0.35%
001KD -1 1kPa 37.5 75 125 545 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
1.6KD -1.6 1.6 kPa 37. 5 75 125 545 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
2.5KD -2.5 2.5 kPa 43.5 85 135 1045 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
004KD -4 4kPa 43.5 85 135 1045 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
006KD -6 6kPa -85 100 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
010KD -10 10 kPa -140 250 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
016KD -16 16 kPa -140 250 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
025KD -25 25 kPa -140 250 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
040KD -40 40 kPa -200 400 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
060KD -60 60 kPa -200 400 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
100KD -100 100 kPa - 400 800 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
160KD -160 160 kPa -800 1600 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
250KD -250 250 kPa -800 1600 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
400KD -400 400 kPa -1600 1700 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
250LG 0250 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±3% ±2% ±0.5%
400LG 0 400 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±2% ±1.25% ±0.5%
600LG 0600 Pa 33500 67500 100000 345000 ±2% ±1% ±0.35%
001KG 0 1 kPa 33.5 67.5 100 345 ±1.5% ±0.75% ±0.35%
1.6KG 01.6 kPa 33.5 67.5 100 345 ±1% ±0.75% ±0.25%
2.5KG 02.5 kPa 37. 5 75 125 545 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
004KG 0 4 kPa 37.5 75 125 545 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
006KG 0 6 kPa -85 100 545 ±1% ±0.5% ±0.25%
010KG 010 kPa -85 100 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
016KG 016 kPa -85 100 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
025KG 025 kPa -140 250 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
040KG 0 40 kPa -200 400 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
060KG 060 kPa -200 400 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
100KG 0100 kPa -200 400 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
160KG 0160 kPa - 400 800 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
250KG 0250 kPa -800 1600 1000 ±1% -±0.25%
400KG 0 400 kPa -800 1600 1600 ±1% -±0.25%
600KG 0600 kPa -1700 1700 1700 ±1% -±0.25%
001GG 0 1 MPa -1.7 1.7 1.7 ±1% -±0.25%
1Working pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied to any port of the sensor in continuous use. This pressure may be outside the operating pressure range
limits (Pmin. to Pmax.) in which case the sensor may not provide a valid output until presssure is returned to within the operating pressure range. Tested to 1 million cycles,
2Overpressure: The maximum pressure which may safely be applied to the product for it to remain in specification once pressure is returned to the operating pressure range. Exposure
to higher pressures may cause permanent damage to the product. Unless otherwise specified this applies to all available pressure ports at any temperature with the operating
temperature range.
3Burst pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied to any port of the product without causing escape of pressure media. Product should not be expected to function after
exposure to any pressure beyond the burst pressure.
4Common mode pressure: The maximum pressure that can be applied simultaneously to both ports of a differential pressure sensor without causing changes in specified
5Total Error Band: The maximum deviation from the ideal transfer function over the entire compensated temperature and pressure range. Includes all errors due to offset, full scale
span, pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, repeatability, thermal effect on offset, thermal effect on span, and thermal hysteresis (see Figure 1).
6Total Error Band after Auto-Zero: The maximum deviation from the ideal transfer function over the entire compensated pressure range at a constant temperature and supply voltage
for a minimum of 24 hours after an auto-zero operation. Includes all errors due to full scale span, pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, and thermal effect on span.