Publication# 21921 Rev: AAmendment/0
Issue Date: June 1998
This doc ume nt co nta i ns inf orm atio n on a pr odu ct under de velop me nt a t Ad van ced Micro D evice s.
The information is intended to help you evaluate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or
discontin ue work on thi s pro pose d product without not ice.
Interfacing the Am186CC Communications
Controller to an AMD SLAC Device Using
Enhanced SSI
Application Note
by Jeff Kirk
The purpose of this application note is to describe how to interface an Am186™CC communications
controller to a Quad Subscriber Line Audio
Processing Circuit (QSLAC™) device. The same tech-
niques can be used to interface an Am186CC controller to any SLAC™
Traditionally, linecards—if they had processors at all—
used simple, inexpensive 8-bit microcontrollers.
However, as the number of lines per card
increases,16-bit controllers such as the Am186CC
controll er become more attractive for severa l reas ons:
n16-bit controller costs have decreased
nMore peripheral functions can be integrated,
reducing external component counts
nSmaller packaging options are now available
n16-bit controllers generally offer larger address
These factors, combined with the availability of
superior, low-cost development tools such as the
Microsoft® and Borland C compilers, reduce the time to
market and long-term maintenance costs.
The Am186CC controller also offers several new
features useful in communication systems:
nMixed 8- and 16-bit memory/peripheral spaces
nProgrammable I/Os with dedicated set/clear
nHigh-speed High-level Data Link Control (HDLC)
ports (10 Mbit/s)
nDirect Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Highway
PCM interfaces—up to four each—provide simple
processor access to data on the SLAC device’s PCM
interface. Also, one of the Am186CC controller’s HDLC
ports, Channel A, supports General Circuit Interface
(GCI) operation. GCI is also known as the ISDN
Oriented Modular Interface, Revision 2 (IOM-2).
A SLAC de vi ce c onn ect s to it s h o st pr oc es so r thr oug h
a three-pin serial interface. While this interface is used
primarily to initialize the SLAC device, several critical
functions of the Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (SLIC)
can be monitored through the serial interface. As a
result, it may be necessary to make the interface as
fast as possi ble. Designed to dri ve the SLAC device’s
Microprocessor Interface (MPI) bus, the SSI port of the
Am186CC controller makes it even easier for the
hardware and software engineer to implement the
fastest possible interface.
The remainder of this application note assumes at least
a passing familiarity with the chips involved: the
Am186CC controller and the Am79Q02 QSLAC
device. If further details are needed, the following
literature is available from AMD:
Am186™CC Communications Controller Data Sheet,
order #21915
Am186™CC Communications Controller User's
order #21914
Am186™CC Communications Controller Register Set
order #21916
Am186™ and Am188™ Family Instruction Set Manual,
order #21267
Am79Q02/021/031 QSLAC™ Data Sheet,
order #18503
AMD’s complete fa mily of linecard devices is found in
Linecard Products for the Public Infrastructure
Market Data Boo k,
order #18503.
2 Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI
The MPI buses of the QSLAC devic e and the DSLAC
device are very similar. Both are serial, master/
slave-type interfaces. A system or linecard
microprocessor is the master, and the interface is
designed so that multiple slaves (i.e., SLAC devices)
can be attached to a single master’s MPI bus, as
shown in Figu re 1.
Figure 1. Multiple SLAC Devices
The MPI bus signals, like those through most digital
buses, are of three types:
The QSLAC data line (DIO) pin is a bidirectional,
three-state serial bus. Some DSLAC devices, like the
Am79C02 DS LAC devi ce, has se parate Da ta In (DIN)
and Data Out (DOUT) pins, which can be strapped
together to look like the QSLAC device’s single DIO
pin. The data on this line consists of 8-bit bytes
transmitted most significant bit first, regardless of
direction . The master initiates a ll transfers by sendin g
a command byte to the SLAC device. Eac h command
has a predetermined length (number of bytes) and
direction (read or write). For example, if the master
microp rocessor sends ou t command number 25 (r ead
GX filter coefficients) to the DSLAC device, the DSLAC
device knows to transmit two bytes. Because the
command determines which device is transmitting,
master or slave, the software drivers must be correct to
prevent bus contention, which could damage the
devices. Also, in the case of a read, the SLAC device
will not accept a new command until the old one is
finished (i.e., until all bytes have been received or
transmitted). Software verification is critical.
The clock signal (DCLK) is an input to the SLAC
device. The clock can run continuously or can be active
only during data transfers. The maximum frequency of
DCLK for both QSLAC and DSLAC devices is
4.096 MHz. Data is clocked into the SLAC device on
the rising edge of DCLK, but data is sent out on the
falling edge of DCLK. This common technique makes it
easier to satisfy setup and hold-time requirements.
DCLK can b e stopp ed inde finitely in eith er the High or
Low state if the chip select input is held High.
Each of the individual SLAC devices on the MPI bus is
addressed (i.e., selected) by pulling one of the chip
select inputs Low . The QSLAC device has a single chip
select (CS) for all four channels, while the DSLAC
device has a separate chip select for each channel
(CS1 and CS2). The rising edge of the chip select
marks or frames the end of each byte; therefore, the
chip sel ect line mu st go High for at least the m inimum
off period before the next byte is read or written. The
DSLAC device s minim um off period is 5 µs, while the
QSLAC devices minimum is 2.5 µs.
If the QSLAC device receives 16 clocks with CS
asserted (Low), then the device resets.
In addition to the data, clock, and address pins, the
QSLAC device has an interrupt pin as part of the
microprocessor interface. This pin can be very useful in
some syst ems, but is not discus sed in this applica tion
note. A brief description of this pin is available in the
Am79Q02/021/031 QSLAC™ Data Sheet,
order #18503.
The Enhanced Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) of
the Am186CC controller was designed to interface
directly with AMD SLAC devices and to provide a
low-pin-count interface with application-specific
integrated circuits (ASICs). With the right clocks, the
Am186CC controller can drive the MPI bus at its
maximum rate.
The SSI bus transmits three signals, each on a
separate pin:
All the pins are shared (i.e., multiplexed) with one of the
Am186CC controller’s 48 PIOs. This allows the SSI
pins to be used as PI Os if thei r normal S SI functio n is
not needed. The pins are PIOs by default.
The SDATA signal—like DIO—is a bidirectional,
three-state serial bus. Unlike DIO, a weak pullup or
pulldown resistor keeps the last value on the bus for
systems that cannot tolerate three-state inputs. The
data on this signal consist of 8-bit bytes, normally
transmitted least significant bit first, but SSI can be
programmed for MSB-first operation. The master/slave
protocol is controlled entirely with software.
The clock signal (SCLK) is active only during byte
transfers. It is an output signal. The frequency is
derived by dividing the frequency of the internal clock
by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 (programmed with the
Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI 3
SSCON register). In the case of a 40-MHz device, this
allows for speeds up to 20 MHz. As with the SLAC
device, data is clocked out on the falling edge and
clocked in on the rising edge.
The enable signal, SDEN, is an output signal. It is
normally active High, but it can be p rogrammed to be
active Low to match CS of the MPI interface. While
there is on ly one enable pin, PIO s can be easil y used
as chip selects to connect multiple SLAC devices to the
SSI port.
The hardware connection is very easy. Figure 2 shows
the connections for the QSLAC device.
If interfa cing the Am 186CC cont roller wit h the DSLA C
device (which has two chip selects) or with multiple
SLAC devices, simply use PIOs in place of SDEN (see
Figure 3). There is nothing special about PIO9 and
PIO10; any uncommitted PIOs work. If the SLAC
device has separate DIN and DOUT pins rather than a
DIO pin, simply tie them together.
The tables on page 4 compare the timing requirements
for the worst ca se s. Eac h worst c as e is d eterm ine d by
looking at the most stringent req uirement to s ee if the
other end of the interface can meet the requirement.
There is onl y one speed grade for the QSLAC device,
but there ar e multipl e speed grade s for the Am 186CC
controller, so each case has been looked at with the
worst possibility in mind.
The timing of the DSLAC device is largely the same as
the timing of the QSLAC device. The only difference is
that the C hip Select O ff time (parameters 9 and 16) is
longe r—5 µs versus 2.5 µs—on the DSLAC device.
When verifying the timing, there are two cases to
consider: microprocessor write cycles and
microprocessor read cycles. Table 1 on page 4 looks at
the write cycle case, while Table 2 examines read
cycles. These numbers are easily verified, but as an
example, the next few paragraphs explain how Table 1
was derived. Verifying Table 2 is left as an exercise for
the reader.
During a write cycle, the QSLAC device's DIO pin is an
input, so it has setup and h old timin g requirem ents as
illustrated in Table 1. These requirements can be
obtain ed directl y from the QSLAC devi ce’s data shee t
as parameters number 10 and 11 (Input data setup
time, tIDS, and Input data hold time, tIDH). Chip select is
also an input, with similar setup and hold times. The
QSLAC device specifies these parameters separately
for the input (write) and output (read) cases so the
corr ect para meters are 6 a nd 7 (C hip select setup time,
input sta te tICSS, and Chip select hold time, input state
Determin ing what the Am186CC co ntroller provid es—
the right half of Table 1—is a little more complicated.
Remember that SCLK and DCLK are tied together (i.e.,
they are the same clock.) Because data from the
Am186CC controller is output on the falling edge of
SCLK and latched into the QSLAC device on the rising
edge of DCLK, there is one-half clock cycle between
the two events. Assum e the worst case duty c ycle the
QSLAC device can tolerate, which is parameter 3
(Data Clock Low Pulse Width, tDCL) at 97 ns. Th is i s a
conservative assumption because SCLK is always
very close to 50%. The Am186CC controller data sheet
guarantees that SDATA is valid no more than 20 ns
after SCLK goes Low in parameter tSLDV (SCLK Low to
Data Valid). Subtracting this delay from the length of
the clock pulse (97–20=77) leaves 77 ns for setup time
before the rising edge of DCLK.
All the other setup and hold times in Table 1 and
Table 2 are calcul ated in a si milar fashi on, and as the
tables show, there are generous margins even in the
worst case.
QSLAC D ev i ce
SDATA (pin 4) DIO (pin 38)
SCLK (pin 3) DCLK (pin 39)
SDEN (pin 2) CS (pin 40)
Figure 2. QSLAC Device Connections
DSLAC D e v ice
SDATA (pin 4) DIO (pin 21)
SCLK (pin 3) DCLK (pin 19)
PIO10 (pin 2) CS1 (pin 32)
PIO9 (pin 124) CS2 (pin 31)
Figure 3. DSLAC Device Connections
4 Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI
In the case of the data hold time in Table 1, there is no
specification given in the Am186CC controller data
sheet for how quickly SDATA can change after the
clock goes Low. It is assumed that in the worst case,
SDATA instantaneously changes as soon as SCLK
goes Low. This means that the hold time provided by
the Am186CC controller is the same as the minimum
SCLK High period, which is specified by the QSLAC
device as 97 ns.
The chip-select-setup and hold times are given for
SDEN rather than PIOs as discussed previously. Even
though SDEN is driven by the SSI, SDEN is still
control led by s oftwar e by writing a 1 or 0 to the DE bit
in th e SSI Con trol (SSCO N) regist er . Be cause SDEN is
controlled by software, the actual delay is much longer
than specified. The same holds true if PIOs are used to
drive the SLAC device’s chip selects.
Table 3 gives the usable options for each of the
availab le speed grades and the re sulta nt data trans fer
rate. To achieve the maximum DCLK rate of 4 MHz, the
Am186CC controller's internal frequency must be 8,
16, or 32 MHz (÷ 2, 4, or 8).
Note: These frequencies are not the orderable speed grades, but are frequencies chosen that are a multiple of the fastest MPI
cloc k, which is 4 MHz.
Table 1. Microprocessor Outp ut (Data Write)
(ns, min)
(ns, min)
Data Setup time 30 72 None
Data Hold time 30 97 None
CS Setup time 70 219 None
CS Hold time 0 122 None
Table 2. Microprocessor Input (Data Read)
(ns, min)
(ns, min)
Data Setup time 10 47 None
Data Hold time 3 97 None
Table 3. Am186CC Controller Frequencies
-20 MHz
-32 MHz
-40 MHz
-48 MHz
-50 MHz
÷82.5 MHz 4 MHz
÷16 1.25 MHz 2 MHz 2.5 MHz 3.0 MHz 3.13 MHz
÷32 625 KH z 1 MH z 1.25 M H z 1 .5 MH z 1.56 M H z
÷64 313 KHz 500 KHz 625 KHz 750 KHz 781 KHz
÷128 156 KHz 250 KHz 313 KHz 375 KHz 391 KHz
÷256 78 KHz 125 KHz 156 KHz 187.5 KHz 195 KHz
Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI 5
The basic s of using th e SSI port fr om so ftware can b e
illustrated with two subroutines. The first subroutine
writes a byte to the SLAC device; the sec ond reads a
single byte. These two routines, along with
initialization, form the core of the necessary drivers.
The SSI port appears as five registers in the Am186CC
controller’s peripheral control block. This 1-Kbyte block
can be lo cated either in mem ory or in I/O spac e at the
location pointed to by the Peripheral Control Block
Relocation (RELOC) register. The RELOC register
resides in the last register address of the peripheral
control block, at offset 03FEh. Because the base
location of the block can be moved, the location of
individual registers is specified as an offset from the
RELOC register rather than as an absolute address.
The PIO ports and control registers are also located in
this block of addresses. At reset, the peripheral control
block is located at FC00h in I/O space. This places the
RELOC register at FFFEh.
Table 4 shows the five SSI registers. The bit-level
definitions of these registers are given in Table 5.
The Port Busy (PB) bit in the SSSTAT status register
goes High when a transmit or receive operation is in
progress. The DE bits control the state of SDEN and
enable transmission or reception. A write to the
SSTXD0 o r SS TXD1 t ransmit reg ister o r a read of the
SSRXD receive register initiates the transfer. For a
complete functional description of these registers,
including the features not used here, refer to the
Am186™CC Communications Controller Register Set
, order #21916.
Assuming the connections in Figure 2 on page 2, the
following steps are required to execute the Read
Revision Code Number Command (#30 = 73h) of the
QSLAC device.
Initialize the SSI registers:
1. Write the PIO Mode 0 register to enable the SSI
function on the multiplexed pins [PIOMODE0 bits
10, 11, 12 = 0]
2. Write the PIO Direction 0 register to enable the SSI
function on the multiplexed pins [PIODIR0 bits 10,
11, 12 = 0]
3. Write the SSI Mode/Status register to enable SSI
enhancements [SSSTAT bit 15 = 1]
4. Write SSI Control register to set MSB first, Low true
SDEN, and
÷16 [SSCON = 0130h]
Send the command:
1. Enable transmit by setting DE High
[SSCON bit 0 = 1]
2. Write the command [SSTXD0 = 73h]
3. Wait for PB to go Low [SSSTAT bit 0 = 0]
4. Disable transmit by setting DE Low
[SSCON bit 0 = 0]
After waiting at least 2.5 µs, receive the data:
1. Enable receive by setting DE0 High
[SSCON bit 0 = 1]
2. Start reception (read SSRXD)
3. Wait for PB to go Low [SSSTAT bit 0 = 0]
4. Disable receive by setting DE0 Low
[SSCON bit 0 = 0]
5. Read revision number (read SSRXD)
Table 4. SSI Port Registers
Offset from PCB Register
Mnemonic Register Name
2F0h SSSTAT SSI Mode/Statu s
2F2h SSCON SSI Control
2F4h SSTXD1 SSI Transmit 1
2F6h SSTXD0 SSI Transmit 0
2F8h SSRXD SSI Receive
Table 5. Bit Level Definitions
Offset Name1514131211109876543210
6 Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI
Appendix A gives the l istings for two general-purpose
read and write routines. They have been coded in
assembly language to maximize speed. In most cases,
the natural flow of the software guarantees that there is
at least 5 µs between bytes. In the listing given, the
print co mmands between writes and reads tak e much
longer than 5 µs. If this is not the case, either a software
delay or the Am1 86C C control ler’s timer could pr ov id e
the necessary wait.
The initi alizati on pr ocess requ ires t wo ste ps. Fi rst, th e
on-board peripheral of the Am186CC controller (PIO
and SSI ports) must be set up for proper operation.
This includes setting the mode and direction of the PIO
signals as well as setting the pin itself to a known state.
Second, now that the interface is operational, the
SLAC device itself should be initialized. Each of the
SLAC devices has a recommended power-up
sequence that can be found in the data sheet. For
example, the QSLAC device’s recommended
sequence is as follows:
1. Select MCLK (command #6)
2. Reset software (command #2)
3. Program coe fficien ts and param eter s
4. Activate (command #5)
The Am186CC controller’s PIO and SSI ports should
be initia lize d as s oon as p ossib le aft er rese t to ensu re
that the outp ut pins are in the correct state. Howe ver,
after power is stable, 1 ms is needed before commands
can be sent to the SLAC device. Most systems have an
external power-up-reset monitor that provides this
delay. If not, or if they have separate power supplies,
software must wai t before sendi ng the first command .
The QSLAC device has a power interruption flag (PI,
command 23, bit 7), which should be checked after the
The software listing given in Appendix A is written in C
and compiled with Microsoft’s C/C++ compiler. This
example code illustrates how to read the QSLAC
device’s Z-filter coefficients. The software was tested
on several of the evaluation boards available from
AMD. An ASLAC™ Device Interface Board (ACIF™
board) was used to load a known set of coefficients into
a QSLAC device low-noise board. An Am186CC
controlle r demonstra tion board was then conne cted in
place of the ACIF board to read back the coefficients.
The main body of the program first initializes the
various ports and then sends a read Z-filter command.
The for loop then reads back the 15 bytes of the Z-filter
coefficients. The subroutines, SLAC_read and
SLAC_write, are written in assembly language for
speed and clarity. These subroutines implement the
code required to send or receive a single byte.
Appendix B shows how to modify the write routine to
use PIOs instead of SDEN. This example makes use of
the Am186CC controller's new PIO set and clear
regist ers to ensu re that no oth er PIOs a re affected by
this low-level routine. The new registers make it easy
to set the state of a s pecific PIO without affecting any
other PIOs, even though all 16 bits are written. The
modification of the other routines is left to the reader.
The new features of the Am186CC controller make it
easy to interface with AMD SLAC devices using the
SSI. The telecommunications features of the
Am186CC controller make it an excellent choice for
higher performance linecards.
Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI A-1
Appendix A
Interface Software
(Using SDEN)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sys\types.h"
#include "serrano.h" // defines register addresses
// function prototypes
void SLAC_init(void);
void SLAC_write(int);
Uint8 SLAC_read(void);
// useful constants
#define READ_Z 0x85 // read z-filter
#define DE_LOW 0xFFFE // DE bit low bit mask
#define DE_HI 0x0001 // DE bit high bit mask
#define PB_HI 0x0001 // PB bit high bit mask
void main() {
Uint8 buf[256];
int i;
printf("Start Program\n");
printf("Finish SLAC_init\n");
for (i=0; i<256; i++) buf[i] = 0;
printf("Finish buffer initialization\n");
printf("Command Sent\n");
for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
buf[i] = SLAC_read();
printf("byte %d = %x \n",i,buf[i]);
} /* end for loop */
//****************************** END OF MAIN *******************************
void SLAC_init(void)
A-2 Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI
mov dx,PIOMODE0 // point to mode register
in ax,dx // read register (in IO space)
and ax,0xE3FF // set bits low (to turn on SSI)
out dx,ax // write to register (in IO space)
mov dx,PIODIR0 // point to PIO1 DIRECTION register
in ax,dx // read
and ax,0xE3FF // set bit low (to turn on SSI)
out dx,ax // write
mov dx,SSSTAT // point to sync serial control register
mov ax,0x8000 // set ENHCTL (turn on enhancements)
out dx,ax // write
mov dx,SSCON // point to sync serial control register
mov ax,0x0130 // set clk divisor to 16, MSB first
out dx,ax // write
} /* end _asm */
// Bit Settings for SSCON:
// CLKP = 0 ;low active clock
// DENP = 0 ;low active SDEN0
// MSBF = 1 ;send msb first
// CLKEXP = 011 ;divide processor clock by 16
// DE1 = 0 ;don’t start transmission yet
// DE0 = 0 ;ditto
//============================ END OF SLAC_INIT =============================
Uint8 SLAC_read(void)
int i;
mov dx,SSCON // STEP 1 - enable reception
in ax,dx // (i.e. set bit DE0 = 1)
or ax,DE0_HI //
out dx,ax //
mov dx,SSRXD // STEP 2 - start reception
in ax,dx // (with dummy read of SSR)
mov dx,SSSTAT // STEP 3 - wait for data
h1: in ax,dx // (done when PB = 0)
and ax,PB_HI //
jnz h1 //
mov dx,SSCON // STEP 4 - disable reception
in ax,dx // (set DE0 low)
and ax,DE0_LOW //
out dx,ax //
Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI A-3
mov dx,SSRXD // STEP 5 - read the data
in ax,dx //
mov i,ax // move data to output variable
} /* end _asm */
//============================ END OF SLAC_READ =============================
static void SLAC_write(i)
int i;
mov dx,SSCON // STEP 1 - enable transmission
in ax,dx // (i.e. set bit DE0 = 1)
or ax,DE0_HI //
out dx,ax //
mov dx,SSTXD0 // STEP 2 - transmit byte
mov ax,i //
out dx,ax //
mov dx,SSSTAT // STEP 3 - wait for completion
h1: in ax,dx // (done when PB = 0)
and ax,PB_HI //
jnz h1 //
mov dx,SSCON // STEP 4 - disable transmission
in ax,dx // (set DE0 low)
and ax,DE0_LOW //
out dx,ax //
} /* end _asm */
//========================== END OF SLAC_WRITE ==============================
A-4 Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI
Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI B-1
Appendix B
Modifying the Write Routine to
Use PIO Enable Instead of SDEN
static void SSI_write(i)
int i;
mov dx,PCLR10 // STEP 1 - set CS1 low (PIO 10)
mov ax,P10 // using new PIO clear
out dx,ax // function.
mov dx,SSCON // STEP 2 - enable transmission
in ax,dx // (i.e. set bit DE0 = 1)
or ax,DE0_HI //
out dx,ax //
mov dx,SSTXD0 // STEP 3 - transmit byte
mov ax,i //
out dx,ax //
mov dx,SSSTAT // STEP 4 - wait for completion
h1: in ax,dx // (done when PB = 0)
and ax,PB_HI //
jnz h1 //
mov dx,SSCON // STEP 5 - disable transmission
in ax,dx // (set DE0 low)
and ax,DE0_LOW //
out dx,ax //
mov dx,PSET10 // STEP 6 - set CS1 high (PIO 10)
mov ax,P10 // P10 = 0000010000000000b
out dx,ax //
} /* end _asm */
//========================== END OF SSI_WRITE ==============================
B-2 Interfacing the Am186™CC Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI
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