14 DS8298-01 November 2011www.richtek.com
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Table 4. Suggested Capacitors for CIN and COUT
Location Component Supplier Part No. Capacitan ce ( μF) Case Size
CIN MURATA GRM31CR61E106K 10 1206
CIN TDK C3225X5R1E106K 10 1206
COUT MURATA GRM31CR60J476M 47 1206
COUT TDK C3225X5R0J476M 47 1210
COUT MURATA GRM32ER71C226M 22 1210
COUT TDK C3225X5R1C22M 22 1210
Checking Tran sient Re spon se
The regulator loop response can be checked by looking
at the load tra nsient response. Switching regulators ta ke
several cycles to respond to a step load cha nge. When a
step load occurs, VOUT immediately shifts by an amount
equal to ΔILOAD x ESR also begins to charge or discharge
COUT generating a feedba ck error signal f or the regulator
to return VOUT to its steady-state value. During this
recovery time, VOUT can be monitored for overshoot or
ringing that would indicate a stability problem.
Thermal Considerations
For continuous operation, do not exceed absolute
maximum junction temperature. The maximum power
dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC
package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and
difference between junction and ambient temperature. The
maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the
following formula :
PD(MAX) = (TJ(MAX) − TA) / θJA
where TJ(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, TA is
the a mbient temperature, and θJA is the junction to a mbient
thermal resistance.
For recommended operating condition specifications of
the RT8298, the maximum junction temperature is 125°C.
The junction to a mbient thermal resista nce, θJA, is layout
dependent. For SOP-8 (Exposed Pad) package, the
thermal resistance, θJA, is 75°C/W on a standard JEDEC
51-7 four-layer thermal test board.
The output ripple will be the highest at the maximum input
voltage since ΔIL increases with input voltage. Multiple
capa citors pla ced in parallel may be needed to meet the
ESR and RMS current handling requirement.
Higher values, lower cost ceramic capacitors are now
becoming available in smaller ca se sizes. Their high ripple
current, high voltage rating and low ESR make them ideal
for switching regulator applications. When a ceramic
capacitor is used at the input and the power is supplied
by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the
output can induce ringing at the input, VIN. This ringing
can couple to the output and be mistaken. A sudden inrush
of current through the long wires ca n potentially cause a
voltage spike at VIN large enough to da mage the part.
For the input capacitor, two 10μF low ESR ceramic
capacitors are recommended. For the recommended
ca p acitor , ple a se refer to Table 4 for more details.
The selection of COUT is determined by the required ESR
to minimize voltage ripple.
Moreover, the amount of bulk capacitance is also a key
for COUT selection to ensure that the control loop is stable.
Loop stability can be checked by viewing the load transient
response as described in a later section.
The output ripple, ΔVOUT , is determined by :
Δ≤Δ +