SCALE™-2 2SC0635T2A0-45
Prelim i nary Dat a Shee t
www.power.com/igbt-driver Page 5
Output Voltage Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Turn-on voltage, VGHx Any load condition 15.0 V
Turn-off volt ag e , VGLx No load -10.8 V
Turn-off volt ag e , VGLx 6W output power -8.5 V
Turn-off volt ag e , VGLx 9W outp ut power -8.2 V
Footnot es to the K ey D a ta
1) The maximum peak gate current refers to the highest current level occurring during the product
lifetime. It is an absolute value and does a lso apply for short pu lses.
2) The average supply input current is limited for thermal reasons. Higher values than specified by the
absolute maximum rating are permissible (e.g. during power supply start up) if the average remains
below the given value, provided the average is taken over a time period which is shorter than the
thermal time constants of the driver in the application.
3) There is no means of actively controlling or limiting the input current in the driver. In the case of
start-up with very high blocking capacitor values, or in case of short circuit at the output, the supply
input current has to be limi ted externall y.
4) The maximum output power must not be exceeded at any time during operation. The absolute
maximum rating must also be observed for time periods shorter than the thermal time constants of
the driver in the application.
5) An extended output power range is specified in the output power section for ambient temperatures
limited from 0°C to 70°C.
6) The delay time is measured between 50% of the input signal and 10% voltage swing of the
corresponding output. The de lay time is independent on the o utput l oadin g.
7) Output rise and fall ti mes are meas ured betwee n 10% and 90% of the nomi nal output swing w ith an
output load of 4.7Ω and 270nF. The values are given for the driver side of the gate resistors. The time
constant of the output load in conjunction wit h the present ga te resistors lea ds to an additio nal delay
at the load side of the gate resistors.
8) External blocking capacitors should be placed between the VISOx and VEx as well as the VEx and
COMx terminals. Refer to “2SC0635T Description & Application Manual” (paragraph “DC/DC output
(VISOx), emitter (VEx) and COMx terminals)” for recommendations. Ceramic capacitors are
9) The minimum response time is valid for the circuit given in the description and application manual
(Fig. 7) wi th the values of table 1.
10) The blocking time sets a minimum time span between the end of any secondary-side fault state and
the start of normal operation (remove fault from pin SOx). The value of the blocking time can be
adjusted at pin TB.
11) Undervoltage monitoring of the primary-side supply voltage (VCC to GND). If the voltage drops below
this limit, a fault is transmitted to both SOx outputs and the power semiconductors are switched off.
12) Under volta ge m onit oring of t he sec onda ry-sid e s uppl y voltag e (V ISOx t o V Ex and V Ex to C OMx, which
correspond to the approximate turn-on and turn-off gate-emitter voltages). If the corresponding
voltage drops below this limit, a fault is transmitted to the corr esponding SOx o utput and the IGBT is
switched off after the corresponding delays. Refer to “2SC0 635 T Description & Ap plicat ion Manual” for
more details.
13) Transmission delay of fault state from the secondary side to the corresponding primary-side status
14) HiPot testing (= dielectric testing) must generally be restricted to suitable components. This gate
driver is suited for HiPot te sting. Nevertheless, it is st rongly recommended to limi t the testing time to
1s slots. Excessive HiPot testing at voltages much higher than 3182VAC(eff) may lead to insulation
degradation. No degradation has been observed over 1min. testing at 10.2kVAC(eff). Every production
sample shipped to customers has undergone 100% testing at the given value for 1s.