SCALE™-2 2SC0635T2A0-45 Page 1
2SC0635T2A0-45 Preliminary Datasheet
Dual-Channel Cost-Effective SCALE™-2 IGBT Dr iver Core for 4500V IGBTs
The SCALE™-2 dual-driver core 2SC0635T2A0-45 combines unrivalled compactness with broad applicability.
The driver is designed for universal a pplications requiri ng high reliability. The 2SC0635T2A0-45 drives all usual
high-power IGBT modules up to 4500V. Its embedded paralleling capability allows easy inverter design
covering higher power ratings. Multi-level topologies involving 1700V or 3300V IGBTs with higher isolation
requirements can also be easily supported by 2SC0635T2A0-45.
The 2SC0635T2A0-45 combines a complete two-channel driver core with all components req uired for driving,
such as an isolated DC/DC converter, short-circuit protection, Advanced Active Clamping as well as supply
voltage monitor ing. E ach o f the t wo outp ut channe ls is elect rically isolated from th e primary side a nd from the
other seconda ry channel.
An output current of 35A and 6W drive power is available per channel, making the 2SC0635T2A0-45 an ideal
driver platform for universal use in medium and high-power applications. The driver provides a gate voltage
swing of 15V/-10V. The turn-on voltage is regulated to maintain a stable 15V regardless of the output power
Its outstanding EMC allows safe and re liable operation even in hard industrial applicat ions.
Product Highlights Applications
Ultra-compa c t dual-channel dri ver Traction
Highly integrated SCALE-2 chipset Ra ilroad power supplies
Gate current ±35A, 6W output power per channel Light rail vehicles
15V/-10V gate driving HVDC
Blocking voltages up to 4500V Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)
Basic isolation to IEC 61800 -5-1 and IEC 60 664-1 Medium-voltage converters
Short del ay and low jitter Wind-power converters
15V logic level interface Industrial drives
UL compliant Medical applications
Lead free
SCALE™-2 2SC0635T2A0-45
Prelim i nary Dat a Shee t Page 2
Safety Notice!
The data contained in this data sheet is intended exclusively for technically trained staff. Handling all high-
voltage equipment involves risk to life. Strict compliance with the respective safety regulations is mandatory!
Any handling of electronic devices is subject to the g eneral specifications for protecting electrostatic-sensitive
devices according to inte rn ational sta ndard IE C 60747-1, Chapter IX or European standard EN 1000 15 (i. e. the
workplace, t ools, etc. m ust comply with these standards) . O therwise, this product may be damaged.
Impor tant Product Docum enta tion
This data sheet contains o nly product-speci fic dat a. For a detailed description, must-read application notes and
import ant inform ation t hat apply to this product, please refer to “2SC0635T Descr iption & Ap plicat ion Manual
Absolut e Maxi mum Rat i ng s
Parameter Remarks Min Max Unit
Supply voltage VDC VDC to GND 0 16 V
Supply voltage VCC VCC to GND 0 16 V
Logic inp ut and o utput volta ges Primary side , t o GND -0.5 VCC+0.5 V
SOx current Failure condition, total current 20 mA
Gate peak current Iout Note 1 -35 +35 A
External gate resistance Turn-on and turn-off 0.5 Ω
Average supply current IDC Notes 2, 3 1450 mA
Output power Ambient temperature 0°C…70°C (Notes 4, 5) 9 W
Ambient temperature -40°C…85°C ( Note 4) 6 W
Switching frequency f 100 kHz
Test voltage (50Hz/1min.) Primary to secondary (Note 14) 10.2 kVeff
Secondary to seco ndary (Note 14) 10.2 kVeff
|dV/dt| Rate of change of input to output volta ge 50 kV/μs
Operating voltage Primary/s econdary, secondary/secondary 4500 Vpeak
Operating temperature Notes 5, 1 7 -40 +85 °C
Storage temperature -55 +90 °C
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Recommended Operating Conditions
Power Supply Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Supply voltage
VDC VDC to GND, IGBT mode 14.5 15 15.5 V
Supply voltage
VCC VCC to GND 14.5 15 15.5 V
Electrical Characteristics (IGBT mode)
All data refer to +25°C and VCC = VDC
= 15V unless otherwise specified.
Power supply Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Supply current IDC Without load 70 mA
Supply current ICC f = 0Hz 25 mA
Supply current ICC f = 100kHz 34 mA
Coupling capacitance Cio Primary to output, total 14 pF
Power Supply Monitoring Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Supply thres ho ld VCC Primary side, clear fault 11.9 12.6 13.3 V
Primary side, set fault (Note 11) 11.3 12.0 12.7 V
Monitoring hysteresis Primary side, set/clear fault 0.35 V
Supply thres ho ld VISOx-VEx Second ary side, clear fault 12.1 12.6 13.1 V
Secondary side, set fault (No te 12) 11.5 12.0 12.5 V
Monitoring hysteresis Secon dary side, se t/clear fault 0.35 V
Supply thres ho ld VEx-VCOMx Secondary side, clear fault 5 5.15 5.3 V
Secondary side, set fault (No te 12) 4.7 4.85 5 V
Monitoring hysteresis Secon dary side, se t/clear fault 0.15 V
Logic Inputs and Outputs Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Input impedance V(INx) = 15V 4.7 4.8 4.9
Turn-on threshold V(INx) 8.8 V
Turn-off threshold V(INx) 4.5 V
SOx pull-up resistor to VCC On board 10 k
SOx output voltage Failure condition, I(SOx)<6.5mA 0.7 V
Short-Circuit Protection Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
VCE-monitoring threshold Factory set value (Note 18) 9.3 V
Minimum response time Note 9 5.1 µs
Blocking time After fault. Factory set value (Note 10) 130 ms
Minimum blocking time Note 10 9 µs
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Short-Circuit Protection Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Delay in IGBT turn-off Factory-set value (Note 19) 0.2 µs
Timing Charact eristics Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Turn-on del ay td(on) Note 6 95 ns
Turn-off delay td(off) Note 6 80 ns
Jitter of turn-on delay Note 16 ±2 ns
Jitter of turn-off delay Note 16 ±2 ns
Output rise time tr(out) Note 7 20 ns
Output fall time tf(out) Note 7 25 ns
Transmission delay of fault stat e Note 13 450 ns
Electrical Isolation Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Test voltage (50Hz/1s) Primary to secondary side (Note 14) 10.2 10.3 10.4 kVeff
Secondary to seco ndary side (Note 14) 10.2 10.3 10.4 kVeff
Partial discharge extinction volt. Primary to secondary side (Note 15) 5400 Vpeak
Secon dary to secondary side (Note 15 ) 5400 Vpeak
Creepage distance
On the PCB Primary to secondary side 34 mm
(Material group IIIa) Secondary to secondary side 34 mm
On the transformer Primary to secondary side 29 mm
(Material group I) Secondary to secondary side 25 mm
Clearance distance Primary to secondary side 25 mm
Secon dary to secondary side 18 mm
Output Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Blocking capacit ance VISOx to VEx (Note 8) 9.4 µF
VEx to COMx ( Not e 8) 9.4 µF
Output voltage swing
The output voltage swing consists of two distinct se gments. First, there is the tu rn-on voltag e VGHx between
pins GHx and VEx. VGHx is regulated and maintained at a constant level for all output power values and
The seco nd segm ent o f the output voltag e swing i s the turn-off vo ltag e VGLx. VGLx is measured between pins
GLx and VEx. It is a negative voltage. It changes with the output power to accommodate the inevitable
voltage drop across the internal DC/DC converter.
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Output Voltage Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Turn-on voltage, VGHx Any load condition 15.0 V
Turn-off volt ag e , VGLx No load -10.8 V
Turn-off volt ag e , VGLx 6W output power -8.5 V
Turn-off volt ag e , VGLx 9W outp ut power -8.2 V
Footnot es to the K ey D a ta
1) The maximum peak gate current refers to the highest current level occurring during the product
lifetime. It is an absolute value and does a lso apply for short pu lses.
2) The average supply input current is limited for thermal reasons. Higher values than specified by the
absolute maximum rating are permissible (e.g. during power supply start up) if the average remains
below the given value, provided the average is taken over a time period which is shorter than the
thermal time constants of the driver in the application.
3) There is no means of actively controlling or limiting the input current in the driver. In the case of
start-up with very high blocking capacitor values, or in case of short circuit at the output, the supply
input current has to be limi ted externall y.
4) The maximum output power must not be exceeded at any time during operation. The absolute
maximum rating must also be observed for time periods shorter than the thermal time constants of
the driver in the application.
5) An extended output power range is specified in the output power section for ambient temperatures
limited from 0°C to 70°C.
6) The delay time is measured between 50% of the input signal and 10% voltage swing of the
corresponding output. The de lay time is independent on the o utput l oadin g.
7) Output rise and fall ti mes are meas ured betwee n 10% and 90% of the nomi nal output swing w ith an
output load of 4.and 270nF. The values are given for the driver side of the gate resistors. The time
constant of the output load in conjunction wit h the present ga te resistors lea ds to an additio nal delay
at the load side of the gate resistors.
8) External blocking capacitors should be placed between the VISOx and VEx as well as the VEx and
COMx terminals. Refer to 2SC0635T Description & Application Manual” (paragraph DC/DC output
(VISOx), emitter (VEx) and COMx terminals) for recommendations. Ceramic capacitors are
9) The minimum response time is valid for the circuit given in the description and application manual
(Fig. 7) wi th the values of table 1.
10) The blocking time sets a minimum time span between the end of any secondary-side fault state and
the start of normal operation (remove fault from pin SOx). The value of the blocking time can be
adjusted at pin TB.
11) Undervoltage monitoring of the primary-side supply voltage (VCC to GND). If the voltage drops below
this limit, a fault is transmitted to both SOx outputs and the power semiconductors are switched off.
12) Under volta ge m onit oring of t he sec onda ry-sid e s uppl y voltag e (V ISOx t o V Ex and V Ex to C OMx, which
correspond to the approximate turn-on and turn-off gate-emitter voltages). If the corresponding
voltage drops below this limit, a fault is transmitted to the corr esponding SOx o utput and the IGBT is
switched off after the corresponding delays. Refer to “2SC0 635 T Description & Ap plicat ion Manual” for
more details.
13) Transmission delay of fault state from the secondary side to the corresponding primary-side status
14) HiPot testing (= dielectric testing) must generally be restricted to suitable components. This gate
driver is suited for HiPot te sting. Nevertheless, it is st rongly recommended to limi t the testing time to
1s slots. Excessive HiPot testing at voltages much higher than 3182VAC(eff) may lead to insulation
degradation. No degradation has been observed over 1min. testing at 10.2kVAC(eff). Every production
sample shipped to customers has undergone 100% testing at the given value for 1s.
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15) Partial discharge measurement is performed in accordance with IEC 60270 and isolation coordination
specified in IEC 60664-1. The partial discharge extinction voltage between primary and either
secondary side is coordinated for basic isolation to IEC 60664-1.
16) Jitter measurements are performed with input signals INx switching between 0V and 15V referred to
GND, with a corresponding rise time and fall time of 6ns.
17) The minimum operating temperature is limited to -40°C for the first series. This will be extended
to -55°C upon co mpl et ion o f the ongoi ng qua lifi ca tio n prog ra m.
18) The VCEmonitoring threshold value can be reduced with an external resistor. Refer to “2SC0635T
Description & Application Manual”.
19) The turn-off event of the IGBT after a secondary-side fault (IGBT short circuit or undervoltage
monitoring) can be additionally d elayed wit h an exte rnal cap acitor. Re fer to “2S C0635T Des criptio n &
Application Manual”.
RoHS Statement
On the basis of Annexes II and III of E uropea n Direc tive 2011/ 65/E C of 08 Ju ne 201 1 on the re stri ctio n of the
use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS), we hereby state that the
products described in this datasheet do not contain lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr VI),
cadmium (Cd), polibrometo of biphenyl (PBB) or polibrometo diphenyl ether (PBDE) in concentrations
exceeding the restrictions set forth in Annex II of 2011/65/EC with due consideration of the applicable
exemptions as listed in Annex III of 2011/65/EC.
Legal Disclaimer
The statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are believed to be accurate as
of the date hereof. All parameters, numbers, values and other technical data included in the technical
information were calculated and determined to our best knowledge in accordance with the relevant technical
norms (if any). They may base on assumptions or operational conditions that do not necessarily apply in
general. We exclude any representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the accuracy or
completeness of the statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein. No
responsibility is accepted for the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the statements, technical information,
recommendations or opinions communicated and any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or
damage suffered by any person arisi ng ther efrom is ex p ressly disclaimed.
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Ordering I nfo rmati o n
The general terms and conditions of delivery of Pow er Integrations Switzerland GmbH apply.
Type Designation Description
2SC0635T2A0-45 Dual-channel 4.5kV SCALE-2 driver core
Product home page:
Refer to for information on driver nomenclature
Information about Other Products
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Power Integrations Switzerland GmbH
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Phone +41 32 344 47 47
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© 20132015 Power Integrations Switzerland GmbH. All rights reserved.
We reserve the right to make any technical modificat ions wi thout prior notice. Version 1.2 from 2016-05-20
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