dsPIC30F Digital Signal Controllers
The Best of Both Worlds
16-bit Flash MCU with the Power of DSP
April 2005
A Digital Signal Controller (DSC) is a single-chip, embedded controller that
seamlessly integrates the control attributes of a Microcontroller (MCU) with
the computation and throughput capabilities of a Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
in a single core.
Microchip’s dsPIC® DSC offers everything you would expect from a powerful
16-bit MCU: fast, sophisticated and flexible interrupt handling; a wide array of
digital and analog peripheral functions; power management; flexible clocking
options; power-on-reset; brown-out protection; watchdog timer; code security;
full-speed real-time emulation; and full-speed in-circuit debug solutions.
By skillfully adding DSP capability to a powerful 16-bit MCU, Microchip’s
dsPIC30F family of dsPIC DSCs achieves the best of both worlds and marks
the beginning of a new era in embedded control.
The Capability You Need
What is a Digital Signal Controller?
1st Generation DSC
Powerful 16-bit MCU:
The dsPIC30F family of devices
executes most of its instructions in
1 cycle (33 ns at 30 MIPS). Combine
this high instruction throughput with
true DSP capabilities, such as single
cycle 16-bit multiply and zero overhead
looping, and you have the most powerful
16-bit MCU at your command.
Looking to Add DSP?
If you are one of the many MCU users
looking to add DSP features to your
system, chances are you don’t like your
choices. Adding a DSP chip to your
existing MCU-based system can be
costly and complicated. The dsPIC30F
is designed to look and feel like an
MCU. Adding DSP functionality in the
familiar controller-like environment can
be accomplished with ease.
Reliable Flash:
The dsPIC30F incorporates Microchip’s
PEEC Flash process technology with
data retention of 40+ years at 85° C,
endurance of 1 million cycles typical
at 85° C and fast programming time.
There is no better Flash technology for
embedded control.
Additionally, the dsPIC30F can securely
self-program its own Flash memory in a
finished product.
DSP for the DSP Expert!
A seasoned DSP developer will
be amazed at the capabilities the
dsPIC30F family offers — everything
you expect from a DSP of its class:
dual 40-bit accumulators, single-cycle
16 x 16 MAC, 40-bit barrel shifter,
dual operand fetches, saturation and
rounding modes and DO and REPEAT
loops. Then we added a few items
usually missing from DSPs: flexible
interrupts, large register sets, a
watchdog timer, clock fail detect and
real-time emulation to name a few.
Optimized C Compiler:
The dsPIC30F architecture was co-
developed by our MPLAB® C30 C
Compiler team. The result is a high C
code efficiency when compared to any
16-bit MCU or DSP.
C code benchmarks show that competitive
16-bit MCUs require up to double the
amount of program code space for the
same application program written in C.
Considering a 32-bit MCU?
Considering a 32-bit controller because
your current MCU has run out of steam?
The dsPIC30F with integrated DSP can
outperform a 32-bit controller in many
applications. Our outstanding C code
efficiency for 32-bit data type reduces
memory requirements and cost.
Future dsPIC30F variants with larger
program memory are in development to
give you a long-term roadmap with the
dsPIC DSC architecture.
Outstanding MCU Performance
The first 16-bit MCUs were developed to
overcome the native 64 KB boundary imposed
by 8-bit MCUs. The need
for advanced
performance was not contemplated in
these early
architectures. When the need
for improved performance became obvious,
next-generation devices were developed, but
were constrained by backward compatibility
requirements and legacy issues.
Developed from the ground up, the dsPIC DSC
addresses traditional 16-bit requirements
without sacrificing performance. It combines
state-of-the-art 16-bit MCU performance in its
general-purpose register-based core with all
the features you need for DSP operations.
Bridging the Performance Gap
Microchip’s dsPIC30F places unprecedented performance in the hands of 16-bit MCU designers. The dsPIC DSC has the
“heart” of a 16-bit MCU with robust peripherals and fast interrupt handling capability and the “brain” of a DSP that manages
high computation activities, creating the optimum single-chip solution for embedded system designs. This enables you to
add powerful new features to your product and integrate functions to save board space.
Cycle Count
Equation Conditions*
Number of
Execution Time
@30 MIPS
Complex FFT** N=64 3739
Complex FFT** N=128 8485
Complex FFT** N=256 19055
Single Tap FIR —- 1
Block FIR 53+N(4+M) N=32, M=32 1205
Block FIR Lattice 41+N(4+7M) N=32, M=32 7337
Block IIR Canonic 36+N(8+7S) N=32, S=4 1188
Block IIR Lattice 46+N(16+7M) N=32, M=8 2350
Matrix Add 20+3(C*R) C=8, R=8 212
Matrix Transpose 16+C(6+3(R-1)) C=8, R=8 232
Vector Dot Product 17+3N N=32 113
Vector Max 19+7(N-2) N=32 229
Vector Multiply 17+4N N=32 145
Vector Power 16+2N N=32 80
PID Loop Core -— 7
231 n
*C= #columns, N=# samples, M=#taps, S=#sections, R=#rows
**Complex FFT routine inherently prevents overfl ow
1 cycle = 33 nanoseconds @ 30 MIPS
Best of Both Worlds
MCU Attributes
•Interrupt intensive
•Cost driven
•Flash capability
•Robust peripherals
•HLL frequently used
DSP Attributes
•Interrupt averse
•Performance driven
•Emerging Flash
•Limited peripherals
•HLL infrequently used
Single core architecture
Familiar MCU look and feel
DSP performance
Rich peripheral options
Advanced interrupt capability
Robust Flash memory
Flexible re-programmability
Robust Data EEPROM
Low pin count options
Optimized for C
Competitive DSP Performance
The dsPIC30F balances its outstanding MCU
qualities with competitive DSP performance.
All the features you require from a high
performance, robust DSP are effortlessly
integrated in the dsPIC DSC.
High Performance DSC CPU
Operating Range On-Chip Flash, Data EEPROM and SRAM
System Management
Power Management
Interrupt Controller
Digital I/O
dsPIC30F Features Overview
Communication Modules
Motor Control Peripherals
DC to 30 MIPS
Wide VDD range: 2.5 - 5.5V
to 85
° C) and ext. (-40° to 125°C)
*30 MIPS @ 4.5-5.5V, -40° to 85° C
Single core combines MCU and DSP features
C compiler optimized instruction set
16-bit wide data path
24-bit wide instructions
84 base instructions: mostly 1 word/1 cycle
16 16-bit general purpose registers
2 40-bit accumulators
•With rounding and saturation options
Flexible and powerful addressing modes
•Indirect, modulo and bit-reversed
Software stack
16 x 16 fractional/integer multiplier
32/16 and 16/16 divide
Single cycle multiply-and-accumulate
40-stage barrel shifter
Flash program memory: up to 144 KB
•100K erase/write cycles typical
Data EEPROM: up to 4 KB
•1 million erase/write cycles typical
Data SRAM: up to 8K bytes
Up to 54 programmable digital I/O pins
Wake-up/Interrupt-on-change on up to 24 pins
25 mA sink and source on all I/O pins
Flexible clock options:
•Primary external clock, crystal, resonator
•Secondary external lower power (32 kHz
crystal oscillator)
•Internal RC: fast or low power
•Integrated PLL (4x, 8x, 16x)
-- Low jitter PLL
-- PLL sourced by ext. & int. clock sources
Programmable power-up timer
Oscillator start-up timer/stabilizer
Watchdog Timer with its own RC oscillator
Clock switching/fail-safe clock monitor
Switch between clock sources in real-time
Programmable power-on reset start up
Programmable low-voltage detect
Programmable brown-out reset
Idle and Sleep modes with fast wake-up
5 cycle fi xed latency
Up to 45 interrupt sources, up to 5 external
7 programmable priority levels
4 processor exceptions and software traps
Timer/counters: up to fi ve 16-bit timers
•Can pair up to make 32-bit timers
•1 timer runs as real-time clock with external
32 kHz oscillator
Input capture: up to 8 channels
•Capture on rising, falling or both edges
•4-deep FIFO on each capture
Output compare: up to 8 channels
•Single or dual 16-bit compare mode
•16-bit glitchless PWM mode
3-wire SPI™: up to 2 modules
•Framing supports I/O interface to
simple codecs
I²C™ full multi-master, slave mode support
•7-bit and 10-bit addressing
•Bus collision detection and arbitration
UART: up to 2 modules
•Interrupt-on-address bit detect
•Wake-up on Start bit from Sleep mode
•4-character TX and RX FIFO buffers
Codec interface module
•Supports I²S and AC97 protocols
CAN 2.0B active: up to 2 modules
•3 transmit and 2 receive buffers
•Wake-up on CAN message
Motor Control PWM: up to 8 outputs
•4 duty cycle generators
•Independent or complementary mode
•Programmable dead time settings
•Edge or center-aligned
•Manual output override control
•Up to 2 fault inputs
•A/D samples triggered by PWM module
Quadrature encoder interface module
•Phase A, Phase B and index pulse input
10-bit, 1 Msps A/D converter module
•2 or 4 simultaneous samples
•Up to 16 input channels with auto scanning
•16 deep result buffer
•Conversion possible in Sleep mode
12-bit, 200 ksps A/D converter module
•Up to 16 input channels with auto scanning
•16 deep result buffer
•Conversion possible in Sleep mode
±1 LSB accuracy
dsPIC30F Family Block Diagram
dsPIC30F Product Families
General Purpose Family
The dsPIC30F General Purpose Family is ideal for a wide variety of 16-bit MCU embedded applications. In addition, the vari-
ants with codec interfaces are well suited for audio applications.
Product Pins
K Bytes
200 ksps UART SPI™ I²C™ CAN
Package Code
dsPIC30F3014 40/44 24 2048 1024 3 2 2 13 ch 2 1 1 —30 P, PT, ML
dsPIC30F4013 40/44 48 2048 1024 5 4 4 AC97, I²S 13 ch 2 1 1 1 30 P, PT, ML
dsPIC30F5011 64 66 4096 1024 5 8 8 AC97, I²S 16 ch 2 2 1 2 52 PT
dsPIC30F6011 64 132 6144 2048 5 8 8 16 ch 2 2 1 2 52 PF
dsPIC30F6012 64 144 8192 4096 5 8 8 AC97, I²S 16 ch 2 2 1 2 52 PF
dsPIC30F5013 80 66 4096 1024 5 8 8 AC97, I²S 16 ch 2 2 1 2 68 PT
dsPIC30F6013 80 132 6144 2048 5 8 8 16 ch 2 2 1 2 68 PF
dsPIC30F6014 80 144 8192 4096 5 8 8 AC97, I²S 16 ch 2 2 1 2 68 PF
Motor Control and Power Conversion Family
This dsPIC30F family supports motor control applications, such as brushless DC motors, single and 3-phase induction and
switch reluctance motors. These are also ideal for UPS, inverters, switched mode power supplies and power factor correction.
Sensor Family
The dsPIC30F Sensor Family products have features designed to support high-performance, low-cost embedded control
applications. The 18- and 28-pin packages are designed to fit space-critical applications.
Product Pins
K Bytes
1 Msps
Encoder UART SPI™ I²C™ CAN
(Max.)* Package Code
dsPIC30F2010 28 12 512 1024 3 4 2 6 ch 6 ch Yes 1 1 1 20 SP, SO, MM
dsPIC30F3010 28 24 1024 1024 5 4 2 6 ch 6 ch Yes 1 1 1 20 SP, SO, 44-pin
dsPIC30F4012 28 48 2048 1024 5 4 2 6 ch 6 ch Yes 1 1 1 1 20 SP, SO, 44-pin
dsPIC30F3011 40/44 24 1024 1024 5 4 4 6 ch 9 ch Yes 2 1 1 30 P, PT, ML
dsPIC30F4011 40/44 48 2048 1024 5 4 4 6 ch 9 ch Yes 2 1 1 1 30 P, PT, ML
dsPIC30F5015 64 66 2048 1024 5 4 4 8 ch 16 ch Yes 1 2 1 1 52 PT
dsPIC30F5016 80 66 2048 1024 5 4 4 8 ch 16 ch Yes 1 2 1 1 68 PT
dsPIC30F6010 80 144 8192 4096 5 8 8 8 ch 16 ch Yes 2 2 1 2 68 PF
* Maximum I/O pin count includes pins shared by the peripheral functions.
Product Pins
K Bytes
200 ksps UART SPI™ I²C™
(Max.)* Package Code
dsPIC30F2011 18 12 1024 3 2 2 8 ch 1 1 1 12 P, SO, 28-pin ML
dsPIC30F3012 18 24 2048 1024 3 2 2 8 ch 1 1 1 12 P, SO, 44-pin ML
dsPIC30F2012 28 12 1024 3 2 2 10 ch 1 1 1 20 SP, SO, 28-pin ML
dsPIC30F3013 28 24 2048 1024 3 2 2 10 ch 2 1 1 20 SP, SO, 44-pin ML
dsPIC30F Packages
P: 18-pin PDIP
(22.81 x 7.95 x 3.3 mm)
SO: 18-pin SOIC
(11.53 x 10.34 x 2.31 mm)
SP: 28-pin SPDIP
(34.67 x 7.87 x 3.3 mm)
SO: 28-pin SOIC
(17.88 x 10.34 x 2.31 mm)
MM: 28-pin QFN
(6 mm x 6 mm x 0.9 mm)
PT: 44-pin TQFP
(10 mm x 10 mm x 1 mm)
P: 40-pin PDIP
(52.27 x 15.24 x 3.81 mm)
PF: 64-pin TQFP
(14 mm x 14 mm x 1 mm)
PT: 80-pin TQFP
(12 mm x 12 mm x 1 mm)
ML: 44-pin QFN
(8 mm x 8 mm x 0.9 mm)
PF: 80-pin TQFP
(14 mm x 14 mm x 1 mm)
PT: 64-pin TQFP
(10 mm x 10 mm x 1 mm)
Images are approximately to scale.
ML: 28-pin QFN
(6 mm x 6 mm x 0.9 mm)
Designed for real-time control, the dsPIC DSC offers
duced system cost
outstanding reliability, robustness and red
On-chip oscillator eliminates
crystal, reduces cost
The dsPIC DSC’s on-chip precision oscillator
(FRC: 7.5 MHz, ±1.5% over VDD and
temperature) can be the clock source for many
systems. In several dsPIC DSCs, the PLL can
boost the clock speed and still meet ±2%
accuracy. Now you can eliminate the
external crystal, save board space and
reduce system cost.
25 mA I/O drive
saves cost
Each I/O pin sources or sinks 25
mA, making it possible to drive
LEDs directly or eliminate pre-
drivers for external FET switches
to save you space and cost.
Low Jitter PLL for
reliable system operation
On-chip PLL with crystal oscillator
input offers low jitter, < ±0.75% over
VDD and temperature for reliable
operation of CAN or other forms of
Power save modes optimizes
power consumption
The dsPIC DSC offers many ways to
optimize power consumption. Switch to a
low frequency on-chip oscillator or divide
down the system clock during periods of
inactivity. Go into “power-down” mode to
shut down all clocks to reduce current
draw to microamperes yet allow a quick
wake-up on interrupt.
125° ambient operation
All dsPIC DSCs operate up to 125°C
ambient temperature, making these ideal
for industrial applications that run “hot”
such as motor control, power conversion,
lighting control as well as “under the hood”
automotive systems such as
EHPS, electronic gearbox, cooling fan
control, etc.
Self-monitoring CPU protects
against software glitches
Code execution flow is continually monitored
to prevent catastrophic failures due to
software malfunction. Accesses to non-existing
memory locations are trapped, as are stack
overflow, stack underflow and un-initialized
pointer accesses. Unimplemented op codes
execute as NOPs to avoid unpredictable
behavior. Now your real-time system has an
added level of safety.
Small package –
big performance
Several dsPIC DSCs come in QFN
packages as small as 6 x 6 mm or
8 x 8 mm and only 0.9 mm high.
Now you add 16-bit performance in
the tiniest of places.
Reliable watchdog timer
Flash configuration bits are used
to enable the watchdog timer and
select its period. Software cannot
disable it; as it runs from its own
internal oscillator, independent of the
system clock. Now that is a reliable
On-chip system clock monitor
adds safety
The dsPIC DSC’s on-chip clock monitor
detects system clock failure and forces
a chip-reset. Restarting the system with
the on-chip oscillator (FRC) provides
a graceful way to handle such a
catastrophic failure.
Power-on Reset and Brown-out
Reset add robustness, saves cost
Intelligent on-chip Power-on Reset
eliminates external reset circuit in most
systems. Vary the reset period to allow
for different crystal start-up delays.
Brown-out protection, if enabled, resets
the chip in the event of a power glitch.
All this adds up to a robust system at a
reduced cost.
The dsPIC DSC is designed
to meet the rigorous demands of
real-time systems. Not only is its
real-time performance superior
compared to other 16- and 32-
bit controllers, it also offers
a number of highly enabling
features specifically designed to
enhance system reliability and
robustness, and reduce system
cost by eliminating external
One Architecture, Many Solutions
The versatile dsPIC30F family provides solutions for embedded control applications and offers a wide variety of digital and
analog peripheral modules. Choose a high pin count, high-density memory dsPIC30F device as a main controller in a large,
complex embedded system. Or select a small pin count, small package device to tackle a single motor or a sensor. No other
16-bit MCU or DSP family gives you so much flexibility.
Invest in the dsPIC30F family once and reap the benefits of having a single platform over many applications.
Motor Control
The dsPIC30F is ideal for motors requiring more than a basic microcontroller. Whether you need a little more computation
power or full DSP capability, the dsPIC30F delivers.
Apply the dsPIC30F for sensorless control, precision speed/position/servo control, torque management, variable speed
motors, high RPM motors, variable load applications, noise reduction or energy efficiency improvement. Brushless DC, AC
induction or switch reluctance motors are ideal candidates for the dsPIC30F family of controllers.
Applications: Enabling Features of the dsPIC30F:
• 1 or 2 fault pins
• 28-, 40-, 64- and 80-pin variants
• 6 or 8 motor PWM output
• Complementary or independent PWM
• Center-aligned or edge-aligned PWM
• A/D sampling synchronized to PWM cycle
• 10-bit, 1 Msps A/D converter
• 2 or 4 simultaneous A/D samples
• 5V native operation for noisy environments
• On-chip Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI)
• Motor control algorithm reference designs
• Up to 2 programmable dead time settings
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
• Absolute encoders and resolvers
• Blowers and lawn equipment
Electronic Power Steering
Industrial gate openers
Seat belt tensioners
Exercise equipment
Washing machines
Sewing machines
Industrial pumps
Stability control
Power tools
• Refrigeration
• Printing machines
Internet Connectivity
If your embedded control system needs to be connected to the Internet or to a dial-up phone line, the dsPIC30F provides you
with a single chip solution. The “ready-to-use” TCP/IP Ethernet driver and soft modem application libraries enable you to add
connectivity to your design.
Applications: Enabling Features of the dsPIC30F:
• Remote diagnostics of industrial equipment
• Remote medical equipment
• Water, gas and electric meters
• Industrial gate openers
• Remote monitoring
• Vending machines
• Power line modems
• Security systems
• Set top boxes
• Internet speakers
• UART interface
• TCP/IP Software Library
• Soft Modem Library (V.32bis/V.22bis)
• Encryption libraries
• Ethernet driver software
• RTOS for multitasking
• Reduced board space
• Reduced total system cost
Sensor Control
The 18- and 28-pin small footprint dsPIC30F parts are ideal for advanced sensor control. The combination of a 12-bit A/D
converter, communication peripherals, power management features and DSP capability makes it possible to create intelligent
sensor interface modules. These devices can also assist an overloaded central controller.
• Advanced 2-D PIR detection
• Chemical and gas sensors
• Glass break detectors
• Gyroscopic modules
• Knock detection
• Vibration sensors
• Pressure sensors
• Torque sensors
• Coin acceptors
• Magnetic sensors
• Ultrasonic sensors
Applications: Enabling Features of the dsPIC30F:
Microchip is an ISO/TS 16949:2002 qualified supplier to major automotive manufacturers. Most of our products are
available for automotive-grade temperature requirements and support a long product life cycle.
Available in 18- to 80-pin packages, the dsPIC30F family is ideal for a variety of automotive applications from a large
central controller to small sensor interface or peripheral processor.
Electrically assisted hydraulic steering
Electronic clutch and gearboxes
Roll and stability controllers
Seat belt pretensioners
Electronic power steering
Cabin noise cancellation
Advanced battery monitors
Airbag main controllers
Ignition controllers
Side impact airbags
Occupant sensors
Fuel pressure controls
Applications: Enabling Features of the dsPIC30F:
• DSP capability
• High speed input capture
• Small footprint 18- or 28-pin packages
• 12-bit, 200 ksps A/D converter
• SPI™, I²C™ and UART communication ports
• Visual digital filter design tool
• Configurable Flash memory can update algorithms
• DSP capability
• Powerful MCU core
• CAN and OSEK Library
• 18- to 80-pin products
• One or two CAN 2.0B modules
• Long product life cycle supported
• Broad product selection for many applications
• Extended temperature operation
• VDD range of +2.5 to 5.5V DC
• LIN support through UART and software
• Safe mode operation features: LVD, BOR, WDT, software traps
• High reliability Flash with typical endurance of one million
erase/write cycles and data retention of >40 years
Often speech and low fidelity audio applications use a DSP for algorithm processing and an MCU for control. The dsPIC30F can
replace both in many applications and reduce total system cost. The dsPIC DSC provides enough MIPS for many speech and
audio applications, such as noise and echo cancellation, speech recognition and quality speech compression and playback.
The dsPIC DSC is also an ideal companion to a main DSP in high-end audio applications; offloading functions such as a
digital tuner, satellite radio, equalizer, etc.
Intercom systems
High quality speech playback
Distributed speaker network
Musical instrument effects
Voice activated and wireless microphones
Teleconferencing equipment
Noise cancelling headsets
Cabin noise cancellation
Speech recognition
Hands-free kit
Answering machines
Digital two-way radios
Voice recorders
Applications: Enabling Features of the dsPIC30F:
Power Conversion and Monitoring
The dsPIC30F is ideal for a variety of power conversion and monitoring applications. UPSs, inverters, as well as power
management units within complex equipment, such as copiers, telecom switches and routers, require advanced power
management. The dsPIC30F has Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) outputs, fast analog-to-digital conversion and plenty of
computation power to satisfy the needs of these applications.
Applications: Enabling Features of the dsPIC30F:
• 10-bit, 1 Msps A/D converter
• 2 or 4 simultaneous A/D samples
• A/D sampling synchronized to PWM cycle
• 6 or 8 PWM output
• Complementary or independent PWM
• Center-aligned or edge-aligned PWM
• 1 or 2 fault pins
• 58.6 kHz PWM frequency at 10-bit resolution
• Up to 2 programmable dead time settings
• 28-, 40-, 64- and 80-pin variants
• 5V native operation for noisy environments
Power and environment monitor in servers
Power management for equipment
Circuit breakers
Arc fault detection
Auxiliary power unit
Electric vehicles
• AC to DC converters
DC to DC converters
Power factor correction
Online UPS
Welding machines
• Codec interface: AC97 and I²S
• 12-bit, 200 ksps A/D converter
• Small footprint package options
• Reduced total system cost
• Reduced board space
• Digital Filter Design tool
• Ready to use DSP Library
• Noise Suppression Library
• Acoustic Echo Cancellation Library
• Speech Encoding/Decoding Library
• Speech Recognition Application Library
Powerful Tools and Libraries to Ease Your Development
The dsPIC30F family comes with an extensive array of development tools, application libraries (many of which are free
of charge), development boards and reference designs that allow high-performance embedded solutions to be designed
effortlessly and rapidly.
The Essential Software and Hardware Development Tools
MPLAB® Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
All dsPIC30F tools operate effortlessly under the MPLAB IDE umbrella. The powerful and yet easy-to-use MPLAB IDE has all
of the advanced edit/build/debug features you would expect from a 32-bit debug environment. MPLAB IDE integrates not only
software, but all of Microchip’s hardware tools and many third party tools. Key features of MPLAB IDE:
• Designed for Windows® XP, 2000 and Windows NT® • Full feature code editor with color context
• Project build and management • Source level debug in ASM and C
• Flexible watch windows • Searchable trace buffers
• Mouse over variable inspection • Version control integration
Powerful Project Manager handles
multiple projects and all file types
Color-keyed editor makes
source code debug easier
Status bar updates on
single step or run
MPLAB® IDE Integrated Development Environment
MPLAB® ASM30 Assembler*
MPLAB® SIM Software Simulator*
MPLAB® C30 ANSI C Compiler
MPLAB® ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger/Development Programmer
MPLAB® ICE 4000 In-Circuit Emulator
MPLAB® PRO MATE® II Full Featured Device Programmer
MPLAB® PM3 Full Featured Device Programmer
Visual Device Initializer
*Comes with no-cost MPLAB® IDE
Microchip is committed to making your development as
easy and efficient as possible. This commitment is the
reason why Microchip develops its own software and
hardware tools. You have our full technical support
whether the issue is silicon or tools-related.
The dsPIC30F development tools suite provides value with
many free and low-cost tools. You can get started with
the MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger and the MPLAB
IDE for approximately US $160.
If you already own a PRO MATE ® II, the dsPIC30F family
is supported on it. If you are considering a new full-
featured programmer, the MPLAB PM3 is recommended.
Fully customizable watch windows
to view and modify registers and
memory locations
Simply move your mouse over a
variable to view or modify
Set break/trace points with
a click of the mouse
dsPICworks™ Data Analysis and DSP Software
The dsPICworks Data Analysis and DSP Software makes it easy to evaluate
and analyze DSP algorithms. You can run a variety of DSP and arithmetic
operations and analyze your data in both time and frequency domain. Key
features of the dsPICworks Data Analysis and DSP Software:
Visually analyze time and frequency domain data
DSP operations: FFT, convolution, correlation, DCT and filtering
Waveform synthesis
Tool generates one-, two- and three-dimensional frequency graphs
Data import/export options to interface with MPLAB IDE and MPLAB ASM30
Support for fractional, integer and IEEE floating point data in decimal
and hexadecimal notation
Develop DSP Algorithms: The Easy Way
Digital Filter Design Tool
The Digital Filter Design Tool makes
designing and analyzing FIR and
IIR filters easy. Enter frequency
specifications and filter code
and coefficients are generated
automatically. Graphical output
windows provide the desired filter’s
Digital Filter Design Lite
timized Buildin
Block Libraries
lock librar
code fo
. Some
he DSP
Peripheral Driver Library
This library of over 270 C utility functions
helps you set up and operate the hardware
peripheral modules in various modes.
Functions covered in the Peripheral Driver
10-bit and 12-bit A/D converters
UART, SPI™, I²C™ and codec interface
Motor Control PWM and QEI
General purpose timers
Input capture and output compare
Filter Design
List Price $249 $29
FIR Taps Up to 513 Up to 64
IIR Taps for
LP, HP Up to 10 Up to 4
IIR Taps for
BP, BS Up to 20 Up to 8
World Class Software Development Tools
The MPLAB ASM30 is a full-featured
macro assembler. User defined
macros, conditional assembly and a
variety of assembler directives make
the MPLAB ASM30 a powerful code
generation tool.
are Linker and Librarian modules that
allow efficient linking, library creation
and maintenance.
Industry Leading C Code
The dsPIC30F was designed with a
robust, full-featured instruction set
optimized for C compiler efficiency from
the start. Coupled with Microchip’s highly
optimized MPLAB C30 C Compiler, this
combination produces results that fit into
a smaller sized on-chip Flash memory.
MPLAB SIM Software
The MPLAB SIM Software Simulator is
a full-featured, cycle accurate software
simulator. In addition to simulating the
CPU and the instruction set, it also
supports key peripherals, such as
timers, I/O, interrupts, UART and A/D
modules. MPLAB SIM has powerful
stimulus capabilities and file I/O. It is
ideal for the algorithm development.
MPLAB C30 C Compiler
The MPLAB C30 C Compiler is a full-featured, ANSI compliant optimizing compiler.
The MPLAB C30 C Compiler includes a complete ANSI C standard library, including
string manipulation, dynamic memory allocation, data conversion, timekeeping and
math libraries.
The MPLAB C30 C Compiler has a powerful code optimizer; other 16-bit MCUs
generate as much as 165 percent larger code for the same application.
MPLAB VDI Visual Device Initializer
Configuring a powerful 16-bit MCU or DSP can be a complex and challenging task, but not with the dsPIC30F devices. Our
MPLAB VDI Visual Device Initializer allows you to configure the entire processor graphically and when complete, a mouse click
generates initialization code usable in Assembly or C programs.
The MPLAB VDI Visual Device Initializer does extensive error
checking on assignments and conflicts on pins, memories and
interrupts, as well as a selection of operating conditions. The
generated code files are effortlessly integrated with the rest of your
application code through MPLAB project manager.
The detailed reports on resource assignment and configuration
simplify project documentation. Key features of the MPLAB VDI
Visual Device Initializer:
• Drag-and-drop feature selection
• One click configuration
• Extensive error checking
• Generates initialization code
• Integrates effortlessly in MPLAB project manager
• Printed reports ease project documentation requirements
Download a full-featured, time-
restricted demonstration version
of the MPLAB C30 C Compiler from
the Microchip web site for your
Soft Modem Libraries
V.22bis/V.22 Soft Modem Library
This library is available free of charge from the Microchip web site. The V.22bis Soft
Modem Library is a collection of algorithms for ITU-T compliant V.21/Bell 103, V.22
and V.22bis modems and V.42 recommendations. The V.22bis library comes with full
source code and archives that contain object code modules required for linking with your
application. The transmit and receive data pump code modules are coded in Assembly
language for optimal speed and smallest code size, while the AT, V.42 and Data Pump
APIs are coded in C. Hardware component drivers, such as UART and Data Converter
Interface (DCI) for Analog Front End (AFE) I/O are provided. This library can be readily
implemented on the dsPICDEM.net Connectivity Board.
V.32bis Soft Modem Library
The V.32bis Soft Modem Library is a collection of algorithms for ITU-T compliant V.21/Bell
103, V.22, V.22bis, V.32 and V.32bis modems and V.42 recommendations. The V.32bis
library is provided with archives that contain object code modules required for linking
with your application. The transmit and receive data pump code modules are coded in
Assembly language for optimal speed and smallest code size, while the AT, V.42 and
Data Pump APIs are coded in C. Hardware component drivers, such as UART and DCI
for AFE I/O are provided. This library can be readily implemented on the dsPICDEM.net
Connectivity Board.
V.32/V.22/V22bis Soft Modem Library by VOCAL Technologies, LTD
The Soft Modem Library is a collection of data modulations and protocols (V.32, V.22,
V.22bis, V.23, V.21, Bell 103, Bell 212A and Bell 202). This library is provided with
archives that contain object code modules, which link to your application. The data
modulation is coded in C with inline Assembly language optimization for speed and code
size. Hardware component drivers, such as UART and DCI for AFE I/O are provided. This
library can be readily implemented on the dsPICDEM.net Connectivity Board.
Plug and Play with Our Connectivity Libraries
TCP/IP Protocol Stack
MicroNet™ TCP/IP Stack by CMX
Connect to the Internet using proven, professional quality TCP/IP software libraries.
CMX-MicroNet™ is an embedded TCP/IP stack that is specifically designed for optimized
use of Flash and RAM resources on Microchip’s dsPIC30F. The software runs directly on
the processor with no gateways or PCs required. The stack can be run in stand alone
mode or work in conjunction with an RTOS. Using only industry standard protocols, CMX-
MicroNet offers true TCP/IP networking via direct, dial-up or Ethernet connectivity and
wireless Ethernet (802.11b) as well.
Up to 127 sockets can be open at a time. They can be Ethernet sockets and/or PPP or
SLIP sockets. PPP and SLIP cannot be used at the same time. An HTTP web server, FTP
server, SMTP client and DHCP client are also available. The RS-232 link, if used, can
either be a direct cable link or through a modem. This library can be readily implemented
on the dsPICDEM.net™ Connectivity Board.
Microchip Free TCP/IP Stack
The Microchip TCP/IP Stack is now supported on the dsPIC30F product family. This stack
is a suite of programs that provide services for standard TCP/IP-based applications
(HTTP Server, Mail Client, etc.) or it can be used in a custom TCP/IP-based application.
Potential users do not need to know all of the intricacies of the TCP/IP specifications to
use it, and those interested only in the accompanying HTTP Server application need not
have specific knowledge of TCP/IP. This stack is implemented in a modular fashion, with
all of its services creating highly abstracted layers, each layer accessing services from
one or more layers directly below it. The stack is optimized for size and is designed to
run on the dsPIC DSC. While this particular implementation is specifically targeted to run
on the dsPICDEM.net Connectivity Development Board, it can be easily retargeted to any
hardware equipped with a dsPIC30F device. HTML web pages generated by the dsPIC
DSC can be viewed with a standard web browser such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
MicroNet™ TCP/IP Stack by CMX
RFC compliant protocol stack
Supports CMX RTOS
• Ethernet NIC driver
• Small Flash/RAM footprint
• Source code provided
V.32bis/V.22bis by Microchip
Data Pump coded In Assembly for
optimal size and speed
V.32bis (14,400 thru 4800 bps)
V.22bis (2400/1200 bps)
V.42 (LAPM, error correction
V.32/V.22/V.22bis by VOCAL
Technologies, LTD
• VOCALs proven solution on a
• V.32 (9600 and 4800 bps, non-
trellis encoding)
• V.22/V.22bis (2400, 1200 and 600
V.42 (LAPM, error correction
Microchip Free TCP/IP Stack
Out-of-box support for Microchip
C30 compilers
• Utilizes the dsPICDEM Connectivty
Development Board
Implements complete TCP state
Multiple TCP and UDP sockets
with simultaneous connection/
Modules provided: MAC, SLIP,
DHCP, FTP, IP Gleaning, HTTP,
MPFS (Microchip File System)
Use it as a part of HTTP Server
(included) or any custom TCP/IP
based application
RTOS independent
Speech Recognition
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for the dsPIC30F
family can support a wide range of voice-activated
applications such as handset and home appliance control.
A Speech Word Library Builder and a Speech Recognition
Software Library make up the ASR software suite. Key
features of the ASR application software:
Libraries for Speech Applications
Speech Encoding/Decoding Library
This application library performs speech compression and
decompression and is based on a modified open-source
Speex technology. The library features a 16:1 compression
ratio and an 8 kbps data rate. This makes the library a
good choice for digital voice communication, store-and-
playback and playback-only applications. For playback-only
applications, a PC software utility is included which allows
the designer to create encoded speech files for playback.
The input source may be either a microphone of WAV file.
Speech Encoding/Decoding Library features:
8 kHz input sample rate; 8 kbps output data rate
Sorting encoded speech requires 4 Kbytes
Optional voice activity detection
External Flash support for playing back large
speech files
Royalty-free, one time license fee
Speech Recognition Library features:
Speaker independent recognition
PC-based word library builder
Up to 100 word vocabulary (American English)
Supports multiple noise profiles
Suitable for many voice control applications
Noise Suppression Library
This application library suppresses the noise interference in a speech
signal, such as ambient noise picked up by a microphone while
capturing speech. This algorithm is particularly useful for systems
where isolated noise reference is not available—such as hands-free
phones, speakerphones, intercoms and headsets.
The library is written in Assembly language
for maximum optimization of code size and
execution speed. It can be easily integrated in C
or Assembly code. The algorithm handles 0-4 kHz
audio bandwidth (8 kHz sampling of 16-bit speech
data) and provides 10-20 dB noise reduction. The
library also includes some sample rate conversion
functions to support input/output sampling rates
of 9.6 kHz, 11.025 kHz and 12 kHz.
Acoustic Echo Cancellation Library
This library provides a function to eliminate the echo generated in
the acoustic path between a speaker and a microphone, such as
in a speakerphone or an intercom system.
This library is fully compliant with the G.167 standard, supports
cancellation and provides 16, 32 or 64 ms echo delays. It handles
0-4 kHz audio bandwidth (8 kHz sampling of 16-bit speech data)
and provides echo cancellation of 40-50 dB. Written in Assembly
language for optimal code size and execution speed, this library
can be easily integrated in C or Assembly code. The library also
includes some sample rate conversion functions to support input/
output sampling rates of 9.6 kHz, 11.025 kHz and 12 kHz.
Acoustic Echo
User Application
Receive Path
Near End
Near End
Far End
Far End
Send Path
Encryption Libraries
Implement reliable secure applications using the
Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Embedded Encryption
Libraries. Developed for Microchip by NTRU Cryptosystems
Inc., a leader in encryption solutions, these libraries are
both proven and optimized. These library functions can be
easily called by your C or Assembly code.
The algorithms included in these libraries have emerged
as de facto standards for many large scale secure
applications such as web access (SSL/TLS), E-mail
(S-MIME), secure XML transactions and virtual private
networks (IPsec). These algorithms are also recommended
by Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Asymmetric Key Embedded Encryption Library features:
• RSA (1024-bit and 2048-bit modulus)
-- Encyption/decryption
-- Signing/verification
• DSA (1024-bit modulus)
-- Private/public key generation
-- Signing/verification
• Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (1024-bit and 2048-bit modulus)
-- Private/public key generation
-- Shared-key generation
• SHA-1
• MD5
• Random number generator (DRBG X9.82)
Symmetric Key Embedded Encryption Library features:
• 128-bit AES in ECB, CTR, CBC, CBC-MAC and CCM modes
• Triple DES in ECB, CTR, CBC and CBC–MAC modes
• SHA-1
• MD5
• Random number generator (DRBG X9.82)
Motor Control Application Software
The dsPIC30F motor control family of devices is suited for advanced AC Induction Motor (ACIM), Brushless DC (BLDC) and
Switched Reluctance (SR) motor applications. Two advanced applications are currently available that run on the dsPIC30F
Motor Control Development System.
Sensorless BLDC Control
This application note describes a fully-tested sensorless
control algorithm for a 3-phase BLDC motor. Motor current,
motor velocity and bus voltage are regulated in control
loops. A LCD menu interface provides adjustment of all
sensorless motor control parameters. Full documentation
and source code are available for free on the Microchip
web site (Application Note: AN901).
Vector Control of an ACIM
This application note describes a fully-tested vector, or field
oriented, control algorithm for a 3-phase ACIM. The motor
currents, torque and velocity are regulated in control loops.
Full documentation and source code are available for free
on the Microchip web site (Application Note: AN908).
More Application Libraries Ready to Use
Sensored BLDC Motor Control
This application note describes a fully-tested 3-phase
BLDC motor control algorithm with 3 hall-effect sensors.
Code is available with and without a PI speed control loop.
Full documentation and source code are available for free
on the Microchip web site (Application Note: AN957).
$5 Evaluation License for Evaluation and Development
A common issue with software libraries is that in order to evaluate the complete library, you must enter into a
complex and expensive license arrangement. Any Microchip dsPIC DSC library can be licensed for $5.00 for
evaluation and development purposes. These libraries are complete and unchanged from the production libraries,
not reduced function evaluation versions. Evaluation licenses are available from the Microchip web site (http:
//buy.microchip.com). Licenses for production are based on a simple low cost one-time license fee. Production
licenses are available from Microchip or from our authorized distributors.
Introduction of ACIM Control
This application note is an introductory approach to the
methods described in Application Note: AN908. Code is
provided in an example that provides basic variable speed
control of a single or three-phase ACIM. Full documentation
and source code are available for free on the Microchip
web site (Application Note: AN984).
If you need a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) to handle multitasking, we have a
three-tier solution for you.
• CMX-RTX™: full-featured fully preemptive multi-tasking OS
CMX-Tiny+™: fully preemptive scaled-down version of the RTX OS
CMX-Scheduler™: fully preemptive multi-tasking mini OS (FREE)
All three operating systems are fully preemptive and written in Assembly
language optimized for maximum performance. These RTOS products are
developed by CMX and available from Microchip and CMX.
OSEK and CAN Drivers
Vector Informatik GmbH provides automotive operating systems, sometimes labeled
as an OSEK operating system. The Vector Informatik osCAN operating system,
which is based on the OSEK/VDX® standard, provides a multitasking operating
system with optimal features for use on MCUs. This product represents a small,
sturdy operating system kernel.
The companion support for managing the CAN interface drivers on the dsPIC30F
family of products is the CANbedded CAN driver suite from Vector Informatik.
This product consists of a number of adaptive source code modules that cover the
basic communication requirements in automotive applications.
Some of the CAN functions
• Initialize CAN Module
• Set CAN Operational Mode
• Set CAN Baud Rate
• Set CAN Mask
• Set CAN Filter
• Send CAN Message
• Receive CAN Message
• Abort CAN Sequence
• Random Number Generator
• Provide Error Notification
Operating Systems and Communication Drivers
RTOS features:
• Small program memory footprints
• The fastest context switch times
• The lowest interrupt latency times
• True Preemption
Online Resources for Self-paced Learning
Webinar Topic Duration
Introduction to the dsPIC® Digital Signal Controller 20 min
Introduction to Microchip’s Development Tools 25 min
Introduction to dsPIC30F Architecture - Part 1 20 min
Introduction to dsPIC30F Architecture - Part 2 20 min
Introduction to MPLAB® IDE Integrated Development Environment 25 min
Basic dsPIC30F Development Tools 25 min
dsPIC30F Addressing Modes - Part 1 20 min
dsPIC30F Addressing Modes - Part 2 20 min
Introduction to dsPIC30F DSP Engine and ALU 30 min
Introduction to dsPIC30F Interrupts 25 min
dsPIC30F 12-bit ADC Module - Part 1 20 min
dsPIC30F 12-bit ADC Module - Part 2 20 min
dsPIC30F 10-bit ADC Module - Part 1 20 min
dsPIC30F 10-bit ADC Module - Part 2 20 min
Introduction to the MPLAB® VDI Visual Device Initializer 30 min
Serial Communications using the dsPIC30F - Part 1 (UART) 20 min
Serial Communications using the dsPIC30F - Part 2 (SPI™) 20 min
Serial Communications using the dsPIC30F - Part 3 (I²C™) 30 min
Serial Communications using the dsPIC30F - Part 4 (CAN) 30 min
General Purpose Timers 20 min
dsPIC30F Motor Control Peripherals - Part 1 (MCPWM) 20 min
dsPIC30F Motor Control Peripherals - Part 2 (QEI) 20 min
Microchip offers extensive online resources for designers ranging from downloadable documentation to web seminars (webinars)
to online discussion groups. All of these helpful resources are accessible on www.microchip.com/webseminars and are updated
frequently with the most current information on our products and services.
To watch an archived Webinar, you need:
• Windows Media Player v6 or higher
sound card
• Unzipped media files are large
approximately 20 to 50 MB each
• Performance of media files may be
affected by type of video card, amount
of system RAM and CPU speed
Hardware Development Tools
In-Circuit Debugger
The MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger is a powerful,
low-cost development tool. Running under MPLAB
IDE, MPLAB ICD 2 can debug ASM or C source
code, watch and modify variables, single step and
set breakpoints. Key features of the MPLAB ICD 2:
Device Programmer
MPLAB PM3 Device Programmer is a full-featured,
production quality universal device programmer.
Using interchangeable socket modules, the MPLAB
PM3 supports virtually all programmable devices
from Microchip. MPLAB PM3 has improved
programming time for many devices and offers
built-in interface for robust In-Circuit Serial
Programming™ (ICSP™).
If you already own a PRO MATE® II Device
Programmer, the dsPIC30F family is supported on
the PRO MATE II Device Programmer through a
new set of socket modules.
In-Circuit Emulator
The powerful, full-featured real-time MPLAB ICE 4000
In-Circuit Emulator is capable of debugging the most
demanding real-time systems. Key features of the
MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit Emulator:
Full-speed, real-time emulation
Supports full dsPIC DSC supply voltage range
64K deep by 216-bit wide trace memory
Unlimited breakpoints
Complex break, trace and trigger logic
Multi-level trigger up to four levels
48-bit time stamp
USB connection to PC
• Stopwatch
• Full speed operation
• USB or serial port connection to PC
• Supports full dsPIC DSC supply voltage range
• Can be used as an inexpensive programmer
• Smart watch variable windows
• Advanced breakpoint features
Hardware Development Boards: Jump-start Your Design
A variety of hardware development boards are available for the dsPIC30F, enabling you to shorten your design cycle. These
boards are designed to allow easy plug-in of an MPLAB ICD 2 or an MPLAB ICE 4000 emulator.
dsPICDEM™ Starter Development Board
This Development Board offers a very economical way to evaluate
the dsPIC30F General Purpose Family devices. Key features of the
dsPICDEM Starter Development Board:
• Includes a 64-pin dsPIC30F6012 plug-in module (MA300012)
• Power input from 9V supply
• LEDs, switches, potentiometer, UART interface
• A/D input filter circuit for speech-band signal input
• On-board DAC and filter for speech-band signal output
• Circuit prototyping area
• Assembly language demonstration program and tutorial
dsPICDEM 28-Pin Starter Development Board
This Development Board provides an economical solution to get
started with 28-pin dsPIC30F devices, including Motor Control, Sensor
and Power Conversion Families. Key features of the dsPICDEM 28-Pin
Starter Development Board:
• Includes a 28-pin dsPIC30F2010 device
• Power input from 9V power supply
• UART interface
• Header for access to all device I/O pins
• Circuit prototyping area
• Assembly language demonstration program and tutorial
Motor Control Development System
The Motor Control Development System provides you with a method for quick prototyping and validation of BLDC, SR,
PMAC, ACIM and UPS applications. The system consists of the dsPICDEM MC1 Motor Control Development Board and one
of two optional power modules. The dsPICDEM MC1H 3-Phase High-Voltage Power Module (DM300021) supports AC line-
powered applications, while the dsPICDEM
MC1L 3-Phase Low-Voltage Power Module
(DM300022) supports DC-powered
applications up to 48V. Some key features of
the Motor Control Development System:
• Heat sink for ambient cooling of power
• Full automatic protection of power circuits
• Electrical isolation from power circuits
• Many options for motor feedback signals
• MPLAB ICD 2 and MPLAB ICE 4000
emulator support
DM300021/22 DM300020
Note: Power module shown with dsPICDEM
MC1 Development Board DM300020
Advanced Development Boards: Complex Designs Made Simple
dsPICDEM.net™ Connectivity Development Boards
Key features of the dsPICDEM.net Connectivity Development Boards are:
• Includes a dsPIC30F6014 plug-in module (MA300011)
• 10-Base T Ethernet MAC and PHY interface
• PSTN interface with DAA/AFE chipset
• Serial communication channels (UART and CAN)
• External EEPROM memory for storing constants
• External 64K x 16 SRAM memory
• General purpose prototyping area and expansion header
LEDs, switches, potentiometers and temperature sensor
• 2 x 16 LCD display
• MPLAB ICD 2 and MPLAB ICE 4000 emulator support
• dsPICDEM.net 1 (DM300004-1)
• Support for FCC/JATE PSTN countries
• dsPICDEM.net 2 (DM300004-2)
• Support for CTR-21 PSTN countries
dsPICDEM 1.1 General Purpose Development Board
Key features of the dsPICDEM General Purpose Development Board are:
• Includes a dsPIC30F6014 plug-in module (MA300011)
• Serial communication channels (two UART, SPI, CAN)
• Si3000 codec with MIC IN/speaker OUT
General purpose prototyping area and expansion header
• 122 x 32 dot addressable LCD
• Digital potentiometer for DAC capability
LEDs, switches, potentiometers and temperature sensor
• MPLAB ICD 2 and MPLAB ICE 4000 emulator support
Includes a dsPIC30F6010 plug-in module
(1) List price may change without notice.
Development Tool Product Name Description Part# Available From List Price (1)
MPLAB® IDE Integrated Development Environment SW007002 Microchip Free
MPLAB® ASM30 Assembler (included in MPLAB® IDE) SW007002 Microchip Free
MPLAB® SIM Software Simulator (included in MPLAB® IDE) SW007002 Microchip Free
MPLAB® VDI Visual Device Initializer for dsPIC30F (included in MPLAB® IDE) Microchip Free
C Compilers
MPLAB® C30 ANSI C Compiler, Assembler, Linker and Librarian SW006012 Microchip $895
Embedded Workbench for
ISO/ANSI C and Embedded C++ compiler in a professional, extensible IDE
(Windows® NT/2000/Windows XP®) Special DSP support included. EWdsPIC 1 IAR Contact Vendor
C compiler ANSI C compiler for dsPIC30F dsPICC HI-TECH $950
Software Development Tools
Hardware Development Tools
Development Tool Description Part# Available From List Price(1)
General Purpose Development Board dsPICDEM™ 1.1 Development Board for 80L TQFP devices DM300014 Microchip $299
Starter Development Boards dsPICDEM™ 64-pin Starter Development Board DM300016 Microchip $79
dsPICDEM™ 28-pin Starter Development Board DM300017 Microchip $79
Motor Control Development Boards
dsPICDEM™ MC1 Motor Control Development Board DM300020 Microchip $300
dsPICDEM™ MC1H 3-Phase High Voltage Power Module DM300021 Microchip $800
3-Phase ACIM High Voltage Motor (208/460V) AC300021 Microchip $120
dsPICDEM™ MC1L 3-Phase Low Voltage Power Module DM300022 Microchip $700
3-Phase BLDC Low Voltage Motor (24V) AC300020 Microchip $120
Connectivity Development Boards dsPICDEM.net™ 1 with FCC/JATE-compliant and Ethernet NIC support DM300004-1 Microchip $389
dsPICDEM.net™ 2 with CTR-21-compliant and Ethernet NIC support DM300004-2 Microchip $389
Development Boards and Reference Designs
Development Tool Description Part# Available From List Price(1)
Plug-in Modules
PC board with 80-pin dsPIC30F6014 general purpose MCU sample; use with DM300004-1, DM300004-2 and DM30014
Development Boards MA300011 Microchip $25
PC board with 64-pin dsPIC30F6012 general purpose MCU sample; use with DM300016 Development Board MA300012 Microchip $25
PC board with 80-pin dsPIC30F6010 motor control MCU sample; use with DM300020 Development Board MA300013 Microchip $25
Development Tool Description Part# Available From List Price (1)
In-Circuit Debugger and Device Programmer DV164005 Microchip $159
In-Circuit Debugger and Device Programmer with dsPICDEM™ Starter Demo Board DV164030 Microchip $209
In-Circuit Debugger and Device Programmer with dsPICDEM™ 1.1 General Purpose Board DV164032 Microchip $399
In-Circuit Emulator Pod ICE4000 Microchip $2560
Processor Module for dsPIC30F PMF30XA1 Microchip $595
Device Adapter for 80L/64L TQFP Devices DAF30-2 Microchip $295
Device Adapter for 44L TQFP Devices DAF30-3 Microchip $225
Device Adapter for 44L/40L/28L/18L DIP and SOIC Devices (ML and MM) DAF30-4 Microchip $225
Transition Socket for 18L SOIC XLT18SO Microchip $75
Transition Socket for 18L DIP ACICE0202 Microchip $20
Transition Socket for 28L SOIC XLT28SO Microchip $75
Transition Socket for 28L DIP ACICE0204 Microchip $30
Transition Socket for 28L ML/MM XLT28QFN3 or XLT28QFN4 Microchip $175
Transition Socket for 40L DIP ACICE0206 Microchip $40
Transition Socket for 44L ML XLT44QFN2 Microchip $175
Transition Socket for 44L TQFP XLT44PT or XLT44PT3 Microchip $125
Transition Socket for 64L TQFP (PF Package) XLT64PT3 or XLT64PT4 Microchip $125
Transition Socket for 64L TQFP (PT Package) XLT64PT2 or XLT64PT5 Microchip $125
Transition Socket for 80L TQFP (PF Package) XLT80PT2 Microchip $125
Transition Socket for 80L TQFP (PT Package) XLT80PT or XLT80PT3 Microchip $125
Full Featured Device Programmer, Base Unit DV007003 Microchip $695
Socket Module for 18L DIP/SOIC Devices AC30F005 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 28L DIP/SOIC Devices AC30F004 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 40L DIP Devices AC30F003 Microchip $159
Socket Module for 44L TQFP Devices AC30F006 Microchip $159
Socket Module for 64L TQFP Devices (PF Package) AC30F002 Microchip $159
Socket Module for 64L TQFP Devices (PT Package) AC30F008 Microchip $159
Socket Module for 80L TQFP Devices (PF Package) AC30F001 Microchip $159
Socket Module for 80L TQFP Devices (PT Package) AC30F007 Microchip $159
Full Featured Device Programmer, Base Unit DV007004 Microchip $895
Socket Module for 18L/28L/40L DIP Devices AC164301 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 16L(.150)/28L(.300) SOIC Devices AC164302 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 28L ML Devices AC164322 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 44L ML Devices AC1643 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 44L TQFP Devices AC164305 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 64L TQFP Devices (PF Package) AC164313 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 64L TQFP Devices (PT Package) AC164319 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 80L TQFP Devices (PF Package) AC164314 Microchip $189
Socket Module for 80L TQFP Devices (PT Package) AC164320 Microchip $189
Plug-in Modules for Development Boards
A Plug-in Module (PIM) is a daughter board with a dsPIC30F device soldered on top and header socket strips on the bottom. The PIMs use the device header pins,
on the dsPIC DSC development boards, which also support the MPLAB ICE 4000 emulator device adapters. This method allows for easy swapping of devices onto
the various development boards, without having to unsolder and resolder parts.
Software Libraries and Application Development Tools
Document Type Document Title Document Number
dsPIC30F High Performance 16-bit Digital Signal Controller Family Overview DS70043
dsPIC30F Data Sheet, General Purpose and Sensor Families DS70083
dsPIC30F Data Sheet, Motor Control and Power Conversion Family DS70082
Data Sheets
dsPIC30F2010 Data Sheet DS70118
dsPIC30F2011, dsPIC30F2012, dsPIC30F3012, dsPIC30F3013 Data Sheet DS70139
dsPIC30F3010, dsPIC30F3011 Data Sheet DS70141
dsPIC30F3014, dsPIC30F4013 Data Sheet DS70138
dsPIC30F4011, dsPIC30F4012 Data Sheet DS70135
dsPIC30F5011, dsPIC30F5013 Data Sheet DS70116
dsPIC30F6010 Data Sheet DS70119
dsPIC30F6011, dsPIC30F6012, dsPIC30F6013, dsPIC30F6014 Data Sheet DS70117
Reference Manuals dsPIC30F Programmer’s Reference Manual DS70030
dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual DS70046
Application Notes
AN901- Using the dsPIC30F for Sensorless BLDC Control DS00901
AN908 - Using the dsPIC30F for Vector Control of an AC Induction Motor DS00908
AN957 - Sensored BLDC Motor Control Using dsPIC30F2010 DS00957
AN962 - Implementing Auto Baud on dsPIC30F Devices DS00962
AN984 - An Introduction to AC Induction Motor Control Using the dsPIC30F DS00984
Technical CD dsPIC30F Technical CD-ROM (contains all of the above) DS70084
Company Phone E-mail Web Site
CMX Systems, Inc. +1 904 880 1840 cmx@cmx.com www.cmx.com
HI-TECH Software +61 7 3552 777 hitech@htsoft.com www.htsoft.com
IAR +46 18 16 78 00 info@iar.se www.iar.se
Vector Informatik GmbH +49 711 80670 0 info@vector-informatik.com www.vector-informatik.com
VOCAL Technologies, LTD +1 716 688 4675 sales@vocal.com www.vocal.com
Third Party Contact Information
Development Tool Description Part# Available From List Price(1)
dsPIC30F Math Library Basic and Floating Point Library (ASM, C Wrapper) SW300020 Microchip Free
dsPIC30F Peripheral Library Peripheral Initialization, Control and Utility Routines (C) SW300021 Microchip Free
dsPIC30F DSP Library Essential DSP algorithm suite (Filters, FFT) SW300022 Microchip Free
dsPICworks™ Data Analysis and DSP Software SW300023 Microchip Free
Digital Filter Design Graphical IIR and FIR filter design package for dsPIC30F SW300001 Microchip $249
Digital Filter Design Lite Graphical IIR and FIR filter design package for dsPIC30F SW300001-LT Microchip $29
CMX-Tiny+™ for dsPIC® DSC Preemptive Real-time Operating System (RTOS) for dsPIC30F (from CMX) CMX-Tiny+ for dsPIC30F CMX $3000
Preemptive Real-time Operating System (RTOS) for dsPIC30F SW300032 Microchip $3000
CMX-RTX™ for dsPIC® DSC Fully preemptive Real-time Operating System (RTOS) for dsPIC30F (from CMX) CMX-RTX for dsPIC30F CMX $4000
Fully preemptive Real-time Operating System (RTOS) for dsPIC30F SW300031 Microchip $4000
CMX Scheduler™ Multi-tasking, preemptive scheduler for dsPIC30F SW300030 CMX Free
Symmetric Key Embedded Encryption
Security encryption software support for AES, triple-DES, SHA-1, RNG and MD5 SW300050 - 5K* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of security encryption software support for AES, triple-DES, SHA-1,
RNG and MD5 SW300050-EVAL Microchip $5
Asymmetric Key Embedded Encryption
Security encryption software support for RSA, DSA, Diffe Hellman, SHA-1, RNG
and MD5 SW300055 - 5K* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of security encryption software support for RSA, DSA, Diffe
Hellman, SHA-1, RNG and MD5 SW300055-EVAL Microchip $5
Noise Suppression Library Function to suppress noise interference in speech signals SW300040 - 5K* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of function to suppress noise interference in speech signals SW300040-EVAL Microchip $5
Acoustic Echo Cancellation Library
Function to eliminate echo generated from a speaker to a microphone SW300060 - 5K* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of function to eliminate echo generated from a speaker to a
microphone SW300060-EVAL Microchip $5
Acoustic Accessory Kit Accessory Kit (includes: audio cable, headset, oscillators, microphone, speaker,
DB9 M/F RS-232 cable, DB9M-DB9M Null Modem Adapter) AC300030 Microchip $87.50
TCP/IP Library TCP/IP connectivity and protocol support CMX-MicroNet for dsPIC30F CMX Contact Vendor
TCP/IP connectivity and protocol support SW300024 Microchip Free
Soft Modem Library
V.22bis/V.22 Soft Modem Library SW300002 Microchip Free
V.32bis Soft Modem Library SW300003* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of V.32bis Soft Modem Library SW300003-EVAL Microchip $5
V.32 (non-trellis) Soft Modem Library VOCAL
Technologies, LTD Contact Vendor
Speech Recognition System
Automatic speech recognition system including a PC-based speech training sub-
system and a speech recognizer software library SW300010 - 5K* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of automatic speech recognition system including a PC-based
speech training sub-system and a speech recognizer software library SW300010-EVAL Microchip $5
Speech Encoding/Decoding Library
Speech library to preform speech compression and decompression SW300070 - 5K* Microchip $2500
Evaluation copy of speech library to preform speech compression and
decompression SW300070-EVAL Microchip $5
CANbedded for dsPIC® DSC CAN Driver Library for dsPIC30F Vector Informatik Contact Vendor
osCAN for dsPIC® DSC OSEK/VDX v2.2 Vector Informatik Contact Vendor
(1) List price may change without notice
* To license for production quantities greater than 5000 pieces for a project’s lifetime—contact Microchip.
(2) Note that all the latest revisions of these documents are always available from the Microchip web site.
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Printed in the U.S.A. DS70095H 3/05
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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