Digital Stroboscope/Tachometer Model DT-725 SHIMPO Instruction Manual Operational Precautions # Do nol operate or store instrument in the following places Explosive areas Near walter. oil, dust or chemicals Areas where temperature is above 14F (40C). Do not look at the emitted light for long periods of time; it can be harmful to the eyes Do not disassemble or repair unit while in operation. = To mount the strobe on a tripod (or any other mounting surface), use screw L/4 - 20une, length &mim or shorter, for the tnpod screw hole on the bottorn Features Setter The setter changes the flashing rate. Turn CW to increase the rate, turn CCW to decrease rate, x2 Switch Pressing "x2" will double and display the flashing rate 1/2 Switch Pressing the display it. Plus (+) Switch When object appears to be standing still, pressing "+ V/2" will divide flashing rate by two and will give the illusion that the object is moving towards the Opposite direciion of rotation. This action inereases the rate slightly (phase shift) and is used to place the object in desired position Minus (-) Switch When object appears to be standing still, pressing ' will give the illusion that the object is moving towards the rotating direction. This action decreases the rate slightly (phase shif) and is used for the same reason as above. Input and Output Connectors Phonejack (3.5 mm) Tip: Signal Sleeve: GND Power switch with lock option