SFR151 – SFR157 7-3 © 1999 Won-Top Electronics
SFR151 – SFR157
! Diffused Junction
! Low Forward Voltage Drop
! High Current Capability A B A
! High Reliability
! High Surge Current Capability
Mechanical Data C
! Case: Molded Plastic D
! Terminals: Plated Leads Solderable per
MIL-STD- 202, Met hod 208
! Polarity: Cathode Band
! Weight: 0.40 grams (approx.)
! Mounting Position: Any
! Marking: Type Number
Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics @TA=25°C unless otherwise specified
Single Phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.
For capacitive load, derat e current by 20%.
Characteristic Symbol SFR151 SFR152 SFR153 SFR154 SFR155 SFR156 SFR157 Unit
Peak Repetit i ve Revers e Voltage
Working Peak Reverse Voltage
DC Blocking Voltage
VR50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 V
RMS Reverse Voltage VR(RMS) 35 70 140 280 420 560 700 V
Average Rectified Output Current
(Note 1) @T
A = 55°C IO1.5 A
Non-Repetiti ve P eak Forward Surge Current
8.3ms Si ngl e half sine-wave superimposed on
rated load (JEDE C Method) IFSM 50 A
Forward Voltage @IF = 1.5A VFM 1.2 V
Peak Reverse Current @TA = 25°C
At Rated DC Blocki ng Voltage @TA = 100°C IRM 5.0
100 µA
Reverse Recovery Time (Note 2) trr 120 200 350 nS
Typi cal Junction Capacitance (Note 3) Cj30 pF
Operating Temperature Range Tj-65 to +125 °C
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to +150 °C
*Glass passivated forms are available upon request
Note: 1. Leads maintained at ambient temperat ure at a distanc e of 9.5mm from the case
2. Measured with IF = 0.5A, IR = 1.0A, IRR = 0.25A. See figure 5.
3. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse volt age of 4.0V D.C.
Dim Min Max
A25.4 —
B5.50 7.62
C0.71 0.864
D2.60 3.60
All Dimensions in mm